Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Keene Daingerfield,

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:00 - Kenny Smith's court case / Different dosages for different species

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Partial Transcript: I would say so. Yes.

Segment Synopsis: Daingerfield describes the horse trainer Kenny Smith as incredibly honest but an incompetent witness, and then clarifies that it's hard to be a good witness.

Keywords: Doping in horse racing; Equine medicine; Horse health; Horse industry; Horse owners; Horse racing; Horse trainers; Kenny Smith; Race horses; Thoroughbred horse; Veterinary medicine

Subjects: Doping in horse racing; Doping in horse racing--Law and legislation; Horse industry.; Horse owners; Horse racing.; Horse trainers.; Horses--Health.; Race horses.; Thoroughbred horse.

00:04:19 - Insulin doping

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Partial Transcript: Uh, this, of course, is, is, uh, getting off the subject but this latest...

Segment Synopsis: Daingerfield discusses the usage of insulin doping in horse racing, as discovered when three horses entered in the same race on the same day died of "insulin poisoning". He mentions that people never thought to test for insulin doping, and then states that it would be hard to test for because insulin is a substance that would be in an animal's blood naturally. Larry Kelly, the veterinarian for a Florida racing commission, supposedly said that he knows that people who gave acepromazine to horses as a tranquilizer now give insulin.

Keywords: Acepromazine; Doping in horse racing; Equine medicine; Equine veterinarians; Horse health; Horse industry; Horse owners; Horse trainers; Insulin; Insulin doping; Insulin doping in horses; Thoroughbred horse; Veterinarians; Veterinary medicine

Subjects: Doping in horse racing; Doping in horse racing--Law and legislation; Horse industry.; Horse owners; Horse trainers.; Horses--Health.; Insulin.; Veterinarians.

00:06:36 - Bill May's decision-making and memory

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Partial Transcript: Can you give me any, uh, anecdotes that tell us what Bill May is like in his decision-making?

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer asks about Bill May, a horseman whom the interviewee describes as incredibly energetic and focused. She then describes May as having a "legal" mind despite not being a lawyer, and then Daingerfield goes into an anecdote about the near-photographic memory of May and another man named Marvin Music.

[A reference to the building of a "Mountain Parkway" that is possibly the Bert T. Combs Mountain Parkway between Winchester and Salyersville would date this interview to the early 1960s.]

Keywords: Bill May; Carl Lawson; Horse industry; Horse owners; Horse racing; Horse trainers; Marvin Music; Quarter horse; Race horses; Thoroughbred horse

Subjects: Horse industry.; Horse owners; Horse racing.; Horse trainers.; Race horses.; Thoroughbred horse.

00:15:05 - May's friendship with governors Combs and Carroll

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Partial Transcript: Do you think that with our--the two governors, at least, uh, Bert Combs and then, um, Carroll, that, um, May has really elevated Kentucky racing and Kentucky's operation of racing, uh, through his friendship with those two men? Because I know Bert didn't know anything about horse racing at all.

Segment Synopsis: Daingerfield discusses the impact of Bill May on Kentucky racing through his friendships with governors Combs and Carroll. The competition of Eastern racing presents a danger, but according to the interviewee, Kentucky crowds at racetracks are nicer, more knowledgeable, and "better at losing".

Keywords: Bert Combs; Bert T. Combs; Horse industry; Horse racing; Horse racing in Kentucky; Julian Carroll; Julian Morton Carroll; Race horses; Race horses in Kentucky; Thoroughbred horse

Subjects: Carroll, Julian Morton, 1931-; Combs, Bert T., 1911-1991; Horse industry.; Horse racing--Kentucky.; Horse racing.; Race horses.; Thoroughbred horse.

00:18:52 - Importance of Kentucky's racing commission

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Partial Transcript: Do you, uh, feel that the Commission, uh, works more in this state than, than in other racing states to keep a close tie between the breeders and racing?

Segment Synopsis: Daingerfield talks about the wide-reaching work of Kentucky's racing commission compared to those of other states. It ties racing back to the Thoroughbred industry, rather than, he says, simply maximizing revenue for the state.

Keywords: Horse industry; Horse racing; Race horses; Thoroughbred horse

Subjects: Horse industry.; Horse racing--Kentucky.; Horse racing--Law and legislation; Horse racing--Rules.; Horse racing--United States.; Horse racing.; Race horses.; Thoroughbred horse.

00:20:26 - Bill May's handling of situations / Crowds' money-spending

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Partial Transcript: Ca, can you think of any particular, uh, example of May's handling of a situation that tells you exactly what May is like?

Segment Synopsis: Daingerfield discusses Bill May's handling of racing's relationships with something called the sports service. A man named Roy C. Wayne who had recently bought an unspecified racetrack is also mentioned.

Keywords: Bill May; Horse industry; Horse racing; Kentucky racing commission; Race horses; Racing commissions; Roy C. Wayne; Thoroughbred horse

Subjects: Horse industry.; Horse racing--Kentucky.; Horse racing--Law and legislation; Horse racing--Rules.; Horse racing.; Race horses.; Thoroughbred horse.

00:23:40 - Medications as forbidden drugs in horse racing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I would say that Bill has never been afraid to change his mind.

Segment Synopsis: Daingerfield talks about a drug with potential to be used for doping in horse racing that other states banned before Kentucky and Illinois. He gives his opinion on this drug, which has actual medical uses greater than drugs that aren't banned for racing.

Keywords: Bill May; Doping in horse racing; Horse industry; Horse racing; Race horses; Thoroughbred horse

Subjects: Doping in horse racing; Horse industry.; Horse racing--Law and legislation; Horse racing--Rules.; Horse racing.; Race horses.; Thoroughbred horse.