Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Leonard Riddle and Ronnie Eddins, October 16, 2008

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries


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00:00:00 - Family and personal background

Play segment

Partial Transcript: My name is Tom Troland from the University of Kentucky.

Segment Synopsis: The interview begins with Leonard Riddle describing his family background. He talks about his parents and siblings, and his parents' work in distilleries. Ronnie Eddins also describes his family and their ancestry, and following in his father's footsteps as a farmer. They each briefly explain how they came to work at Buffalo Trace.

Keywords: Ancestry; Bottling; Brothers; Cherokee; Children; Farmers; Farming; Fathers; Frankfort (Ky.); Generations; Grandchildren; Grandmothers; Job opportunities; Mothers; Night shift; Parents; Part-time jobs; Siblings; Sisters; Wife; Work environment

Subjects: Childhood; Employment--Kentucky; Families.; Genealogy

00:10:14 - Life lessons from parents

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Leonard, uh, is there a story you can think of about when you were a kid with your parents?

Segment Synopsis: Riddle tells a story from his childhood about ruining a neighbor's potato crops and how he was disciplined by his parents. Eddins also tells a story about getting in trouble as a child by running away to swim in the Kentucky River.

Keywords: Birth order; Bourbon whiskey; Brothers; Crops; Family; Grandmothers; Holidays; Kentucky River; Memories; Parents; Potatoes; Siblings; Sisters; Spanking; Swimming; Traditions; Whipping

Subjects: Childhood; Discipline of children; Families.

00:17:33 - Coming to work at the Buffalo Trace Distillery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Let's, uh, think a little bit about or talk a little bit about, uh, the young adulthoods that you both, uh, both, uh, uh, passed through.

Segment Synopsis: Riddle talks about the jobs he held after finishing school before coming to work at Buffalo Trace. He talks about how he began working at the distillery with his uncle. Eddins also describes how he came to work at Buffalo Trace, and describes the seasonal nature of the work at that time.

Keywords: Age; Bottling houses; Construction; Contractors; Jobs; Married; Night shift; Painting; Pipe fitters; Rolling barrels; Salary; Schenley Distillers Inc.; School; Seasonal work; Second jobs; Service stations; Uncles; Wages; Warehouses; Winter; Young adulthood

Subjects: Buffalo Trace Distillery.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Employment--Kentucky; Families.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

00:25:01 - Various positions held at the distillery / government regulations on distilleries

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In those early years, uh--(clears throat)--in those early years, uh, describe a typical day of work here at Buffalo Trace for you.

Segment Synopsis: Eddins talks about the many positions he has held in various departments at the distillery over the years. He talks about some of the changes that have occurred there since his early days. Riddle and Eddins discuss the government regulations that were once placed upon distilleries, including marking each barrel with serial numbers, and government locks on warehouses. They talk about the distillery employees' relationships with the government agents.

Keywords: Bottling houses; Boxcars; Cutting barrels; Day shift; Double checking; Early years; Employees; Federal agents; Government agents; Government control; Government regulations; Locks; Manuals; Night Shift; Office of the clerk; Record-keeping; Relationships; Responsibility; Rules; Shipping; Shut downs; Strict; Taxes; Team leaders; Trains; Typical day; Warehouse managers

Subjects: Alcohol industry.; Alcohol--Law and legislation; Alcohol--Taxation--United States.; Bourbon whiskey; Buffalo Trace Distillery.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Quality control.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

00:39:39 - Working relationship between Riddle and Eddins

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Now--(clears throat)--the two of you have worked together for a long time so I want to explore those ideas as well as a history of the two of you.

Segment Synopsis: Riddle and Eddins talk about how they met one another when Riddle saved Eddins from being electrocuted after a flood. They talk about their working relationship and how they trust one another to do their jobs well. They talk about their relationship outside of the distillery, and talk about their mutual goal of improving the distillery's products.

Keywords: Barrels; Co-workers; Communication; Departments; Electrocution; First meeting; Floods; Friendship; Holidays; Informed; Problem solving; Relationships; Retirement; Ricker; Social activities; Teamwork; Trust; Warehouses

Subjects: Buffalo Trace Distillery.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

00:48:07 - How aging in different warehouses creates different products--Part I

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Of course, you know, I'm running sixty-six years old--be sixty-seven in a few more months--but, you know, it's kind of a place that's kindly hard to just walk off.

Segment Synopsis: Riddle and Eddins describe in detail how aging whiskey in different warehouses affects the final product. They each explain which warehouses create their personal favorite flavors. They talk about changes in popularity of different types of bourbon, and trying to plan for future sales.

Keywords: Aging; Airflow; Awards; Blends; Changes; Concrete; Control; Differences; Eagle Rare bourbon whiskey; Elmer T. Lee bourbon whiskey; Favorites; Flavors; Floors; Future; Generations; Heat; Location; Past; Popularity; Products; Proof; Rackhouses; Recipes; Ricks; Rye whiskey; Spicy; Staves; Tastes; Temperature; Warehouse I; Warehouse K; Warehouse L; Warehouse M; Warehouse levels; Warehouses; Wheat whiskey; Wood

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Buffalo Trace Distillery.; Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

01:06:49 - How aging in different types of barrels creates different products--Part I

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tell me a little bit about, uh, wood selection.

Segment Synopsis: Riddle and Eddins describe in detail how aging whiskey in different types of barrels and wood affects the final product. They talk about factors like wood grain, moisture content, and char level. They talk about their relationship with the barrel makers at Independent Stave Company.

Keywords: Aged wood; Aging; Barrels; Caramel; Changes; Char; Color; Flavors; Graders; Growth; Independent Stave Company; John Boswell; Location; Moisture content; Relationships; Requirements; Selection; Specifications (specs); Tastes; Time; Trees; Vanilla; Wood; Wood grain; Wood quality

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Buffalo Trace Distillery.; Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Quality of products.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

01:15:05 - How aging in different warehouses creates different products--Part II

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So it's--you know, I think, uh, every distillery operation has got their own specifications of type of wood.

Segment Synopsis: Riddle and Eddins talk more about how aging whiskey in different warehouses affects the final product, including the difference between metal, brick, and wooden warehouses.

Keywords: Aging; Bricks; Control; Heat; Metal; Products; Rick houses; Steam-heated; Sun; Temperature; Warehouses

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Buffalo Trace Distillery.; Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

01:18:53 - Buffalo Trace Antique Collection

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tell me a little bit about the Buffalo Trace Antique Collection.

Segment Synopsis: Riddle and Eddins discuss the creation of the Buffalo Trace Antique Collection. They talk about how the barrels were specifically chosen, and how they were tested to meet certain standards and profiles.

Keywords: Aging; Awards; Barrels; Buffalo Trace Antique Collection; Laboratory; Location; Noises; Premium bourbons; Premium products; Products; Profiles; Proud; Roles; Sampling; Standards; Taste testers; Tastes; Tasting; Teamwork; Testing; Warehouses; Whistles

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Quality control.; Quality of products.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

01:26:29 - Buffalo Trace Experimental Collection--Part I

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Speaking of that work, uh, right behind you both of course is the Buffalo Trace Experimental Collection.

Segment Synopsis: Riddle and Eddins briefly discuss some of the experiments they have conducted at the distillery to create new products, including changes in proof, location, and char.

Keywords: Aging; Barrels; Buffalo Trace Experimental Collection; Char; Knowledge; Learning; Locations; Proofs; Re-barreling; Trees; Warehouses; Wine casks; Wood

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

01:29:16 - How aging in different types of barrels creates different products--Part II

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You, uh, talked earlier, uh--(clears throat)--uh, about, uh, char.

Segment Synopsis: Riddle and Eddins describe in detail how aging whiskey in different types of barrels and wood affects the final product. In this segment they focus more on how the level of char in the barrel affects the whiskey.

Keywords: "Alligator skin"; "Toasted"; Aging; Barrels; Burning; Char; Color; Costs; Firing; Flavors; Number 3 char; Number 4 char; Proofs; Recipes; Rye whiskey; Spicy; Taste testing; Time; Wheat whiskey; Years

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Buffalo Trace Distillery.; Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Quality of products.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

01:37:23 - Buffalo Trace Experimental Collection--Part II

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think has been the most successful part of the Experimental Collection program?

Segment Synopsis: Riddle and Eddins describe in more detail some of the experiments they have conducted at the distillery to create new products. They talk about one of the surprising experiments, aging whiskey in French Oak barrels. Eddins describes an experiment he conducted on artificial aging.

Keywords: Aging; Air pressure; Artificial aging; Barometric pressure; Buffalo Trace Experimental Collection; Changes; Cold cycle; Costs; Elmer T. Lee; Expensive; French Oak barrels; Heat cycle; Independent Stave Company; John Boswell; Knowledge; Learning; Nature; Tastes; Temperature; Time; Weather; White Oak barrels; Wood

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Quality of products.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

01:45:22 - Riddle and Eddins' legacies at Buffalo Trace Distillery

Play segment

Partial Transcript: If, uh, somebody were to ask you for example, uh, "Leonard, what would you like to be remembered by for your, uh, time here at Buffalo Trace?"

Segment Synopsis: Riddle talks about how he would like to be remembered at Buffalo Trace for his work ethic and the products he made. Eddins says he would like to be remembered for the knowledge that was gained through his experiments. The interview is concluded.

Keywords: Accomplishments; Advancements; Buffalo Trace Experimental Collection; Contributions; Eagle Rare bourbon whiskey; Elmer T. Lee bourbon whiskey; Enjoyable; Experiments; Favorites; Improvements; Knowledge; Learning; Legacy; Proud; Remembered; Tastes; Technology; Work ethic

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Buffalo Trace Distillery.; Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Quality of products.; Technological innovations; Whiskey industry--Kentucky