Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Martha Fields "Marty" Galloway, February 20, 2021

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries


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00:00:03 - Life before the COVID-19 pandemic

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Okay, I think we're going. So, my name is Kopana Terry. It is February 20th, 2021. I'm talkin--talking to Marty Galloway. Hi, Marty.

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about why she moved to France and the work she did before the COVID-19 pandemic. She talks about when the lockdown first started and trying to work with her band with all the restrictions.

Keywords: Bands; Bordeaux (France); Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Cultural workers; Family; French government; Lockdowns; Quality of life; Restrictions

Subjects: Americana.; Arts.; COVID-19 (Disease); Culture.; Festivals; France.; Lifestyles.; Music.; Musicians.; Pandemics and COVID-19

00:06:45 - Lockdown in France

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What happened--what happened in France when you--back in March of last year when the lockdown first happened? Uh, I mean, take me through the day that you found out.

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about when she first started hearing about COVID-19 and when France went into a full lockdown. She talks about how artists and other workers have been supported by the French government during the pandemic.

Keywords: Anxiety; Bands; Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); French government; French people; Lockdowns; Professional artists; Restrictions; Savings

Subjects: Artists.; COVID-19 (Disease); China.; France.; Income.; Italy; Music.; Musicians.; Pandemics and COVID-19; Teaching.; Texas A & M University.; Unemployment.

00:14:56 - Comparing the United States with France during the pandemic

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You know, I'm interested in your thoughts, uh, because you do still have family here in the States. Um, you know, and you've been watching--until recently you've been watching all this go down from, uh, a different country.

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about how the pandemic wasn't politicized in France like it was in the United States. She talks about how France's culture has changed due to not being able to kiss people and how musicians have had to resort to online concerts to make money. She talks about coming back to the United States to convince her mother to get vaccinated and how France is behind on vaccinations.

Keywords: American citizenship; Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Cultural changes; Family; French citizenship; French residents; Lockdowns; Online concerts; Politics; Regulations; Restrictions; Tourist visas; Vaccinations

Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease); Culture.; France.; Income.; Lifestyles.; Masks.; Musicians.; Pandemics and COVID-19; Social distancing (Public health); United States.; Vaccines.

00:22:23 - Lifting some restrictions / Making music during the lockdown

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, I was going to ask you, speaking of British friends, so you know, uh, England opened up for a time and then the variants hit and they slammed shut again. Uh, did you see some--anything like that in France?

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about France lifting some restrictions over the summer, causing the virus to spread. She talks about making music during the lockdown, including songs about gardening and the coronavirus.

Keywords: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Family gatherings; Lockdowns; Restrictions; Songwriting; Variants

Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease); Culture.; England.; Food security.; France.; Gardening.; Music.; Musicians.

00:25:52 - Restaurants and stores closing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Here in the States when--when it really set in, uh, that they were serious about locking us away, uh, for weeks at a time, the shelves became bare. Did you experience something like that?

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about the grocery stores and markets closing in France causing concern about getting certain foods. She talks about how places having to close has affected theaters and those who work in the arts.

Keywords: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Foraging; Grocery stores; Outdoor markets; Pay

Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease); Food security.; Gardening.; Groceries.; Imports.; Income.; Revenue; Shopping.; Theaters.

00:28:59 - Making a record during the lockdown / Playing live shows

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well, let's talk about, um, the record that you've made.

Segment Synopsis: Galloway describes how she made a record with her band during the lockdown. She talks about the last few times she has performed live.

Keywords: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Gigs; Live shows; Lockdowns; Making music; Recording studios; Venues

Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease); Music.; Musicians.; Netherlands.; Records

00:33:41 - Traveling to different countries during the pandemic

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Yeah so how--how is traveling for you? Um, was it difficult for you to get back over here?

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about her experience traveling from France to the United States during the lockdown. She talks about the process she will have to go through to get back to France.

Keywords: COVID-19 tests; Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Exposure; Healthcare; Testing; Traveling

Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease); Culture shock.; France.; Health insurance.; Public health.; Quarantine.; Travel.; United States.

00:38:52 - Life and career before moving to France

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So I--I want to--I want to move away from traffic for a second and I want to back up and talk about--talk about your musical career.

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about growing up and being exposed to music by her family. She talks about playing music throughout school and eventually becoming a teacher. She talks about the relevance of American music in France and explains why she decided to move there.

Keywords: American music; Bands; Colleges; Family; Gigs; Music careers; Songwriting

Subjects: Country music.; Education.; Festivals.; France.; Kentucky.; Music.; Musicians.; Teaching.; Texas A & M University.

00:42:59 - Her style of music

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tell me about your--your style.

Segment Synopsis: Galloway describes the different styles of music she plays and talks briefly about her band.

Keywords: Bands; Instruments; Music styles; Songwriting

Subjects: Americana.; Bluegrass music.; Music.; Musicians.

00:45:12 - American and European audiences

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you find that the audiences, uh, across Europe are similar or different to American audiences?

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks briefly about the differences between playing for American and European audiences.

Keywords: American music; Audiences; Bands; Live music; Venues

Subjects: Artists.; France.; Music.; Musicians.

00:46:37 - How music and entertainment will change in the future

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So when we get on the other side of this, assuming that we will, um, what do you think the business is going to look like?

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about how the music business might change after the pandemic is over.

Keywords: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Entertainment industry; Staying home; Venues

Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease); Music.; Musicians.; Vaccines.

00:48:40 - Staying motivated during the pandemic

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So, um, is there anything about, uh, what you've experienced, what your band has experienced, uh, either financially or, or musically that--that we haven't talked about?

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about struggling to stay motivated to work during the pandemic and describes some of the issues she has experienced as a musician trying to find work.

Keywords: Albums; Bands; Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Gigs; Inspiration; Motivation; Optimism; Rehearsing; Songwriting; Vaccinations; Variants

Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease); Marketing.; Musicians.; Pandemics and COVID-19; Vaccines.

00:53:52 - Playing music in the Netherlands

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What was the audience like when you went to play in the Netherlands? So you said they--they had certain conditions so I'm assuming you had some social distancing and they were sitting down--

Segment Synopsis: Galloway talks about playing in the Netherlands and how they did live shows while social distancing.

Keywords: Audiences; Bars; Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); Dutch; Essential workers; Gigs; Live shows; Performances; Security; Set; Takeout; Venues

Subjects: COVID-19 (Disease); Concerts.; France.; Masks.; Music.; Netherlands.; Restaurants.; Social distancing (Public health)