Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Walter D. Huddleston, January 9, 2002

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:02 - Sports broadcasting career

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Partial Transcript: Senator, it's January 9th, 2002.

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston discusses his brief career during and after college as a sports broadcaster for the University of Louisville. He talks about the various broadcast stations throughout Kentucky and how they broadcast collegiate football and basketball games to their region.

Keywords: Kentucky basketball; Kentucky--Collegiate sports; Sports broadcasters--Kentucky; Sports broadcasting

Subjects: Elizabethtown (Ky.); Lexington (Ky.); Live radio programs; Radio; Radio broadcasters; Radio broadcasters--United States; Radio broadcasting of sports; Radio broadcasting--Kentucky; Radio stations; Radio stations.; Radio.; School sports; School sports.; University of Kentucky; University of Louisville

00:09:04 - Broadcasting from Freedom Hall

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The other thing that went through my mind was, uh, broadcasting from Freedom Hall, a wonderful facility--

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston recalls broadcasting University of Louisville games from Freedom Hall, a multi-purpose arena in Louisville, Kentucky.

Keywords: College basketball; College sports broadcasters; Freedom Hall (Louisville, Ky.); Sports broadcasters; Sports broadcasting

Subjects: Basketball; College sports; Football; Kentucky; Live radio programs; Radio; Radio broadcasters; Radio broadcasters--United States; Radio broadcasting of sports; Radio broadcasting--Kentucky; Radio stations; Radio stations.; Radio.; School sports; School sports.; University of Kentucky; University of Louisville

GPS: Freedom Hall, Louisville (Ky.)
Map Coordinates: 37.2588727, -85.1795906
00:12:16 - Career during late 1950s / Broadcasting across Kentucky

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Partial Transcript: So, the other thing--another thing that went through my mind was, here it is, 19, uh, 59 and you're a very busy person.

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston discusses balancing his work and family life as he continued his sports broadcasting career as well as becoming involved in politics in the late 1950s. He discusses the effect his busy career had on his family life.

Keywords: Collegiate basketball; Collegiate sports; Sports broadcasters; Sports broadcasting; Wired radio transmissions

Subjects: College sports.; Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-2018; Live radio programs; Politicians--Kentucky; Politics and government; Radio; Radio broadcasters; Radio broadcasters--United States; Radio broadcasting of sports; Radio broadcasting--Kentucky; Radio broadcasting.; Radio stations; Radio stations.; Radio.; School sports; School sports.; University of Louisville

00:22:07 - Kentucky college basketball coaches / Broadcasting logistics

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Now how would--how did, uh, Diddle, Hickman, and Rupp compare and contrast?

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston compares the basketball coaches of the University of Kentucky, Western Kentucky University, and University of Louisville: Adolph Rupp, Edgar Diddle, and Bernard "Peck" Hickman, respectively. He discusses the process for broadcasting live sports events.

Keywords: Basketball conferences; College basketball; Collegiate basketball; Hickman, Bernard, 1911-2000; Kentucky--College basketball; Recruiting basketball

Subjects: Basketball; College sports; Diddle, Edgar Allen, 1895-1970; Live radio programs; Radio; Radio broadcasters; Radio broadcasters--United States; Radio broadcasting of sports; Radio broadcasting--Kentucky; Radio stations; Radio stations.; Radio.; Rupp, Adolph, 1901-1977; School sports; School sports.; University of Kentucky; University of Louisville; Western Kentucky University

00:33:27 - Leaving sports broadcasting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, how did you--how did you eventually walk away from it?

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston recalls the reasons he left sports broadcasting of collegiate sports in Kentucky. He cites the growing privatization of sports radio networks, as well as the preference for former professional basketball players to broadcast games.

Keywords: Kentucky Broadcasters Association; Kentucky--College sports; Sports broadcasters; Sports broadcasting

Subjects: Basketball; Broadcasters; College sports; Kentucky; Live radio programs; Radio; Radio broadcasters; Radio broadcasters--United States; Radio broadcasting of sports; Radio broadcasting--Kentucky; Radio stations; Radio stations.; Radio.; School sports; School sports.; Sports radio news programs

00:40:59 - College basketball scandals

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In, uh, you know in, uh, 2002, it's, uh--that's always a big part of the discussion.

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston discusses how collegiate sports teams combated "point shaving" in basketball by having tournaments on-campus, as opposed to off-campus sites like Madison Square Garden. He details other controversies in Kentucky college basketball, including with local sports broadcaster Terry Meiners.

Keywords: College basketball; Collegiate sports; Meiners, Terry; Point shaving; Sports broadcasters; Sports broadcasting; University of Kentucky--Basketball.

Subjects: Basketball; Broadcasters; College sports; Gambling.; Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-; Kentucky; Live radio programs; Radio broadcasters; Radio broadcasters--United States; Radio broadcasting of sports; Radio broadcasting--Kentucky; Radio stations; Radio stations.; Radio.; School sports; School sports.; Sports betting; University of Kentucky

00:52:14 - Political career / Mitch McConnell

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, I think my, my business career, uh, at least helped in preparing me for my political career.

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston talks about how his experiences in sports broadcasting assisted him in his political career. He then discusses Mitch McConnell, who defeated him for the Kentucky U.S. Senator seat in 1985.

Keywords: College basketball; Collegiate sports; Kentucky--College basketball; Kentucky--Senators; Sports broadcasters; Sports broadcasting

Subjects: College sports; Kentucky; Legislators--United States.; McConnell, Mitch; Politicians--Kentucky; Politics; Politics, Practical

00:56:18 - Progressive politics and voting record

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Partial Transcript: You had this sort of balancing act as a politician, and a civic leader--

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston discusses his voting record in the Kentucky State Senate. He talks about his various reasons for voting certain ways on a variety of bills.

Keywords: Kentucky Legislature; Kentucky politicians; Kentucky senators; Kentucky--20th century; Progressive voting records; Voting records

Subjects: Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-; Legislators--United States; Politicians--Kentucky; Politics and government; Politics, Practical; State governments

01:01:51 - University of Louisville state university status / Other voters

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In working with U of L on that, uh, were you, uh, were you of the position that, uh, if U of L came into the state system, it should be a free-standing, independent institution rather than have any connection with UK?

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston discusses bringing the University of Louisville (UofL) into the state university system. He talks about the possibility of merging UofL, the University of Kentucky, and Northern Kentucky University. He also talks about his vote to increase the tax percentage on cigarettes.

Keywords: Cigarette taxes; Kentucky Senate; Kentucky politicians; State universities; Voting records

Subjects: Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-2018; Kentucky. General Assembly. Senate; Legislators--United States; Louisville (Ky.); Northern Kentucky University; Politicians--Kentucky; Politics, Practical; State governments; University of Kentucky; University of Louisville

01:11:21 - Senate majority leader and special session votes

Play segment

Partial Transcript: As you get toward the end there, that's the, uh, you're majority leader.

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston reviews votes he cast and special sessions he held while he was the Senate majority leader in the Kentucky Legislature.

Keywords: Kentucky Senate; Kentucky--Equal Rights Amendment; Senate majority leaders; Special sessions

Subjects: Equal rights amendments.; Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-2018; Kentucky--Politics and government.; Legislators--United States; Politicians--Kentucky; Politics, Practical; State governments

01:20:23 - Change in legislative majority, 1971

Play segment

Partial Transcript: When you're sitting there in the, in the, in the legislative chamber, I guess Governor Ford comes in and gives his, uh, uh, what, State of the Commonwealth address?

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston recalls listening to Governor Ford's State of the Commonwealth address while he was in the Kentucky legislature. Governor Ford's election marked the return of a Democratic majority into the Kentucky legislature, which Huddleston discusses in detail.

Keywords: Kentucky--Democratic Party; Kentucky--Legislative majorities; Legislative majorities; Senate majorities; State of the Commonwealth address

Subjects: Democratic Party; Ford, Wendell H., 1924-2015; Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-2018; Kentucky--Politics and government; Legislators--United States; Politicians--Kentucky; Politics, Practical; State governments

01:24:21 - Political friends in the Kentucky government / Howard "Sonny" Hunt

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Partial Transcript: Another person who I believe comes out of that mix is Martha Layne Collins.

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston talks about the political career of Martha Layne Collins, the first female governor of Kentucky. He also discusses politician J. R. Miller as well as Howard "Sonny" Hunt. He talks about reacting to the indictment and prosecution of Sonny Hunt in an insurance fraud case.

Keywords: Female governors; Female politicians; Hunt, Howard "Sonny"; Kentucky politicians; Miller, J. R,; Political careers

Subjects: Collins, Martha Layne; Governors; Governors--Kentucky; Kentucky--Politics and government; State governments

01:39:25 - Senate races vs. gubernatorial races / Politicians' families

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Partial Transcript: At, at this point, you're, you're very knowledgeable about U.S. Senate races.

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston discusses various campaigns in Kentucky and the political strategies behind different campaigns. He talks about his relationship with Bert T. Combs in particular. Huddleston then recalls the advice Combs gave him regarding family as a politician. He discusses the difficulties of balancing family life and political careers.

Keywords: Campaign managers; Kentucky gubernatorial campaigns; Kentucky senate campaigns; Politicians' families

Subjects: Combs, Bert T., 1911-1991; Elections; Families; Ford, Wendell H., 1924-; Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-2018; Kentucky--Politics and government; Political campaigns--Kentucky; Politics, Practical

01:46:37 - Eastern Kentucky campaigns

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What about east Kentucky?

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston discusses his uncertainty with his ability to garner support in Eastern Kentucky. He talks about the political beliefs of Eastern Kentuckians, who he says want to support a candidate who they are sure will win.

Keywords: Eastern Kentucky; Kentucky electorate; Kentucky gubernatorial races; Kentucky senatorial races

Subjects: Combs, Bert T., 1911-1991; Elections; Ford, Wendell H., 1924-; Governors--Kentucky; Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-2018; Kentucky; Kentucky--Politics and government; Politics, Practical; Voting

01:49:56 - Conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I promise you--(both laugh)--that's what will talk about, we'll get you into that campaign.

Segment Synopsis: Huddleston and the interviewer discuss the topic of the next interview, getting into Huddleston's U.S. senatorial campaign. The interviewer then reads a letter from Adolph Rupp to Huddleston from 1975.

Keywords: Kentucky politicians; Kentucky senators; National senators; Political friendships; Political relationships; Senators (United States)

Subjects: Governors--Kentucky; Huddleston, Walter D. (Walter Darlington), 1926-2018; Kentucky. General Assembly. Senate; Law and legislation; Legislators--United States.; Rupp, Adolph, 1901-1977; State governments