Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Pondering Kentucky: The Magazine, Issue 12, 1991

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:00 - Ron Daley, editor of the Troublesome Creek Times newspaper in Knott County (Ky.) and the April Fools paper

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Hi, this is Glen Bastin with Issue 12 of "Pondering Kentucky: The Magazine," presented for the enjoyment and enlightenment of subscribers in Kentucky and over twenty other states.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin speaks with Ron Daley, editor of the Troublesome Creek Times newspaper in Knott County, Kentucky. They discuss Troublesome Creek in Knott County (Ky.) and the annual April Fools paper the Troublesome Creek Times runs each year, and the rise it receives from those in the community.

Keywords: April Fools'; April Fools' Day; Journalism; Kentucky; Knott County (Ky.); Newspaper; Troublesome Creek (Ky.); Troublesome Creek Times

Subjects: Journalism.; Kentucky.

00:08:29 - Jerry Morris, sales manager at the Campbell House and Rolls-Royces

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I have heard all kinds of stories about these.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin visits Jerry Morris, the sales manager at the Campbell House in Lexington, Kentucky. Their conversation focuses on the Rolls-Royces owned by the Campbell House.

Keywords: Campbell House; Cars; Lexington (Ky.); Luxury cars; Queen; Rolls-Royce; Royal Family; The Campbell House; The Queen; The Royal Family; Vehicles

Subjects: Lexington (Ky.); Luxury.; Rolls-Royce automobile

00:14:49 - John Purdy, museum director of the Patton Museum at Fort Knox

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Generally, over three-hundred thousand people a year visit the Patton Museum at Fort Knox.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin visits the Patton Museum at Fort Knox, and speaks with John Purdy, the director of the museum. Their conversation highlights the gold depository found at Fort Knox, General Patton, and the items on display at the museum.

Keywords: Cadillac; Fort Knox; Fort Knox (Ky.); General Patton; Gold; Gold depository; Kentucky; Military; Tanks; The Patton Museum

Subjects: Cadillac; Gold.; Kentucky.

00:23:34 - Stan Wrestler, member of the Kentuckiana Antique Bottle and Outhouse Society

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Stan Wrestler is one of my neighbors in eastern Jefferson County.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin speaks with his neighbor, Stan Wrestler, who digs for antique bottles in areas of former outhouses. Stan Wrestler is also a member of the Kentuckiana Antique Bottle and Outhouse Society.

Keywords: Antiques; Bottles; Jefferson County (Ky.); Kentuckiana Antique Bottle and Outhouse Society; Kentucky; Outhouses

Subjects: Antiques.; Bottles; Kentucky.; Outhouses.

00:29:36 - Introduction to discussion in Issue 13 about a fairy found in "A Guide to the Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky."

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Everybody knows it's impossible to take a picture of a fairy.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin introduces a story, found in Issue 13, about a fairy photographed in "A Guide to the Wildflowers and Ferns of Kentucky."

Keywords: Fairy; Kentucky.; Photograph

Subjects: Fairies.; Kentucky.

00:30:23 - Tony Vance, owner of an antique store in Glendale, Kentucky

Play segment

Partial Transcript: This is almost still Kentucky, 1900.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin speaks with Tony Vance, the owner of an antique store in Glendale, Kentucky, located in Hardin County (Ky.). They discuss what the town is like, what stores are located there, and Tony's antique shop.

Keywords: Glendale (Ky.); Hardin County (Ky.); Kentucky

Subjects: Kentucky.; Post-office

00:36:28 - David Yancy of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife on eagles in Kentucky

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The story coming up now, is one that we've waited nearly fifty years to tell.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin speaks with David Yancy, non-game biologist for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, to discuss the increase in the eagle population in Kentucky.

Keywords: Birds; Department of Fish and Wildlife; Eagle nests; Eagles; Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife; Kentucky.

Subjects: Eagle's nest; Eagles.; Kentucky.; Kentucky. Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources

00:40:25 - Susan Bearington, tour of Fort Harrods, now Harrodsburg (Ky.)

Play segment

Partial Transcript: "The history of Kentucky begins here," claims one of the brochures.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin visits Fort Harrods, Kentucky's first official settlement. He speaks with Susan Bearington about the history of Fort Harrods, now Harrodsburg (Ky.).

Keywords: Fort Harrods (Ky.); Harrodsburg (Ky.); Kentucky; Old Fort Harrod State Park (Ky.); Pioneers

Subjects: Kentucky.

00:43:39 - Maggie True, a basket weaver at Fort Harrods

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Okay, now inside these, these cabins in here you have more than just the inside of a cabin going on.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin speaks with Maggie True, an actress at Fort Harrods, who makes baskets, brooms, and other goods to sell. They discuss what she does, and what the tourists are like at Fort Harrods. Bastin then continues his tour of the fort with Susan Bearington.

Keywords: Actors; Actress; Baskets; Brooms; Fort Harrods; Harrodsburg (Ky.); Kentucky; Tourists; Visitors

Subjects: Actors.; Baskets; Kentucky.; Tourists.

00:47:18 - John, a blacksmith at Fort Harrods

Play segment

Partial Transcript: It sounds like we're walking up to a blacksmith. Is that what we're doing?

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin continues his tour of Fort Harrods in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. He speaks with John, a blacksmith at the fort about his role as a blacksmith.

Keywords: Actors; Blacksmith; Fort Harrods; Harrodsburg (Ky.); Kentucky

Subjects: Actors.; Kentucky.

00:49:51 - Dennis Ballard, a woodworker at Fort Harrods

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Now, a couple of cabins down, we're about to meet Dennis Ballard.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin speaks with Dennis Ballard, a woodworker at Fort Harrods in Harrodsburg, Kentucky.

Keywords: Fort Harrods; Harrodsburg (Ky.); Kentucky; Woodwork

Subjects: Kentucky.; Woodwork.

00:53:21 - Nancy Lively, Civil War collection, and Susan Bearington, tour of Fort Harrods

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We didn't run into anybody from a foreign country while we were there.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin speaks with Nancy Lively about a Civil War collection. Additionally, Bastin continues his tour of Fort Harrods with Susan Bearington. This tour features the largest hedge-apple tree in the United States.

Keywords: Apple tree; Civil War; Fort Harrods; Harrodsburg (Ky.); Hedge-apple tree; Kentucky

Subjects: Civil war.; Kentucky.

00:57:07 - Old Kaintuck, club for expatriates from Kentucky

Play segment

Partial Transcript: There's one in Ohio called The O'Tucks. The club in New York City dates back to just after the turn of the century.

Segment Synopsis: Glen Bastin shares the history of the Old Kaintuck, a club for expatriates from Kentucky.

Keywords: Expatriates; Kentucky.; Old Kaintuck

Subjects: Kentucky.