Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Fawn Weaver, November 4, 2022

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries


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00:00:01 - Introductions / Interest in studying Nearest Green

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Partial Transcript: Hi, my name is JWells.

Segment Synopsis: Fawn Weaver, the CEO of Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey, talks about her work experience as an entrepreneur and as an author. She explains how many accomplishments and legacies throughout African American history have been lost to time, usually with other companies taking the credit. She says that the story of Nathan "Nearest" Green inspired her to research and track down historical proof of the story.

Keywords: Black history; Brands; Businesses; Companies; Enslaved people; Entrepreneurs; Focus; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Nearest Green; Opportunities; Proof; Uncle Nearest; Uncle Nearest Premium Whiskey; Uncle Nearest's; Uncle Nearests

Subjects: African American history; African Americans; Alcohol; Authors; Biscuits; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Businesswomen; Careers; Daniel, Jack; Green, Nathan; History; Industries; Legacies; Occupations; People; Pillsbury Company; Premium; Slaves; Whiskey; Whiskey industry

00:02:29 - Researching the story of Nearest Green

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Partial Transcript: And so after reading that story, you set out to learn more.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver explains how she began digging up information about "Nearest" Green while cooperating with a research team of archivists, archaeologists, and historians. She explains how she reached out to different archives across the U.S. for supporters and resources. She says that she believes her fortunate situation may stem from some unexplained fate or higher power rather than by chance.

Keywords: Bourbon; Conservators; Enslaved peoples; Entrepreneurs; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Nathan Green; National archives; Nearest Green; Preservation; Uncle Nearest; Uncle Nearest's; Uncle Nearests

Subjects: African American history; African Americans; Alcohol; Archaeologists; Archives; Archivists; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Census; Civil war; Daniel, Jack; Green, Nathan; Historians; History; Lynchburg (Tenn.); Museums; Nashville (Tenn.); Research; Slaves; Tennessee; Tennessee State Museum; United States; Whiskey; Whiskey industry

GPS: Tennessee State Museum (Nashville, TN)
Map Coordinates: 36.172, -86.790
00:07:10 - Piecing together Green's family history

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Partial Transcript: A part of your research process, um, of course was interviewing descendants of Nearest Green.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver describes her interviews with "Nearest" Green's familial descendants and how, through her research, she was able to help fill in the blanks on their family history. She gives advice to researchers who want to work with communities that come from marginalized backgrounds.

Keywords: Bourbon; Descendants; Enslaved peoples; Family; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Marginalized; Nathan Green; Nearest Green; Preservation; Proof; Researchers; Researching; Uncle Nearest's; Uncle Nearests

Subjects: African American history; African Americans; Alcohol; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Communication; Communities; Daniel, Jack; Families; Family histories; Green, Nathan; History; Interviews; Lynchburg (Tenn.); Premium; Research; Slave traders; Slaves; Stories & storytellers; Storytelling; Trust; Whiskey; Whiskey industry

GPS: Lynchburg, TN
Map Coordinates: 35.283, -86.374
00:11:41 - Proving the integrity of Jack Daniel's family legacy

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Partial Transcript: So Jack Daniel's family is also directly and indirectly impacted by this work with Uncle Nearest.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver describes how the name of "Nearest" Green was known among Jack Daniel's descendants and how they were not at fault for his story being erased from the distillery. She explains that, through her research and interviews with the family members, she helped prove the integrity of Daniel and mend the family's historical legacy. She explains that having writing alongside oral history is vital for everyone to agree on a certain topic.

Keywords: Bourbon; Descendants; Diversity; Enslaved people; Family; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Nathan Green; Nearest Green; Preservation; Proof; Researchers; Researching; Uncle Nearest; Uncle Nearest's; Uncle Nearests

Subjects: African American history; African Americans; Alcohol; Biographies; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Credit; Daniel, Jack; Distilleries; Distillers; Families; Green, George; Green, Nathan; History; Integrity; Interviews; Legacies; Lincoln County (Tenn.); Lynchburg (Tenn.); Oral history; Races; Research; Slaves; Whiskey; Whiskey industry; Writing

GPS: Lynchburg, TN
Map Coordinates: 35.283, -86.374
00:15:34 - Importance of company honesty

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Partial Transcript: You mentioned that the racial divide at that time really fueled the division between the perceptions of, of these, this story, right?

Segment Synopsis: Weaver explains why the owners of Jack Daniel's, as well as many other businesses, find it difficult to disclose truths that could potentially hurt their reputations. Despite this, she argues that honesty is important for businesses as it ultimately creates more good than harm for families and related individuals. She says that although the decision may be difficult, businesses should not be scared of the past and should instead look at the present and future.

Keywords: Bourbon; Businesses; CEOs; Companies; Customers; Descendants; Enslaved people; Excellency; Family; Jack Daniel; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Lawsuits; Nathan Green; Nearest Green; Preservation; Proof; Public perception; Reparations; Researchers; Researching; Stories; Tensions; Uncle Nearest; Uncle Nearest's; Uncle Nearests

Subjects: African Americans; Alcohol; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Businesswomen; Chief executive officers; Daniel, Jack; Distilleries; Distillers; Families; Green, Nathan; Honesty; Integrity; Legacies; Reparation (Criminal justice); Reputation; Research; Slaves; United States; Wealth; Whiskey; Whiskey industry

GPS: Lynchburg, TN
Map Coordinates: 35.283, -86.374
00:21:37 - Obtaining historical property / Creating a bottle

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Partial Transcript: I want to transition back to family and talking with the family members.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver explains how she ended up obtaining the farm in Lynchburg where Jack Daniels grew up and was mentored. She says that she chose to create a bottle honoring "Nearest" Green to keep his name relevant in the minds of people, and explains how she came up with the design.

Keywords: Black history; Bourbon; Businesses; Family; Houses; Jack Daniel; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Labeling; Nathan Green; Nearest Green; Preservation; Registries; Stories; Uncle Nearest; Uncle Nearest's; Uncle Nearests

Subjects: African American history; African Americans; Alcohol; Black people; Bottles; Bourbon whiskey; Daniel, Jack; Distilleries; Distillers; Farms; Green, Nathan; History; Labels; Legacies; Lynchburg (Tenn.); Oral histories; Research; Tennessee; Whiskey; Whiskey industry

GPS: Lynchburg, TN
Map Coordinates: 35.283, -86.374
00:24:51 - Introduction to the whiskey industry / Experiences with whiskey

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Partial Transcript: I know from, uh, a talk that you did with Inc's "What I Know" podcast, you said before founding Uncle Nearest's Premium Whiskey, you didn't know much about the whiskey industry.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver describes how she began learning about the whiskey industry after discovering that all of her favorite types of whiskey were crafted by the same company. She talks about her early memories of drinking bourbon and explains how everyone's tolerance for specific types of alcohol is dependent on their pH.

Keywords: Acidity; Bourbon; Buffalo Trace; Businesses; Distilling; Drinks; Jack Daniel; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Scotch; Uncle Nearest; Uncle Nearest's; Uncle Nearest's Premium Whiskey; Uncle Nearests; pH

Subjects: African Americans; Alcohol; Alcoholic beverage industry; Barrels; Bartenders; Beverages; Black people; Bottles; Bourbon whiskey; Brewing; Chemistry; Distilleries; Distillers; Liquors; Recipes; Rye; Rye whiskey; Scotch whiskey; Understanding; Vodka; Whiskey; Whiskey industry

00:28:00 - First impressions of working for the whiskey industry

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Partial Transcript: Switching from the consumer side to you being a contributor to the whiskey industry, what were, what was your first impression of the industry?

Segment Synopsis: Weaver explains that many whiskey brands have embellished or exaggerated stories behind their creation for better marketing. She says that she doesn't research any other brands apart from Uncle Nearest and Jack Daniel's, and describes her motivated, mission-focused attitude towards working in the whiskey industry.

Keywords: Bourbon; Businesses; Companies; Jack Daniel; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Nathan Green; Nearest Green; Nearis Green; Researchers; Uncle Nearest; Uncle Nearest's

Subjects: African American history; African Americans; Alcohol; Alcoholic beverage industry; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Businesswomen; Daniel, Jack; Green, Nathan; History; Motivation; People; Research; Stories & storytelling; Storytelling; Whiskey; Whiskey industry; White people

00:30:20 - Personal challenges in the whiskey industry

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Partial Transcript: You've mentioned elsewhere that you faced a lot of blockage.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver discusses the hurdles she and her team had to overcome, explaining that they were few and far between and that getting frustrated with them would only distract her from finding solutions. She reflects on how she was able to succeed with her project due to her determined, persevering, and optimistic attitude.

Keywords: Blockages; Bourbon; Businesses; CEO; Distributors; Drinking; Drinks; Jack Daniel; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Nathan Green; Nearest Green; Projects; Uncle Nearest

Subjects: African Americans; Alcohol; Alcoholic beverage industry; Beverages; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Business; Businesswomen; Careers; Chief executive officers; Communication; Distributors (Commerce); Historians; Industries; Leadership; Liquors; Whiskey; Whiskey industry; White people

00:36:06 - Public relations and attracting consumers

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Partial Transcript: So talk to me about the business side.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver gives her perspective on public relations and explains that her job in the whiskey business is to attract consumers by sharing stories that resonate with them. She explains that cementing Uncle Nearest's name goes beyond just marketing and involves spreading it across media around the world.

Keywords: Bourbon; Firms; Jack Daniel; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniels; Media; Nathan Green; Nearest Green; PR; Perspectives; Uncle Nearest; Uncle Nearest's; Uncle Nearests

Subjects: Advertising; African Americans; Alcohol; Alcoholic beverage industry; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Business; Businesswomen; Careers; Consumers; Daniel, Jack; Foundations; Industries; Legacies; Marketing; Press; Public relations; Stories & storytelling; Storytelling; Whiskey; Whiskey industry

00:38:20 - Leadership in the whiskey industry

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Partial Transcript: Tell me about your hiring or choosing your leadership team.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver describes her leadership team and their diverse races, genders, ethnicities, and sexualities. She says that she accepts all groups into leadership positions and cares primarily about the passion that they can bring to the team's goals. She explains what she looks for in a leader and gives advice for those seeking leadership positions.

Keywords: Bourbon; Brands; Businesses; CEO; Companies; Diversity; Entrepreneurs; LGBTQ; Teams; Uncle Nearest; Workers

Subjects: African Americans; Alcohol; Alcoholic beverage industry; Black people; Bourbon whiskey; Chief executive officers; Communication; Consumers; Distilleries; Distillers; Ethnicity; Industries; LGBTQ+ people; Leadership; Professional relationships; Supervisors; Whiskey; Whiskey industry

00:41:40 - Value of confidence / Mentors and inspirations

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Partial Transcript: Okay, I want to talk about--transition to talking about your success overall.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver discusses the value of confidence when it comes to being a successful entrepreneur, describing it as the one shared characteristic of all CEOs. She says that her inspiration came from people throughout history that she read about in books.

Keywords: Businesses; CEOs; Companies; Diversity; Entrepreneurs; Historical figures; Mentors; Nathan Green; Nearest Green; POC; People of color; People of colour; Researchers; Uncle Nearest

Subjects: African Americans; Black people; Books; Business; Founders; Gender; History; Industries; Inspiration; Leaders; Leadership; Readers; Reading; Research; Values; Women

00:44:19 - Experience as an author

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Partial Transcript: Speaking of books, so I know that you are also a New York Times bestselling author.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver describes her career as an author, interviewing people across the world and writing research books about what makes a positive and lasting marriage. She explains that writing is something that she's naturally talented at and loves to do, which she says is what led her to become an author.

Keywords: Businesses; Conversations; Data; Diversity; Family; Perspectives; Researchers; Studies; Transcribing; Writers

Subjects: African Americans; Authors; Black people; Careers; Communication; Couples; Families; History; Hobbies; Interviews; Marriage; Research; Transcription; Travel

00:47:23 - Focusing on strengths and passions / Closing thoughts

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Partial Transcript: You've mentioned a couple of, of gems for sure in this, um, interview, and one of the things you just said is like, you leaned into things that you were good at.

Segment Synopsis: Weaver discusses the importance of focusing on one's strengths instead of one's weaknesses. She describes her own personal growth throughout her life and explains that she has continued to lean into things that she enjoyed as a child.

Keywords: Businesses; Companies; Conversations; Entrepreneurs; Exercising; Family; POC; People of color; People of colour; Writers

Subjects: African Americans; Authors; Black people; Business; Businesswomen; Careers; Communication; Families; Hobbies; Leaders; Leadership; Readers; Reading; Schools; Teaching; Working out; Writing