Partial Transcript: It is April the 14th, 1994 and I'm speaking with James Park, Jr., former judge of the Kentucky Court of Appeals?
Segment Synopsis: Park Jr. recalls how his father met Cooper through his involvement in Kentucky Republican politics and his legal career.
Keywords: 1944 Senate race; Board of Trustees; Commonwealth's Attorney; Great Depression; John Sherman Cooper; Kentucky Republican Party Chairman; Law firms; Law practice; Political nominations; Politics; Republicans; Richard C. Stoll
Subjects: Depressions--1929; Fathers; Kentuckians; Kentucky; Kentucky. Court of Appeals; Lawyers; Letters; Lexington (Ky.); Politicians; Somerset (Ky.); Travel; University of Kentucky
Partial Transcript: What's your recollection of his relationship with John Cooper?
Segment Synopsis: Park Jr. details his father's close association with Cooper, especially during Cooper's early political career. Park Jr. also briefly talks of his recollections of King Swope.
Keywords: 1939 Kentucky Republican gubernatorial primary; 1939 gubernatorial campaign; Albert "Happy" Chandler; Board of Trustees; Campaign managers; County judges; Influence; John Sherman Cooper; King Swope; Political nominations; Republican Party; Republicans; Sisters
Subjects: Character; Elections; Fathers; Fayette County (Ky.); Kentuckians; Kentucky; Lawyers; Politicians; Reputation; Speeches; University of Kentucky
Partial Transcript: '46 Cooper came back--was back in the country from the war and ran for the Senate. . .
Segment Synopsis: Park Jr. briefly remembers Cooper's 1948 Senatorial campaign. Park Jr. also characterizes Cooper's sincere campaign style and authentic nature on the campaign trail.
Keywords: 1946 Senatorial campaign; 1948 Senatorial campaign; Alben Barkley; Attitudes; Campaign trail; Credibility; Ed Prichard; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Harry Truman; John Sherman Cooper; John Y. Brown Sr.; Kentucky Republican Party Chairman; Political campaigns; Political candidates; Political nominations; Politics; Republicans; Senate; Senators; Thomas Dewey; Thruston Morton; Trials; Younger Republicans
Subjects: Elections; Fathers; Kentuckians; Kentucky; Opportunity; Personality; Politicians; Sincerity; Trust; Washington (D.C.)
Partial Transcript: Then Barkley died in April of--at the end of April '56. . .
Segment Synopsis: Park Jr. describes the circumstances behind Cooper's rather sudden decision to run for the Senate in 1956. Park Jr. discusses his father's almost certain selection as the Republican nominee for the 1956 Senatorial campaign to fill Alben Barkley's seat until Cooper decided to run himself.
Keywords: 1952 Republican National Convention; 1956 Senatorial campaign; Campaign brochures; Chairman; Charles I. Dawson; Delegates; Dwight Eisenhower; Earle Clements; Elections; Fathers; John Sherman Cooper; Kentucky Republican Central Committee; Mothers; Political factions; Political nominations; Politics; Representative; Republicans; Robert Taft; Senate; Senators; Statewide recognition; Thruston Morton; U.S. Ambassador to India; University; White House
Subjects: Barkley, Alben William, 1877-1956; Health; India; Kentuckians; Kentucky; Leadership; Politicians; Popularity; Washington (D.C.)