Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Mary Bolin, August 9, 2018

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:01 - Biography

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Partial Transcript: My name is Adriana Sisko and the date is August 9th.

Segment Synopsis: Bolin shares that she is the Director for the University of Kentucky Counseling Center. She is a licensed psychologist and has served as the faculty adviser for GSA or Lambda for over fifteen years. She was born in Lexington, Kentucky and attended the University of Kentucky for her undergraduate and graduate studies.

Keywords: College clubs; Colleges; Consultations; Counseling centers; Directors; Faculty advisors; Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA); Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA); Graduate studies; Lambda; Licenses; Services; Undergraduate studies; Universities; University of Kentucky Counseling Center; University of Kentucky Samaritan Hospital

Subjects: College environment; College students; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Counseling in higher education--Administration; Education, Higher; Lexington (Ky.); Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky; Women psychologists

00:00:57 - Undergraduate experience at the University of Kentucky

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Partial Transcript: Uh, to start with, tell me a little bit more about your undergrad experience.

Segment Synopsis: Bolin describes her undergraduate experience at the University of Kentucky, beginning in the fall of 1977. Bolin shares that the LGBTQ community was largely invisible during her time as an undergraduate student. As a heterosexual, cisgender student, Bolin recalls not even thinking about the LGBTQ community.

Keywords: Activist groups; Awareness; Bradley Picklesimer; College campuses; LGBTQ; Undergraduate students; Undergraduate studies

Subjects: Cisgender people; College environment; College students; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Education, Higher; Gender expression; Gender nonconformity; Identity; Lexington (Ky.); Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Sexual orientation; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:02:25 - Returning to University of Kentucky / Graduate work

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Partial Transcript: And so you did undergrad here.

Segment Synopsis: Bolin recalls finishing her undergraduate studies and living in various areas, which broadened her interactions with different types of people. She returned to the University of Kentucky in the fall of 1986 as a graduate student in counseling psychology. With her graduate and clinical work, Bolin recalls interacting with people with varied life experiences. She worked as a psychology intern at the University of Virginia and was trained as a multicultural facilitator. After her internship at the University of Virginia, Bolin was hired on the staff as a clinician.

Keywords: Clinical work; Clinicians; College campuses; Counseling psychology; Diversity; Graduate schools; Identity based trauma; Interns; Internships; Journalism; Life experiences; Multicultural facilitators; Obligations; PhDs; Privileges; Responsibilities; Sexually based trauma; Therapists; Trauma

Subjects: College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Counseling psychology; Doctor of philosophy degree; Families; Internship programs; Lexington (Ky.); Race; Religion; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky; University of Virginia; Women graduate students

00:06:02 - Becoming director of the counseling center

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Partial Transcript: Right, and tell me about how you ended up in your current position at UK.

Segment Synopsis: During her graduate studies, Bolin worked part time at the University of Kentucky counseling center and developed an interest in working with college students. Bolin describes her interest in the process of students developing an identity and personal autonomy while in college. After working part-time job at the counseling center and completing an internship at the University of Virginia, she returned to the University of Kentucky on the staff. After spending one year as a faculty member, Bolin applied for the position of director of the counseling center. Bolin explained that her transition from faculty to administration was an easy one, due to helpful faculty at the University of Kentucky as well as her administrative experience from the University of Virginia.

Keywords: Administrative roles; College campuses; College students; Colleges; Coordinator for clinical work; Counseling centers; Graduate schools; High school students; Identity; Interns; Marriage and Family Therapy; Patients; Staff psychologists; Therapists; Therapy; Undergraduate students; Universities

Subjects: Children; College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Internship programs; Occupations; Undergraduates; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky; University of Virginia; Vocational interests

00:08:36 - Involvement with Lambda and GSA

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Partial Transcript: Tell me more about your involvement with Lambda and then GSA.

Segment Synopsis: Bolin recalls the beginning of her involvement with Lambda in 1998, at the vigil of Matthew Shepherd. Bolin spoke at the vigil and offered the services of the counseling center to the students. Callahan, the Lambda faculty adviser encouraged Bolin to become more involved and eventually transferred the role of faculty adviser to Bolin. Bolin describes the first few years of Lambda as mainly involving young gay or questioning males. Bolin shares details of an increased awareness of transgender students and additional clinical learning as she became more involved. Bolin recalls the Lavender Society forming out of a need to include more females. Bolin describes the change from Lambda to the Gay Straight Alliance in 2006, which eventually became the Gender Sexuality Alliance.

Keywords: Clinical learning; Consultations; Counseling centers; Endocrinology; External representation; Faculty; Faculty advisors; Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA); Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA); Hormones; Joan Callahan; Kathy Stein; LGBTQ; Labels; Lambda; Matthew Shepherd; Safe spaces; Student Health Services; Student centers; Student organizations; Supervisors; Surgeries; The Lavender Society; Undergraduate students; Vigils

Subjects: College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Gender identities; Gender-nonconforming people; Lexington (Ky.); Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Sexual orientation; Transgender college students; Transgender people--Identity; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:15:55 - Other student organizations

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Partial Transcript: What I'll tell you also about, um, student organizations is that there have been some other pieces--I've mentioned a couple of them...

Segment Synopsis: Bolin shares details of other student organizations for graduate/professional students. She identifies OUTLaw, UK Hope, and Outsource as instrumental in contributing to the sense of safety and community for students on campus. Bolin outlines several events that these organizations put on and a few of the challenges that they faced. Bolin then talks about the progress that has been made and the resources that are now available to the student organizations.

Keywords: Allies; Bake Sales; Boundaries; Christians; Drag Show Gayla; Events; FCA; GLBTQ; Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA); Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA); Health; Identity; Labels; Lambda; Law schools; Medical students; OUTLaw; Officers; Outsource; Pat Terrell; Safe spaces; Student centers; Student organizations; UK Hope

Subjects: Closeted gays; College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Coming out (Gender identity); Coming out (Sexual orientation); Communities; Drag shows; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Lexington (Ky.); Parents of gays; Sexual minorities' families; Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Sexual minority students; Sexual orientation--Religious aspects; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:22:28 - Promoting awareness on campus

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Partial Transcript: So earlier, you talked about the invisibility that surrounded LGBTQ students when you were an undergrad.

Segment Synopsis: Bolin describes the gradual changes on campus and in society in the awareness of LGBTQ individuals. She remembers different events like the Transgender Day of Silence, which help to bring more awareness of these students on campus. She credits the importance of faculty members that are open to discussing how to be more inclusive and respectful.

Keywords: Awareness; College campuses; College students; Events; Faculty members; Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA); Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA); Invisibility; LGBTQ; Lambda; Student organizations; Transgender Day of Silence; Undergraduate students

Subjects: College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Demonstrations; Lexington (Ky.); Sexual minorities--Identity; Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Social change; Social change.; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:24:29 - Attending the Matthew Shepard vigil

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Partial Transcript: So, going back to when you went to the Matthew Shepherd vigil, it seems like you sought out this cause intentionally.

Segment Synopsis: Bolin recalls attending the vigil of Matthew Shepherd as being the beginning of her connections with the LGBTQ community. Bolin explains that she was not the first staff member at the counseling center that had an interest in the LGBTQ community. Bolin shares that as the director of the counseling center, she felt it was important to attend the vigil of Matthew Shepherd and offer the support of the counseling center.

Keywords: College campuses; College students; Counseling centers; Faculty members; Frazee Hall; LGBTQ; Matthew Shepard; Matthew Shepard vigil; Privilege; Psychologists; Safety; Students; Theater; Vigils

Subjects: College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Gay men--United States--Social conditions; Gays--Violence against; Lexington (Ky.); Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Sexual orientation; Social problems; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:27:10 - Changes in student attitudes

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Partial Transcript: And over time, um, what is your sense of how student attitudes toward the subject of LGBTQ topics and people, uh, what's your sense for how that has changed or if it has changed?

Segment Synopsis: Bolin describes a positive change in student attitudes towards the subject of LGBTQ topics. She contends that teaching tolerance is not enough and stresses the importance of awareness and inclusion. From her time as an undergraduate student, Bolin has noticed significant changes in dating across racial lines. Bolin then shares stories about her mother and her own personal life that illustrate the importance of awareness and acceptance in her own life.

Keywords: Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA); Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA); Identity; Lambda; Role models; Societal shifts; Tolerance

Subjects: College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Coming out (Sexual orientation); Families; Gender expression; Interracial dating; Lexington (Ky.); Minorities; Race relations; Sexual minorities--Identity; Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Social change; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:33:31 - Encouraging inclusion on campus

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Partial Transcript: Um, looking back, uh, what was missing, um, or rather, what wasn't being done that might've--could've been done, um, in organizations like Lambda, the GSA, or you know the Lavender Society through the stages, or even now?

Segment Synopsis: Bolin describes the importance of creating an inclusive space where all feel welcome and included. She explains that at the University of Kentucky and in society, there are several marginalized groups that are not always included. Bolin explains that student organizations and the University of Kentucky as a whole are moving in the right direction in terms of expanding the sense of community to welcome everyone. Bolin describes the excitement she feels at seeing students leading their own organizations and encouraging inclusion. She shares that they will always face the challenge of spreading awareness of student organizations to new students.

Keywords: Awareness; Belonging; Challenges; College campuses; Culture; Events; Faculty advisors; Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA); Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA); Identities; Inclusion; Lambda; Marginalized groups; New college students; Privileges; Representation; Student organization fairs; Student organizations; Supervisors; The Lavender Society

Subjects: College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Communities; Gay college students; Minorities; Sexual minorities--Identity; Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Social change; Social problems; Student activities; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:39:08 - Challenges

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Partial Transcript: What kind of challenges did you face, um, when it came to advising these groups or like what kind of challenges did you see them facing, um, as they were leading these groups?

Segment Synopsis: Bolin recalls the challenges that she faced during her time as faculty adviser to GSA and Lambda. She shares that the main difficulty was ensuring that their activities and events adhered to the University of Kentucky's regulations and requirements for a student organization event. As the faculty adviser, Bolin spends a lot of her time directing students in these organizations to resources that can help them with logistical challenges.

Keywords: Challenges; College students; Culture; Event planning; Faculty advisers; Fraternity houses; Logistical challenges; Parents; Regulations; Requirements; Resources; Safety; Safety measures; Student organizations; Volunteers

Subjects: College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Lexington (Ky.); Sexual minorities; Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Social change; Student activities; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky

00:41:46 - GSA and Lambda's lasting impact

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Partial Transcript: What do you think the GSA's or Lambda's, um, or even other student groups that you've seen, um, what do you think their lasting impact has been on campus?

Segment Synopsis: Bolin describes the lasting impact that GSA, Lambda, and other similar student organizations have created: a safe space on campus for undergraduate and graduate/professional students. These organizations have also allowed other students to develop their leadership skills. Bolin shares that her work with GSA and Lambda has been very important to her and she wants people to be proud of their identities.

Keywords: Activities; Careers; Community service; Faculty; Faculty advisers; Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA); Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA); Graduate students; Guest speakers; Identity; Lambda; Leadership opportunities; Leadership skills; Meetings; OUTLaw; Professional students; Safe spaces; Safety; Small towns; Staff; Student organizations; Undergraduate students; Volunteer work

Subjects: College campuses; College environment; College students--Attitudes.; College students--Conduct of life.; College students--Social conditions; Communities; Mass society; Sexual minorities; Sexual minorities--Identity.; Sexual minorities.; Sexual minority college students; Sexual minority community; Sexual orientation; Social change; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky