Partial Transcript: Well I just had a few questions because I knew you were a baseball guy and I want the people that go into this site, uh, that, that know about Cotton Nash...
Segment Synopsis: Interviewer Keith Madison says most people know Cotton Nash as a basketball player and are unaware of his ability as a baseball player as well. He talks about hearing a story about Nash hitting home runs in Shively Field.
Keywords: Hits; Home runs; Power; Shively Field; Twins scout
Subjects: Baseball players; Basketball players; University of Kentucky--Baseball
Partial Transcript: Did you play any kind of ball in the summer?
Segment Synopsis: Nash talks about where he played baseball during the summers, including an air force base and the Cape Cod League.
Keywords: Air force bases; Amateur teams; Baseball games; Cape Cod League; Jobs; Lake Charles (La.); Landscaping; Summers
Subjects: Baseball players
Partial Transcript: Well, uh, who were--I know when you played baseball here at Kentucky, um, you didn't have a lot of baseball scholarships.
Segment Synopsis: Nash talks about Harry Lancaster as the coach of both the University of Kentucky basketball and baseball teams. He talks about some of the other basketball players who also played baseball.
Keywords: Coaching styles; Frank Ramsey; Larry Conley; Randy Embry; Ron Kennett; Scholarships; Seasons; Tryouts
Subjects: Baseball coaches; Baseball managers; Baseball--Management; Basketball coaches--Kentucky; Basketball players.
Partial Transcript: Uh, a few minutes ago I was listening to Kyle, uh, ask you some questions and--as part of this interview...
Segment Synopsis: Nash talks about some of the basketball games in which he earned over thirty rebounds. He talks about how playing basketball affected his baseball skills.
Keywords: Don Kissinger; Effects; Legs; Muscles; Ole Miss; Outrunning; Pace; Passion; Rebounds; Records; Running; Strength; University of Mississippi
Subjects: Baseball players; Basketball players--Kentucky
Partial Transcript: And I, I didn't--I wasn't here at the beginning of, of Kyle's interview and I don't want to be redundant but I, I, I know you grew up for a while in New Jersey...
Segment Synopsis: Nash talks about some of his childhood heroes on the New York Yankees baseball team. He talks about his own experience playing in Yankee Stadium and playing against Mickey Mantle.
Keywords: Billy Martin; Major leagues; Mickey Mantle; Minnesota Twins (Baseball Team); New Jersey; Yankee Stadium
Subjects: Major League Baseball (Organization); Mantle, Mickey, 1931-1995; New York Yankees (Baseball Team)
Partial Transcript: Well, you know, uh, let's go back to you playing baseball at Kentucky for a little bit.
Segment Synopsis: Nash talks about a typical baseball practice in college. He says if the weather was bad, practice would be cancelled because there was nowhere to practice indoors. He talks about how the responsibilities of managers have changed over the years.
Keywords: Assistant coaches; Baseball practices; Coach Harry Lancaster; Minor leagues; Responsibilities; Snow; Southeastern Conference (SEC); Weather
Subjects: Baseball coaches; Baseball managers; Baseball players; Baseball--Management; Minor league baseball; University of Kentucky--Baseball
Partial Transcript: Um, do you have any memorable experiences as a UK baseball player?
Segment Synopsis: Nash says a highlight of his college baseball career was beating Auburn University. He talks about a lowlight of his career: pitching poorly against the University of Florida.
Keywords: Auburn University; Baseball coaches; Coach Harry Lancaster; Fastball; Pitching; University of Florida; Winning
Subjects: Baseball players; University of Kentucky--Baseball
Partial Transcript: Who was the most influential person in your baseball career?
Segment Synopsis: Nash talks about some of the managers he has worked for that have influenced him. The interview is concluded.
Keywords: Baseball players; Billy Martin; Bob Lemon; Chuck Tanner; Don Hoak; Fans; Influence; Rocky Bridges
Subjects: Baseball coaches; Baseball managers; Baseball--Management