Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Janeth Ceballos, September 16, 2019

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries


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00:00:00 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: Okay, so, to start off this interview we are at the Nunn Center for Oral History with an oral history project called "Women of Color in Medicine."

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Janeth Ceballos is interviewed by ReneƩ Collins for the I Am Diversity: Women Physicians of Color Oral History Project. In this segment, Dr. Ceballos, a pediatrician in Lexington, Kentucky, is introduced.

Keywords: Colombia; Diversity; Immigrants; Kentucky; Lexington (Ky.); Pediatricians

Subjects: Colombia.; Diversity; Health.; Hispanic American physicians; Kentucky.; Lexington (Ky.); Medicine.; Pediatricians; Women physicians.

00:02:02 - Summary of education and career in Colombia

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Partial Transcript: If you can start us with, um, your career, I guess, actually those young days where you realized you always wanted to be in medicine.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos summarizes her educational and medical career in Colombia.

Keywords: Colombia; Diversity; Doctor; Medical; Medical career; Medical education; Medicine; Women physicians

Subjects: Colombia.; Diversity; Health.; Medical education; Medicine.; Women physicians.

00:05:26 - Summary of immigrating to the United States / Career and education

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Partial Transcript: So, in that time, it was about a year and a half, I worked as a family physician and after that, my husband and I had to move to the States...

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos summarizes her experience moving to the United States and establishing her medical career.

Keywords: Chapel Hill (N.C.); Colombia; Duke University; Family physician; Immigrants; Immigration; Kentucky; Lexington (Ky.); Medical; Medicine; North Carolina; Social work; University of Kentucky

Subjects: Colombia.; Diversity; Family medicine.; Hispanic American physicians; Hispanic American women.; Hispanic Americans--Cultural Assimilation.; Hispanic Americans--Employment.; Hispanic Americans.; Kentucky.; Latin Americans.; Lexington (Ky.); Medical education; Medicine.; Social work.

00:08:57 - Personal stories and information

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Partial Transcript: So I'm going to kind of go back in life and then we're gonna get back--

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos is asked about the happiest moment of her life, the important people in her life, her biggest accomplishments, and the important lessons she has learned.

Keywords: Doctors; Families; Family; Health; Lessons; Medicine; Pediatricians; Women physicians

Subjects: Colombia.; Families.; Hispanic American mothers; Hispanic American parents; Medicine.; Pediatricians

00:11:40 - Life in Colombia / Moving to America / Cultural differences in America

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Partial Transcript: Now I'm going to go into some, um, I guess, some early childhood questions for you.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos details her life in Colombia and the hardships she faced growing up there. She contrasts this with her life in America. She discusses moving to Chapel Hill, North Carolina and then to Lexington, Kentucky.

Keywords: Chapel Hill (N.C.); Colombia; Immigrants; Immigration; Kentucky; Lexington (Ky.); Medical; Medicine; North Carolina

Subjects: Colombia.; Kentucky.; Medicine.; North Carolina.

00:18:00 - Work and family balance

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Partial Transcript: What type of balance does it require for both you and your husband to be physicians?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos is asked how she balances her work and family life, as both she and her husband are physicians. Dr. Ceballos also describes how much Lexington, Kentucky has changed since she first moved to the city.

Keywords: Diversity; Family; Kentucky.; Lexington (Ky.); Medicine; Women physicians; Work life

Subjects: Colombia.; Diversity; Families.; Hispanic American mothers; Hispanic American parents; Hispanic American physicians; Hispanic American women.; Kentucky.; Lexington (Ky.); Medicine.; Pediatricians; Work life

00:19:26 - Importance of diversity / Challenges minorities face / Unconscious bias / Discrimination

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Partial Transcript: How many languages do you speak?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos describes the challenges minorities face in the medical field. Unconscious biases are discussed, as well as the role diversity plays in medicine. Dr. Ceballos is also asked about the challenges she faces with working with a diverse population.

Keywords: Discrimination; Diversity; Equality; Immigrants; Medical; Medicine; Minorities; Pediatricians; Sexism

Subjects: Diversity; Hispanic American physicians; Hispanic Americans.; Latin Americans.; Medicine.; Minorities.; Pediatricians; Sexism.

00:29:36 - Challenges faced by women of color in medicine / Combating discrimination

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Partial Transcript: What challenges do you feel that women of color, or women from a Hispanic background, face in medicine that perhaps other demographics do not face?

Segment Synopsis: In this segment, Dr. Ceballos is asked about the challenges women of color face in the medical field, and how she would handle a situation where an individual is making discriminatory statements.

Keywords: Discrimination; Medical; Medicine; Pediatricians; Women in medicine; Women of color; Women physicians

Subjects: Discrimination.; Diversity; Hispanic American physicians; Hispanic American women.; Medicine.; Pediatricians; Women physicians.; Women--Employment.

00:31:50 - Challenges of being a working mother

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Partial Transcript: What is the most, perhaps, just the most difficult situation that you've encountered, as a result of your time in medical profession?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos details the struggles of being a mother while being a full-time physician. She describes her experiences working while pregnant and returning from maternity leave. This is then applied to not only her own experiences, but to the experiences of other working mothers.

Keywords: Children; Doctors; Families; Family; Maternity leave; Medical; Medicine; Mothers; Pediatricians; Work life; Working mother

Subjects: Families.; Health.; Hispanic American mothers; Hispanic American parents.; Hispanic American women; Maternity leave.; Women physicians.; Work life; Working mothers.

00:34:41 - Learning about cultures and cultural differences

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Partial Transcript: What areas of diversity do you think that you have more to learn about and how would you go about doing that?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos is asked about the areas of diversity she would like to learn about. Additionally, the need for an awareness of various cultural norms while in the medical field is discussed.

Keywords: Cultural norms; Culture; Diversity; Families; Family Medicine.; Health.; Medical; Medicine; Pediatricians

Subjects: Culture.; Diversity; Families.; Family medicine.; Health.; Medicine.

00:37:57 - Concluding personal facts and information

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, has your research or your personal learnings incorporated, uh, the topic of women of color in medicine?

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Ceballos is asked about what her research focuses on. Dr. Ceballos shares what she wishes people knew about immigration and describes what she hopes her future retirement party will be like.

Keywords: Colombia; Diversity; Hispanic Americans.; Immigrants; Immigration; Latin Americans.; Research

Subjects: Colombia.; Diversity; Hispanic Americans.; Latin Americans.; Medicine.; Pediatricians; Women physicians.