Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with William R. Haley, February 1, 1980

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:06 - John Sherman Cooper and civil rights

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Partial Transcript: I think we--when we talked last we got into some details on the Gulf of Tonkin incident...

Segment Synopsis: Haley briefly talks of Cooper's overall position on civil rights during the 1960s.

Keywords: Civil rights bills; Congress; Filibusters; John Sherman Cooper; National interest; National will; Resolutions; Rules; Senate; Senate Committee on Rules & Administration; Senators

Subjects: African Americans; African Americans--Segregation; African Americans--Social conditions.; Civil rights; Civil rights movement; Cloture; Politicians; Race discrimination.; United States; United States--Race relations.; Voting

00:04:43 - Cooper and Thruston Morton / Cooper and Marlow Cook

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Partial Transcript: Let's go back then and talk about 1968 when, uh, Senator Morton chose not to run for re-election.

Segment Synopsis: Haley discusses the working relationship between Cooper and Kentucky politicians Thruston Morton and Marlow Webster Cook.

Keywords: John Sherman Cooper; Marlow Webster Cook; Personal relationships; Republicans; Senate; Senate Commerce Committee; Senate Judiciary Committee; Thruston Morton

Subjects: Careers; Cook, Marlow W. (Marlow Webster), 1926-; Kentuckians; Kentucky; Morton, Thruston Ballard, 1907-1982; Politicians; Washington (D.C.)

00:07:55 - Haynsworth Supreme Court nomination / Carswell Supreme Court nomination

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Partial Transcript: One of the things he got involved was the, um, Haynsworth nomination for the Supreme Court.

Segment Synopsis: Haley explains Cooper's position on the nominations of both Clement Haynsworth and G. Harrold Carswell to the Supreme Court.

Keywords: Circuit Court; Clement Haynsworth; Country clubs; Court; Federal Circuit Court; Financial holdings; Florida politics; G. Harrold Carswell; Investments; J.P. Stevens; JP Stevens Textile Corporation; John Sherman Cooper; Judges; Lawyers; Nominations; Nominees; Personal interest; Qualifications; Representatives; Senate Judiciary Committee; Senate approval; Southern judges; Supreme Court; The South; Votes

Subjects: Administration; American Bar Association; Business; Careers; Politicians; Stocks; Testimony; United States

00:17:54 - Fortas Supreme Court nomination

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Partial Transcript: Well, I think you also keep in mind that, uh, on the, uh, Fortas nomination...

Segment Synopsis: Haley talks of Cooper's opinions on the nomination of Abe Fortas to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Keywords: Abe Fortas; Chief justices; Courts; Debates; Filibusters; John Sherman Cooper; Johnson administration; Lyndon B. Johnson; Nominations; Qualifications; Relationships; Robert Griffin; Votes

Subjects: Administration; Michigan; Politicians; United States. Supreme Court.

00:22:21 - Tobacco / 1966 re-election campaign

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Partial Transcript: The main things that were going on during this period, uh, uh, of course you have the tobacco legislation...

Segment Synopsis: Haley briefly talks of Cooper's stance on tobacco. Haley then talks of his role in Cooper's 1966 re-election campaign as well as the overall strategy of the campaign.

Keywords: Bailey Guard; Congressman; Elections; John Sherman Cooper; John Y. Brown Sr.; Kentucky issues; Minority counsel; National issues; Political campaigns; Re-election; Senate; Senate Public Works Committee

Subjects: Agriculture; Business; Kentuckians; Kentucky; Politicians; Retirement; Speeches; Tobacco; Views; Washington (D.C.)

00:28:56 - Cooper's reasons for not seeking re-election

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When do you think he made the decision that he wasn't going to run again? Did he ever discuss that with you?

Segment Synopsis: Haley considers why Cooper decided not to run for re-election to the Senate in 1972.

Keywords: Chamber of Commerce; Committee work; Constituents; Day-to-day work; John Sherman Cooper; National issues; Political offices; Schedules; Senate floor; Senators

Subjects: Careers; Debates; Kentucky; Politicians; Travel; Washington (D.C.)

00:36:05 - Pressure for Cooper to run for governor / Kentucky politics

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Of course there was a lot of talk in '71, and there was always talk in Kentucky about Senator Cooper coming back and running for governor--[phone rings]--

Segment Synopsis: Haley details the pressure on Cooper by Kentucky Republicans to get him to run for governor. Haley provides an overview of Kentucky politics and how Cooper was able to garner the support of a diverse coalition of Kentuckians over the years.

Keywords: 1964 Republican National Convention; Barry Goldwater; Congressman; Friends; Gene Snyder; John Sherman Cooper; Kentucky Republicans; Kentucky delegation; Kentucky politics; Louisville Courier-Journal; Nelson Rockefeller; Nominations; Political campaigns; Political candidates; Political groups; Political parties; Political philosophy; Political platforms; Republicans; Senators

Subjects: Business; Careers; Conservative; Indiana; Kentuckians; Kentucky; Liberal; Louisville (Ky.); Ohio; Politicians; Speeches