Members of Ohavay Zion Synagogue pose together during a ceremony. Identifiable members include Harvey Steinberg (far left), Peggy Greenfield (center left), and Rabbi Albert Pappenheim (center).
Members of Ohavay Zion Synagogue pose together. Seated on the couch is Ann Stein (far left), Betty Rosenberg (center left), Rabbi Albert Pappenheim (center), and Anne Mervis (center right). Bessie Block is seen leaning on the couch's right arm.
Members of Ohavay Zion Synagogue's Sisterhood board and Rabbi Albert Pappenheim pose for the transfer of the presidency. In the front row is Gishie Bloomfield (far left), Betty Rosenberg (center left), Helen Levy (center right), and Ida Waldman (far…
Members of Ohavay Zion Synagogue's Sisterhood board pose together. Identifiable members include Esther Moskovitz (front left), Martha Steinberg (front center), Ellen Moskowitz (front right), Helen Levy (back center left), and Bernice Herman (back…
Members of Ohavay Zion Synagogue's Sisterhood board pose to symbolize the transition of presidency from Gishie Bloomfield (front left) to Shirley Rosenberg (front center). Other members include Gishie Bloomfield (front right), Esther Greenfield (back…
Officers of Ohavay Zion Synagogue pose together in this image. In front is Leon Cooper (left) and Louis Spandorf (right). In the back row is Julian Bloomfield (left), Sig Benjamin (center), and Norman Grossman (right).
This image shows the transition of presidency for the board of directors of Ohavay Zion Synagogue. From right to left is Larry Sherman, Jake Grain (?), Sam Block, Ed Greenfield, Seymour Moskowitz, Rabbi Stanley M. Wagner, and Chuck Moskovitz.
In this photo, several members of Ohavay Zion Synagogue pose digging into the ground where the addition to the synagogue, located on Maxwell Street at the time, will be constructed. From right to left is Leon Cooper, Rabbi Bernard Schwab, Shelly…