This image depicts Zachariah Sippy, at the time a Henry Clay High School Senior, speaking with The Atlantic Monthly as he discusses his activism and support for gun control in public schools. This photo is from Zachariah Sippy's twitter account.
This newsletter announces Louis Brown as the head of Ohavay Zion Congregation's Sunday School. It also details her background, plans for the Sunday School program, and when and how to register.
This is a poster board created by Jennifer Murray and Hannah Thompson. The information and quotes featured on the poster come from an interview with Abramson conducted by Carol Ely on September 14, 2016. This poster was presented at the Kentucky…
This is an image from the University of Kentucky yearbook, the Kentuckyian, in 1954. The image depicts Phi Sigma Sigma sisters, highlighting the image of Sara Anne Stone. Although her name is spelled with an H on the end in the Kentuckian, this is an…