Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Vernon Jordan, March 17, 1964

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:02 - Education

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, let's hear the tale.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about his early years in the segregated schools of Atlanta, Georgia and the recruitment process for college. He also describes the idea of going North for college, then coming back home to the South to help his people.

Keywords: Activities; Alumni; Benefit; Booker T. Washington; Bus stations; Campuses; Central National Bank; Citizens & Southern National Bank; College board entrance exams; College orientation programs; Dartmouth College; DePauw University; Democracy; Educational guidance clinics; Ego; Enthusiasm; Exams; First Citizens Bank; Fraternities; Harvard Law School; High schools; Howard University; Impressions; Integrated schools; Law schools; Lawyers; Leadership; Letters of invitation; National Scholarship Service & Fund for Negro Students; Paul Lawrence; Principals; Private schools; Procedures; Prospective students; Public schools; Qualifications; Reading courses; Scholarship money; Scholastics; Scores; Students; Superiority; Yale University

Subjects: African American families; African American students.; African Americans--Segregation; Atlanta (Ga.); Education; Universities and colleges.

00:14:02 - His parents' objection to DePauw University

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Partial Transcript: It was that time that I experienced, uh, some little problem with my parents.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about his parents' reaction to his wanting to go to a predominately white school up North. He also describes their reaction to his having a white friend from South Carolina spend the night.

Keywords: Backgrounds; Bernie's Barber Shop; Bills; Brochures; Brutalities; Businessmen; Campuses; Catering; Chicken; Confident; Courtesies; Crew cuts; DePauw University; Democracy; Dinners; Elmer Harvey; Embarrassment; Experience; Financial strain; Frustrations; Housing; Howard University; Kindredness; Parents; Peers; Prejudices; Prizes; Rebelliousness; Rural communities; Slaves; Student body; Tuition; Warmth; White boy

Subjects: African American families; African Americans--Social conditions.; Greencastle (Ind.); Jasper County (Ga.); Segregation

00:29:05 - His undergraduate experiences at DePauw University

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Uh, I started off, certainly, behind.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about his years as an undergraduate student at DePauw University, including his involvement in many extracurricular activities and his struggle with keeping up academically with other students.

Keywords: Academic problems; Andrew Beveridge; Average students; Back Water; Books; Classmates; DePauw University; Disappointment; Experiences; Faculty advisors; Head waiters; High schools; Indiana Interstate Oratorical Contest; Intramural athletics; Men's Hall Association; Notre Dame College; Novels; Orators; Orientation counselors; Parents; Phi Beta Kappa; Reading; Speech courses; Student Faculty Administrative Council; Student Senate; Student body; The Mayor of Casterbridge (Book); Thespian; Thomas Hardy; Wabash College

Subjects: African American students.; Extracurricular activities; Fraternities; Segregation in education; Theater.

00:36:18 - The ultimate decision: civil rights or personal ambitions?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: After DePauw, of course, I left and went--because of my interest in civil rights--went to the Howard University Law School where I pursued my LLP degree in 1960.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about his choice between pursuing religion or law, as well as the struggle within the African American youth to take on their own personal ambitions or to fight for civil rights, a decision that Jordan himself had to make.

Keywords: Concert stages; Constitutional law; Courage; Demonstrators; Destiny; Drew University; Evaluating; Expertise; Freedom; Gospel; Howard University; Individual decisions; James Nabrit, Jr.; Men's Presbyterian Club; Metropolitan Opera; Ministry; Missions; Obligations; Personal ambitions; Potential; Seminary; Talents; Voter registration workers

Subjects: African Americans--Civil rights; Atlanta (Ga.); Civil rights movements--United States; Education; Professions.; Race relations; Religion

00:45:47 - Split cultures: African or American?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Let's, let's, uh, take that as a starting point to something else.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about whether or not he thinks that the concept of split cultures is a problem. He also talks about what freedom means to him.

Keywords: Absorption; Acute; African American traditions; African traditions; Black Muslims; Blood stream; Diagnosis; Emancipation; Freedom; Humming; Privileges; Problems; Revolutions; Richard Wright; Rights; Slavery; Spiritual division; Spirituals; Split; W. E. B. Du Bois

Subjects: African Americans--Civil rights; African Americans--Race identity.; Cultural identity.; Culture.; Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963; Identity (Philosophical concept); Multiculturalism.

00:52:07 - Being a Southern gentleman vs. segregation

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Partial Transcript: Jews would say the same thing.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about why he believes that segregation is not part of the Southern identity because the concept of being a gentleman is too important.

Keywords: Capitalism; Gentlemen; Impulses; Market society; Parallels; Prestige; Subcultures; Systems; Uniqueness; White Southerners

Subjects: African Americans--Civil rights; African Americans--Segregation; Identity (Philosophical concept); Integration; Race identity of whites

00:55:49 - African heritage and African Americans

Play segment

Partial Transcript: But, now, back to your point about, uh, uh, negroes being caught up in the crisis of being completely emerged into the, uh, into the white culture.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about the idea of African Americans appreciating or not appreciating African music and spirituals, and how it relates to their cultural identity.

Keywords: African heritage; African music; American culture; Assets; Bach; Beethoven; Choirs; Competitive; Freedom; Ghastly; Go Down Moses (Song); High schools; Hillbilly; History; Interracial parties; Judgment; Language; Mozart; Ray Charles; Revolution; Risks; Singers; Spirituals; Stephen Foster; Tribal; Vocalize

Subjects: African Americans--Race identity.; Cultural identity.; Music.; Religion

01:03:01 - Civil rights generational changes

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Partial Transcript: Number three.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about the changes that have taken place within the civil rights movement since he was a student in the 1950s and how much of a difference a few years made.

Keywords: Articles; Bitterness; Colleges; Demonstrators; Fanfare; Generations; Money; Professors; Prophecy; Protests; Rejection; Richard Wright; Ridiculousness; Sit-ins; Vices

Subjects: African American college students.; African Americans--Civil rights; Civil rights demonstrations; Civil rights movements--United States; Discrimination.; Segregation

01:09:35 - Reconstruction and the concept of slavery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, maybe the, the real tragedy stems from the Hayes Tilden Compromise of 1876 when, uh, the deal was that federal troops would withdraw and here they left, uh--

Segment Synopsis: Jordan expresses his thoughts about compensating slave owners for the loss of their slaves and other solutions related to peace. He also discusses the concept of Greek slavery and the roles that Abraham Lincoln and Robert E. Lee played in the emancipation of slaves.

Keywords: Amendments; Businessman; Charles Sumner; Compensation; Constitution; Cotton gins; Defense; Dred Scott; Economically infeasible; Emancipation Proclamation; Emancipationists; Emotional resistance; Excuse; Expropriated lands; Freedmen; Greek slavery; Hayes Tilden Compromise of 1877; History books; Humane relationships; Ignorance; Indirect sanctions; Industries; Integrated society; Justification; Labels; Lawyers; Loans; Loyalty; Machines; Money; Moral revulsion; Mortgages; National taxation; New York Theater; Passage; Payment; Peace; Plantation lands; Plantation owners; Plato; Play writes; Politicians; Prices; Property value; Radical positions; Railroads; Reputations; Robert E. Lee; Robots; Serfdom; Settlements; Significance; Slaves; Society; Socrates; Southern Regional Council; Southern gentleman; Thaddeus Stevens; Theories; Triumph; Union; Value; Vocational training; Westward migration

Subjects: African Americans--Civil rights; Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865; Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865--Views on slavery; Race relations; Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877); Segregation.; Slavery--Greece--History.; Slavery--United States.; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Causes; United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.

01:34:11 - White culture symbolism

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Let's turn to another topic.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan and Warren discuss the psychological meanings and symbolism within white-cultured Americans concerning the colors of white and black.

Keywords: Ancestry; Anthropological facts; Bible, King James Version; Black; Blaze of light; Blue blood; Choices; Circumstances; Dark; Day; Decision-making; Energy; Lawyers; Meaning; Neighbors; Night; Peers; Personal realities; Racial contrasts; Roles; Saints; Secure; Significance; The Bible; Traditional dances; Truth; Valuable; Value systems; Vices; Virtues; White; White culture

Subjects: African American families; African Americans--Social conditions.; Marriage; Symbolism.

01:43:26 - The civil rights revolution

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Let's, uh, let me, uh...

Segment Synopsis: Jordan explains what the civil rights movement is about, referring to it as "the revolution", as well as his views regarding Martin Luther King, Jr.'s philosophy on civil rights.

Keywords: Apples; Aristocrats; Arms; Changes; Confrontation; Constitutional rights; Creative suffering; Definitions; Democratic revolutions; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Equal opportunity; Equal share; First class citizens; Hate; Hope; Human; Liquidation; Overthrow; Parallels; People; Philosophy; Responsibilities; Revolutions; Spiritual revelations; Statements; Street barricades; Victory

Subjects: African Americans--Civil rights; African Americans--Social conditions.; Civil rights movements--United States; Equality.

01:57:20 - What if society was equal?

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tell me this.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan discusses the idea of a hypothetical peaceful society where equality is stable throughout society. He also talks about the fears of white people concerning giving African Americans equality.

Keywords: Appreciation; Behavior; Chuck Morgan; Circumstances; Civil rights; Common bonds; Conditions; Constitutional rights; Differences; Exploitation; Fears; Free agents; Illegal; James Baldwin; Lawyers; Majority; Mobs; Pleasure; Populace; Prejudice; Reluctant; Silent; Similarities; Standards; White clients; Witness

Subjects: African Americans--Civil rights; African Americans--Social conditions; Communities.; Equality.; Leadership.; Segregation.

02:05:33 - African American leadership

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We were talking earlier, Mr. Jordan, uh, about, uh, divisions of, uh, policy and, uh, temperament in negro leadership.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about the history of African American leadership and the kind of control the leaders had over the African American citizens in the past compared to the time of the interview.

Keywords: A. T. Walden; Candidates; Control; Democrats; Education; Elections; Ideas; Influence; Lawyers; Martin Luther King, Sr.; Mayors; Mutual interests; Nationwide; Police officers; Power; Rebellion; Society; Unity; Voters; William B. Hartsfield

Subjects: African American leadership; African Americans--Civil rights; Atlanta (Ga.); Civil rights demonstrations; Communities.

02:11:39 - Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You were talking this morning, of your participation in the summit conference in Atlanta, uh, last year.

Segment Synopsis: Jordan talks about the split that occurred during the Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference and describes the various new groups that developed from it. He also briefly discusses the concept of provoking police brutality.

Keywords: All Citizens Registration Committee; Atlanta Daily; Atlanta Negro Voters League; Atlanta Summit Leadership Conference; Clarence Coleman; Classmates; Committee on Appeal for Human Rights; Demonstrators; Direct actionists; Established leadership; Formulas; James Forman; Larry Fox; Local police force; Memorandum; Moderates; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Negotiations; Petitions; Police officers; Power structures; Procedures; Provocation; Realization; Responsibility; Roy Wilkins; Selective direct action; Sit-ins; Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC); Split; Status quo; Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); Targets; Techniques; Tension; Urban League; White policemen; Wyatt Walker

Subjects: African American leadership; African Americans--Civil rights; Atlanta (Ga.); Civil rights demonstrations; Police brutality.; Protest movements.

02:25:06 - Leaders in the African American community

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How serious, and what--I mean by the word serious here--but how serious, uh, is...

Segment Synopsis: Jordan discuss the leadership actions among the leaders of various civil rights groups and names the civil rights leaders of the past.

Keywords: Asa Phillip Randolph; Attitudes; Bayard Rustin; Booker T. Washington; Boycotts; Causes; Charlie Houston; Civil rights organizations; Confident; Credit; Dominance; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Healthy; History; James R. Johnson; March on Washington; Methods; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); National heroes; Power; Principles; Rallying cry; Revolutions; Roy Wilkins; Situations; Social movements; Struggle; Thurgood Marshall; W. E. B. Du Bois; Walter White

Subjects: African American leadership; African Americans--Civil rights; Civil rights movements; Leadership