Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Annie Ruth Halcomb, July 31, 1991

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:01 - Childhood and parenting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is an interview with Mrs. Annie Ruth Halcomb on July 31st, 1991, and the interviewer is Elizabeth Albert.

Segment Synopsis: Halcomb talks about the chores she had her son do. She talks about her son's education and his decision to drop out of college to work. She talks about her opinions on the way she was raised and how children today are raised.

Keywords: Animals; Childhood; Chores; Coal mines; College; Future; Gardening; High school; Money; Nature; Plans; Post offices; Sons; Working

Subjects: Childhood; Families.; Family farms; Parenting

00:11:08 - Family relationships / childhood chores and games

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When you, you were talking about--last time we talked, you were talking about all the chores you did, and your brothers and sisters.

Segment Synopsis: Halcomb talks about her parents and her relationship with them. She talks about the different chores she and her siblings did. She talks about the games that they played and the things they did with their free time. She talks about helping out in the family business, even after getting married.

Keywords: Chores; Cleaning; Differences; Fathers; Housework; Mothers; Parents; Relationships; Siblings; Washing machines; Working

Subjects: Childhood; Families.; Family farms; Recreation

00:23:39 - Raising crops and animals

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I'm interested in--you, you really--you had a small garden while you were working at the post office.

Segment Synopsis: Halcomb talks about raising corn, hay, and poultry. She talks about some of the other livestock that they used to have. She talks about selling hay and eggs.

Keywords: Animals; Birds; Cattle; Chickens; Corn; Ducks; Gardens; Gathering; Harvesting; Hay; Hogs; Milk cows; Peacocks; Poultry; Retirement; Selling; Tractors

Subjects: Agriculture--Kentucky; Gardening--Appalachian Region; Livestock

00:35:44 - Working in the garden / farming machinery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So it sounds like the birds are mostly what you're interested in.

Segment Synopsis: Halcomb talks about her husband working in the garden and the machinery that he uses.

Keywords: Chickens; Gardens; Heart problems; Husband; Machinery; Mowing machines; Planting; Sickness; Tillers; Tractors; Vegetables; Weeds; Work; Working

Subjects: Agriculture--Kentucky; Farm equipment; Farms, small

00:43:15 - Fertilizer and pesticide

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You said, um, you have a sprayer.

Segment Synopsis: Halcomb talks about using fertilizer and pesticides. She talks about using manure as fertilizer and baking soda as pesticide.

Keywords: Baking soda; Cabbage; Corn; Fertilizer; Gardens; Manure; Peacocks; Planting; Spray

Subjects: Agriculture--Kentucky; Family farms; Farms, small; Pesticides

00:51:42 - Family reunions / son's education, work, and marriage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you have, uh, family reunions at all, or any, any family get-togethers, or?

Segment Synopsis: Halcomb talks about having family reunions and how difficult it is for them to get to family events. She talks about raising her son, and his education. She talks about him dropping out of college to work and get married.

Keywords: College; Family reunion; Future; Husband; Marriage; Sons; Wife; Working

Subjects: Education, Higher; Families.; Parenting