Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with A. D. Albright, November 7, 1989

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:00 - Foundation of Northern Kentucky University / Short-term and long-term complications

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Partial Transcript: --do a little work here this morning. We're, uh, still finishing up the years at, uh, Northern and when we, uh--at the end of the interview last week, you mentioned, uh, uh, the, uh, issue of, uh, where Northern Kentucky was located in Highland Heights and the, uh, what was involved in--in that decision of moving out from, basically Covington...

Segment Synopsis: In this segment, Birdwhistell and Albright discuss the beginnings of the founding of Northern Kentucky University. Albright explains the various ideas that were proposed at the time, including the possible acquirement of Thomas More College in Kenton County. Albright explains that the college worked hard to keep all of their students, and provide the programs that they needed to be successful. When they succeeded in this mission, they knew that their hard work had paid off.

Keywords: A.D. Albright; Arnold D. Albright; Arnold Dewald Albright; Assumption planning; Boone County (Ky.); Campbell County (Ky.); Covington (Ky.); Dr. A.D. Albright; Dr. Arnold D. Albright; Dr. Arnold Dewald Albright; Enthusiasm; Kenton County (Ky.); Northern Kentucky; Northern Kentucky University; Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights (Ky.); Persistence; Political leaders; Strategic planning; Thomas More College; Thomas More University; Thomas More University, Crestview Hills (Ky.)

Subjects: Campbell County (Ky.); Campus planning.; College administrators; College campuses.; College facilities.; College presidents; Education, Higher--Kentucky; Highland Heights (Ky.); Northern Kentucky University; Strategic planning.; Universities and colleges--Administration.; Universities and colleges.

00:08:58 - University planning process--Prioritization

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Partial Transcript: Of course, UK now has a planning process, never had one before, Dr. Albright. You know that of course.

Segment Synopsis: Albright and Birdwhistell discuss the nuances involved in university planning, particularly what emphases and priorities you have to decide on. Birdwhistell asks Albright if building a sports arena was a priority for the university. Albright explains why building an arena wasn't a priority, let alone building a larger than necessary one. Albright mentions that the construction of other university buildings had priority over a new arena. Albright talks about the difficulties in obtaining funding for the augmentation of university libraries in comparison to an arena and how construction of the arena shouldn't be under the guise of higher education. Albright believes that the development of the university itself comes before the development of its athletics.

Keywords: A.D. Albright; Administration; Arena construction; Arenas; Arnold D. Albright; Arnold Dewald Albright; Athletics; Campbell County (Ky.); Development; Dr. A.D. Albright; Dr. Arnold D. Albright; Dr. Arnold Dewald Albright; Educational emphases; Funding; Leadership; Northern Kentucky; Northern Kentucky University; Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights (Ky.); Opportunities; Planning processes; Prioritization; Program development; Program planning; Sports arenas; University arenas; University buildings; University development; University of Kentucky; University planning; University planning process

Subjects: Administration.; Athletics.; Basketball--Tournaments.; Basketball.; Campbell County (Ky.); Campus planning.; College administrators; College campuses.; College facilities.; College presidents; College sports.; Education, Higher--Kentucky; Highland Heights (Ky.); Northern Kentucky University; Priority academic student skills; Programs; Universities and colleges--Administration.; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:21:24 - Albright's evolution of self and outlook

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Partial Transcript: Well that raises a question in my mind that--that I wanted to ask you.

Segment Synopsis: Albright talks about how his experience as president of Northern Kentucky University changed him as a person. He talks about his decision-making, building confidence in the university, and adapting to the new situations. He talks about the importance of the academic aspects of a university, and discusses the importance of salaries at regional universities.

Keywords: A.D. Albright; Administration; Arnold D. Albright; Arnold Dewald Albright; Campbell County (Ky.); Dr. A.D. Albright; Dr. Arnold D. Albright; Dr. Arnold Dewald Albright; Northern Kentucky; Northern Kentucky University; Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights (Ky.); Outlook; Perceptions; Self-perception

Subjects: Administration.; Campbell County (Ky.); Campus planning.; College administrators; College campuses.; College facilities.; College presidents; Education, Higher--Kentucky; Highland Heights (Ky.); Northern Kentucky University; Universities and colleges--Administration.; Universities and colleges.

00:31:02 - Northern Kentucky University as a distinctive rather than regional institution

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Partial Transcript: Did--did you ever manage to get your name on the directory outside your office?

Segment Synopsis: Albright describes the issues that faced NKU and the surrounding community and wanting to give NKU a vision of its future. Birdwhistell asks Albright if he has the impression that NKU is on course to become one of the most respected institutions in the state. Albright explains that he doesn't think that he and others set out to make NKU a regional institution, but to build a distinctive institution. Albright describes the issue with the law school at NKU and the question over whether to get rid of it or to keep it as good as possible. Albright uses this example to discuss how the viability of programs and their existence is up to a university president.

Keywords: A.D. Albright; Administration; Arnold D. Albright; Arnold Dewald Albright; Campbell County (Ky.); Community interaction; Community involvement; Community issues; Community outlook; Dr. A.D. Albright; Dr. Arnold D. Albright; Dr. Arnold Dewald Albright; Law schools; Northern Kentucky; Northern Kentucky University; Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights (Ky.); Outlook; Perceptions; Programs

Subjects: Administration.; Campbell County (Ky.); Campus planning.; College administrators; College campuses.; College facilities.; College presidents; Education, Higher--Kentucky; Highland Heights (Ky.); Law schools.; Northern Kentucky University; Universities and colleges--Administration.; Universities and colleges.

00:47:03 - Chase Law School's effects on the reputation of Northern Kentucky University

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Partial Transcript: Okay, then that--that raises a question, uh, and I, you know, I--I'm on some pretty, uh, thin ice here. I don't know exactly the details on this, but the perc--let's talk about perceptions for a moment, that you decided to keep the law school at Northern, but the, uh, Chase Law School is always viewed, uh, as the third of the three.

Segment Synopsis: Albright discusses the law school and how it is perceived by potential students. He explains what the situation was like when deciding whether or not to keep the law school and his thoughts about the decision now when he looks back on it. Albright also discusses the closure of the dental school as a comparison.

Keywords: A.D. Albright; Administration; Arnold D. Albright; Arnold Dewald Albright; Campbell County (Ky.); Dr. A.D. Albright; Dr. Arnold D. Albright; Dr. Arnold Dewald Albright; Law schools; Northern Kentucky; Northern Kentucky University; Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights (Ky.); Outlook; Perceptions; Prestige; Programs

Subjects: Administration.; Campbell County (Ky.); Campus planning.; College administrators; College campuses.; College facilities.; College presidents; Education, Higher--Kentucky; Highland Heights (Ky.); Law schools.; Northern Kentucky University; Universities and colleges--Administration.; Universities and colleges.

01:05:07 - Cultural education / Viable undergraduate programs

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Partial Transcript: Well I--I've run on to a, certainly a innovative, maybe novel, um, thing just recently.

Segment Synopsis: Albright and Birdwhistell discuss cultural education in universities. Albright talks about how universities have traditionally relied upon linguistics to teach culture, but this policy has not been successful. Albright utilizes the example of a Japanese school to illustrate how culture should be taught in a university setting. Albright also describes how university undergraduate programs can be made viable in the modern day.

Keywords: A.D. Albright; Administration; Arnold D. Albright; Arnold Dewald Albright; Campbell County (Ky.); Cultural education; Dr. A.D. Albright; Dr. Arnold D. Albright; Dr. Arnold Dewald Albright; German education; Japanese education; Language policies; Linguistics; Northern Kentucky; Northern Kentucky University; Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights (Ky.); Outlook; Perceptions; Programs; Undergraduate programs

Subjects: Administration.; Campbell County (Ky.); Campus planning.; College administrators; College campuses.; College facilities.; College presidents; Education & culture; Education, Higher--Kentucky; Highland Heights (Ky.); Linguistics.; Northern Kentucky University; Undergraduates; Universities and colleges--Administration.; Universities and colleges.