Interview with Harold H. Schumacher, June 17, 1987

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History
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00:00:36 - World War II and Schumacher's baseball career

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Your career was interrupted by the war.

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher discusses the effect that World War II had on his career, as well as his time in the navy.

Keywords: Baseball during World War II; Enlisting; Enlistment; Great Depression; Military service; Navy; World War II

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball players; Depressions, 1929; United States. Navy.; World War, 1939-1945; World War, 1939-1945--Veterans.

00:05:10 - Alternative careers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: ...Did you have any alt-- other alternatives in mind at that point in time?

Segment Synopsis: Marshall inquires about other career options Schumacher had considered. Schumacher lists various other avenues he pursued, including enrolling in law school and working for a company that manufactures baseball bats.

Keywords: Albany Senators; Ball clubs; Baseball teams; Bats; Careers; Law School; baseball bats

Subjects: Baseball; Minor league baseball

00:08:03 - Post-war baseball career / Mel Ott

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Let me take you back to 1946.

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher discusses his return to baseball after the war and remembers his manager, Mel Ott.

Keywords: Athletics; Miami; Pitching; Spring training

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball managers; Baseball players; Florida; Minor league baseball; Ott, Mel, 1909-1958; World War, 1939-1945--Veterans.

00:12:53 - Defections to the Mexican League

Play segment

Partial Transcript: In, as far as, as far as the Mexican League is concerned, um, several players on your team jumped.

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher speculates that the prospect of earning higher salaries induced some American players to join the Mexican League.

Keywords: Ace Adams; Compensation; Harry Feldman; Mexican League; Pasquel brothers; Salaries

Subjects: Baseball players; Baseball players--Salaries, etc.--United States; Liga Mexicana de Beisbol Profesional; Maglie, Sal, 1917-; New York Giants (Baseball Team); Pasquel, Jorge--1907-1955; Zabala, Adrian, Sr.

00:16:25 - Recollections of baseball players and managers

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I'd like to go through some of the players on that '46 team and, and ask you just to give me a sort of a vignette...

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher recollects some of the players and managers whom he knew when he played baseball.

Keywords: Bill Terry; Buddy Blattner; Eddie Brannick; Horace Stoneham; Johnny Mize; Profits; Tours; Travel

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball managers; Baseball players; Baseball team owners; Depressions, 1929; Gardella, Daniel L.; Mize, John, 1913-; New York Giants (Baseball Team)

00:21:30 - More recollections of baseball players

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Buddy Kerr?

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher recalls more about some of the players he knew when he played baseball.

Keywords: Bill Rigney; Buddy Kerr; Ernie Lombardi; George "Dave" Koslo; Goodwin "Goody" Rosen; Harry Danning; Hitters; Monte Kennedy; Sidney "Sid" Gordon; Willard Marshall; William Walker Cooper

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball players; Brooklyn Dodgers (Baseball Team); Catchers (Baseball); New York Giants (Baseball Team); Pitchers (Baseball)

00:26:28 - Changes in playing baseball since the 1930s

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You, uh, also faced, possibly faced some good players. I don't know-- you, you pitched in 24 games and the record indicates that your arm...

Segment Synopsis: Marshall asks Schumacher to compare how baseball was played in the 1930s and 1940s to how it was played at the time of the interview. Schumacher also comments on the differences in transportation.

Keywords: Fastballs; Food; Hitters; Trains; Transportation; Travel

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball players; Baseball--United States--Social aspects; Musial, Stan, 1920-2013; Pitchers (Baseball)

00:30:18 - Changes in baseball equipment and technology / changes in the baseball season

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Equipment has really changed, too, hasn't it?

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher remarks on the changes in baseball gloves, technology, and the baseball season.

Keywords: Baseball fans; Baseball gloves; Baseball season; Batting; Broadcasting; Broadcasts; Equipment; Fans; Female fans; Technology

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball--United States--Social aspects; Mass media and technology.; Radio; Radio broadcasting of sports; Women

00:34:37 - The reserve clause / the player pension plan

Play segment

Partial Transcript: One thing that you, you played with the full reserve clause, which they don't play with now. How do you feel about the reserve clause?

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher gives his opinion of the reserve clause, and discusses the benefits of pensions for baseball players.

Keywords: Baseball reserve clause; Pensions; Reserve clauses; Salaries; Strikes

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball commissioners--Legal status, laws, etc.--United States; Baseball players; New York Giants (Baseball Team); Pittsburgh Pirates (Baseball Team); Strikes and lockouts

00:38:36 - Baseball commissioners / player reactions to Jackie Robinson

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You also played under two commissioners. I think you probably got to at least know Judge Landis.

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher recalls details about the two commissioners he played under. Marshall also asks him about other players' reactions to Jackie Robinson.

Keywords: Owners; Pensions; Players

Subjects: African American baseball players; Baseball commissioners; Baseball players; Baseball team owners; Chandler, Happy, 1898-1991; Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 1866-1944; Robinson, Jackie, 1919-1972

00:40:42 - Great baseball players Schumacher knew

Play segment

Partial Transcript: If I could take just a couple more minutes, I would just like to ask you about a couple other players...

Segment Synopsis: Marshall asks Schumacher about some of the great baseball players whom he encountered during his career.

Keywords: Carl Hubbell; Danny Hartman; George Myatt; Hitters; Opponents; Richard "Dick" Bartell; Tony Cuccinello

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball players; Pitchers (Baseball)

00:45:04 - Final comments on baseball players

Play segment

Partial Transcript: 'Cause I had a lot of men that I liked on the ball club. We had a ball club that was very, very, very, uh, uh, cohesive, if you want to describe it that way.

Segment Synopsis: Schumacher offers his final thoughts on some of the great baseball players he knew during his career. The interview is concluded.

Keywords: Adolfo "Dolf" Luque; Francis "Lefty" O'Doul; Freddie Fitzsimmons; Waite Hoyt

Subjects: Baseball; Baseball players; Major League Baseball (Organization); Pitchers (Baseball)