Partial Transcript: This is Gena Forsyth conducting an interview with Bob Schulenberg on March 20th, 2018 for the city of Taylor Mill's City Stories Project.
Segment Synopsis: Schulenberg presents a brief history of his life in Taylor Mill, Kentucky as well as various milestones that he remembers regarding the city. For example, he notes when city water was brought to the city, as well as when the police and fire departments were created, and he talks about the merger of Sunny Acres, Winston Park, and Taylor Mill to create one city, in present day called Taylor Mill.
Keywords: ALS; Air conditioning; Bales; Ben Wisher; Boys; Burt Sloner; Bus services; Cadet programs; Cardinal Drive; Cisterns; City boards; City building; City of Taylor Mill Fire Department; City water; Emergency room nurses; Employers; Fire chiefs; Fires; First aid classes; Forest Hills; Friends; Grade schools; Greenline bus; Hay; Home construction; Juanita Sloner; L&N Railroad; Lady's Auxiliary; Lindo Foster; Locust Pike; Marion Fisk; Mary Ruth Foster; Mason Drive; Mason Road; Mayberry; Mayors; Men; Mergers; Nate Wilson; News clubs; Oakridge Fire Department; Old Taylor Mill; Oscillating fans; Owners; Police chiefs; Police departments; Pontiac ambulances; Pork chops; Pumping stations; Rail cars; Rail yards; Residents; Saint Anthony's School; Skip Fisk; South Covington; Sponge baths; Sunny Acres; Sunset Drive; Taylor Mill Elementary School; Taylor Mill Water Commission; Taylor Mill and Community Fire Department; Teenagers; Terry Foster; The Blue Bus; Toilets; Untold Stories of the ER; Walnut Street; Water; Water districts; Water towers; Winston Hill Drive; Winston Park; Wisher Drive; Woods
Subjects: Childhood; Communities.; Drugs.; Families.; Farms.; Fire departments.; Taylor Mill (Ky.); Vietnam War, 1961-1975
Partial Transcript: Bob, I actually have a couple of questions for you.
Segment Synopsis: Schulenberg discusses the various booming businesses and fun attractions in Taylor Mill, Kentucky. He also mentions some of the most influential people in the city as well as why he decided to return to the city after moving to Edgewood, Kentucky.
Keywords: Activities; Amusements; Apartment buildings; Apartments; Atmosphere; Booming; Cemetery; Children; Commissioners; Condominiums; Construction; Conversations; Councilman; Daughters; Development; Districts; Floyd's Seven Oaks; Frisbee golf; Graeter's Ice Cream; Help; Homer McMillan; Houses; Influence; Issues; Joe Durrich; Knuk-N-Futz; Mayors; Men; Person; Pride Park; Pride Parkway; Property; Sales; Senior citizens; Skyline Chili; Small city; Son-in-law; Volunteer work; Walking trails; Women
Subjects: Businesses; Edgewood (Ky.); Recreation; Taylor Mill (Ky.)
Partial Transcript: And, Bob, is there anything that I have not asked that you think we should talk about?
Segment Synopsis: Schulenberg discusses the various types of employment that he has had throughout his life, such as being a farmhand as well as being involved in racing, flying, and firefighting.
Keywords: 1937 Ahrens-Fox Pumper; Al Hauncer; Barns; Ben Wisher; Bowling 727; Cattle; Colonial Court; Condominiums; Corporate jets; Crew members; DHL; Driving; Fire departments; Firefighters; Flying; Garages; Hay; High schools; House fires; Indianapolis Motor Speedway; Jobs; Manor Drive; Merchant buildings; Milking; Pilot's license; Racing; Rempke's; Rodkey Brother's Farm; Structural fires; Sunny Acres; Taylor Mill Boosters Club; Teams; Wagons; Work
Subjects: Careers; Farms.; Memories.; Retirement.; Taylor Mill (Ky.)