Partial Transcript: --second 2009. I'm at the home of Xavier Kamer at--[address removed]--Goshen, Kentucky.
Segment Synopsis: Kamer talks about his schooling and how he was drafted into the United States Army. Kamer explains that boot camp was tough because it was physically demanding. He says that after basic training he went overseas, and describes what life was like on the ship to Europe.
[Tape occasionally skips throughout this segment due to an issue with the recording equipment.]
Keywords: Barbed wire; Battalions; Boot camps; Branches; Divisions; Graduation; High schools; Hiking; Jobs; Machine guns; Military drafts; Military service; Privates; Ranks; Squad leaders; Staff sergeants; Summer; Training; Working; World War II
Subjects: Basic training (Military education); Draft.; Fort McClellan (Ala.); Military training camps; Physical fitness.; United States. Army.; United States. Army. Infantry; Veterans.; World War, 1939-1945
Partial Transcript: When you got out of basic training and you didn't have to do KP anymore, where did you go first? Did you do any more advanced training or did you head out?
Segment Synopsis: Kamer talks about his thirteen-day journey on a ship to Europe. He explains that he was involved in trench warfare on the frontlines. He says that there were a lot of explosives and gunfire, as well as people dying all around him. He talks about close calls where he almost died, as well as his experience with trench foot and shell shock. He talks about his brother's service during the war.
Keywords: Birthdays; Bombers; Bombings; Bombs; Brothers; Cards; Convoys; Deaths; England; Explosions; Fathers; Feet; Fighting; Foxholes; France; Front lines; Germany; Grenades; Hedgerows; Hospital ships; Luxembourg; Pistols; Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); Raincoats; Recuperation; Saint-Lô (France); Scotland; Seasickness; Shell shock; Shells; Ships; Sinking ships; Tanks; Trench foot; Volunteers; War
Subjects: Artillery.; Explosives.; Infantry; Military life.; Post-traumatic stress disorder.; Soldiers.; Travel.; United States. Army.; United States. Army. Infantry.; War casualties.; War stories.; War wounds.; World War, 1939-1945
Partial Transcript: Well, when you were in the trenches, what did you eat?
Segment Synopsis: In this section, Kamer talks about what they ate in the trenches and if there were always enough supplies for the soldiers. He talks about medical care during the war. He touches on the psychological stress that he was put through, such as watching people die around him every day and having to deal with it.
Kamer says that once he was out of the military he worked and got married. Kamer is also asked about any medals or awards he has from his service and if the soldiers ever had time to relax while they were in war.
Keywords: Ammunition; Bandages; Clips; Colorado Springs (Colo.); D-Bars; Deaths; Eating; Food; Friends; Hearing loss; Hospitals; Jobs; Mail; Marriage; Medical; Medics; Rations; Recuperation; Replacements; Shells; Trenches; Veterans associations; War; Warm meals; Work; Wounded
Subjects: Letters.; Military leaves and furloughs; Military life.; Military supplies; Soldiers.; Stress (Psychology); Trench warfare.; United States. Army. Infantry.; Veterans.; War casualties.; War wounds.; World War, 1939-1945.
Partial Transcript: Well, when--did you get married when you came back home?
Segment Synopsis: Kamer talks about where he met his wife. He says that once he was out of the military he worked and got married. Kamer is also asked about any medals or awards he has from his service and if the soldiers ever had time to relax while they were in war.
Keywords: Anniversaries; Careers.; Jobs; Marriage; Married; Occupations.; Professions.; RC Cola Company; Vocation.; Wife; Wives; Work.
Subjects: Families.; Letters.; Military leaves and furloughs; Military life.; Military supplies; Soldiers.; Stress (Psychology); Trench warfare.; United States. Army. Infantry.; Veterans.; War casualties.; War wounds.; World War, 1939-1945.
Partial Transcript: Uh--(coughs)--what kind of, uh, mail did you get when you were in the trenches?
Segment Synopsis: Kamer talks about receiving mail and talks more about supplies in the trenches. He talks about whether the soldiers ever had time to relax while they were in war. He talks about the medals and awards he received from his service.
Keywords: Awards; Battle Stars; C-Rations; Citations; Combat Infantry Badge; Commanding officers; D-Bars; Deaths; Drills; Fathers; Food; Food poisoning; Furloughs; G.I. Bill; General George S. Patton; Mail; Medals; Rations; Relief; Rifleman; Self-inflicted injuries; Squad leaders; Supplies; Trenches
Subjects: Letters.; Military leaves and furloughs; Military life.; Military supplies; Soldiers.; Stress (Psychology); Trench warfare.; United States. Army. Infantry.; Veterans.; War casualties.; War wounds.; World War, 1939-1945.
Partial Transcript: How many children do you have?
Segment Synopsis: Kamer talks about his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. He talks about what he ate and did while he was on the ship to Europe and how the crew dealt with seasickness.
Keywords: Award; Boot camp; Destroyers; Eating; England; Family; Food; Grandchildren; Great grandchildren; Memories; Scotland; Seasickness; Ship; Train
Subjects: Family life.; Travel.; United States. Army.; United States. Army. Infantry; Veterans.; War stories.; World War, 1939-1945
Partial Transcript: I noticed that in June of 2002, you got a letter from, uh, the Consulate General de France at Chicago and it says...
Segment Synopsis: Kamer talks about a certificate he received from the Minister of Defense in France and an article written about him.
[Tape occasionally skips throughout this segment due to an issue with the recording equipment.]
Keywords: Articles; Ceremony; Certificates; Deaths; France; Frankfort (Ky.); Letters; Minister of Defense; Recognition; Thank You America Certificate
Subjects: United States. Army.; United States. Army. Infantry; Veterans.; World War, 1939-1945; World War, 1939-1945--Veterans.