Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Parker Beam, August 28, 2013

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries


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00:00:03 - Story about Jim Beam / beginnings at Heaven Hill Distilleries

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Partial Transcript: This is Dixie Hibbs interviewing Parker Beam on August 28th, ninetee--2013 for the Kentucky Bourbon Tales oral history project of the University Kentucky Nunn Center for Oral History.

Segment Synopsis: Parker Beam tells a story about his father, grandfather, and Jim Beam. He talks about sweeping floors at Heaven Hill as a child, and how he worked his way up to become a Master Distiller.

Keywords: Childhood; Corn cleanings; Drinking bourbon; Fathers; Fort Knox (Ky.); Grandfathers; Heaven Hill Distilleries; Jim Beam; Master Distillers; Riding; Sweeping; William Parker; Working

Subjects: Beam, James B., 1864-1947; Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Families.; Whiskey--Anecdotes

GPS: Heaven Hill Distilleries (Bardstown, Ky.)
Map Coordinates: 38.0487074, -84.499245
00:08:06 - Bourbon production process

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The, um, the role of the distiller, of course, is to produce a product that people will buy.

Segment Synopsis: Beam talks about the bourbon making process, including types of ingredients, cooking, fermenting, distilling, and aging. He talks about maintaining high standards throughout each step in the procedure to produce a high quality product.

Keywords: Aging; Barrels; Bourbon making process; Bourbon whiskey; Climates; Cooking temperatures; Distillation; Environment; Fermentation; Grains; Hammer mills; Ingredients; Kentucky; Milling grains; Number 3 char; Precision; Roller mills; Standards; Yeast

Subjects: Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Quality control.; Quality of products.; Whiskey.

00:17:26 - Bourbon warehouses / changes in distilling over the years

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Partial Transcript: Uh, talking about the barrels and the aging here.

Segment Synopsis: Beam talks about the Heaven Hill warehouses, and the aging process that occurs in them. He talks about why different areas of the warehouse produce different results, and talks about which spot produces his favorite bourbon. He talks about how distillation has changed over the years since he began working at Heaven Hill Distilleries.

Keywords: "Sweet spots"; Aging process; Airflow; Barrel proof; Bourbon whiskey; Changes; Growth; Heat; Increasing volume; Maintaining quality; Personal palette; Personal taste; Premium bourbons; Producing; Taste testing; Temperature; Unscientific; Warehouses

Subjects: Distillation.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Quality of products.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Whiskey.

GPS: Heaven Hill Distilleries (Bardstown, Ky.)
Map Coordinates: 38.0487074, -84.499245
00:23:27 - Putting his name on a product / traveling

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think about, um, the, um, the single barrel or the concept of select whiskeys?

Segment Synopsis: Beam discusses Heaven Hill Distilleries' single barrel bourbons, and how it feels to stake his name on the quality of a product. He talks about marketing, and traveling throughout the U.S. to promote his products.

Keywords: Beam name; Bourbon tastings; Brands; Domestic market; Master Distillers; Single barrel bourbons; Traveling

Subjects: Branding (Marketing); Marketing.; Product demonstrations; Quality control.; Quality of products.; Sales promotion.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Whiskey.

00:28:44 - History of Evan Williams bourbon whiskey / challenges

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Well that brings up a question that's in my mind and I hope you don't mind me asking, but when you have guests in your house which of your favorites do you serve them?

Segment Synopsis: Beam talks about the history of Evan Williams bourbon whiskey, and the name on the label. He talks about challenges in the bourbon industry, including planning for the future and increasing production to meet demands.

Keywords: Age; Aging; Beam name; Challenges; Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage Bourbon; Heaven Hill Distilleries; Increasing production; Increasing volume; Labels; Lawsuits; Planning for future

Subjects: Alcoholic beverages.; Branding (Marketing); Distilleries--Kentucky; James B. Beam Distilling Company; Whiskey.

00:36:24 - Heaven Hill as a family-owned company / camaraderie in the bourbon industry

Play segment

Partial Transcript: The, um, one other question I thought about in your--you have the distinction of having--working for a family.

Segment Synopsis: Beam talks about Heaven Hill Distilleries' history, and the families that have run the company through the years. He talks about the relationships among Kentucky distillers, and how they are willing to help each other in times of need. He talks about his son Craig's involvement in the company.

Keywords: Beam family; Bourbon industry families; Camaraderie; Competition; Craig Beam; Destined; Ed Shapira; Heaven Hill Distilleries; Helping; Kentuckians; Overseeing production; Relationships; Shapira family; Sons; Supervising; Sweeping

Subjects: Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Families.; Family-owned business enterprises.; Marketing.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

GPS: Heaven Hill Distilleries (Bardstown, Ky.)
Map Coordinates: 38.0487074, -84.499245
00:46:40 - Fame and recognition / more on warehouses

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Uh, we've talking about, uh, the specialty whiskeys, and the premium whiskeys and, and all.

Segment Synopsis: Beam talks about how it feels to be asked to sign autographs. He talks about the awards Heaven Hill Distilleries has received in the bourbon industry. He talks more about the warehouses, trucks for shipping bourbon, and sampling bourbon in the warehouses.

Keywords: Analyzing; Awards; Barrel thief; Barrels; Interviews; Max Shapira; Recognition; Sampling; Signing autographs; Single barrel bourbons; Taste testing; Trucks; Warehouses

Subjects: Distilleries--Kentucky; Distillers.; Fame.; Quality control.; Quality of products.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Whiskey.

GPS: Heaven Hill Distilleries (Bardstown, Ky.)
Map Coordinates: 38.0487074, -84.499245
00:52:46 - Future of the bourbon industry

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You know we've, um--this day and age the last, I'm going to say six years, uh, the economy has caused everybody so much trouble, uh, with the, you know, uncertainty of it and all...

Segment Synopsis: Beam talks about what he believes will happen to the bourbon industry in the future. He talks about the popularity of the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, and what it is like as a Master Distiller to meet the people interested in his product.

Keywords: "Bourbon Renaissance"; Bourbon industry; Bourbon market; Domestic market; Economy; Expansion; Foreign market; Future; Global market; Growth; International markets; Investing; Kentucky Bourbon Trail; Kentucky bourbon festivals; Master Distillers; Meeting people; Napa Valley; Visitors centers

Subjects: Business enterprises, Foreign.; Consumers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Economic conditions.; Export marketing.; Fame.; Tourism.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky

00:59:37 - Legacy / imagining his life without bourbon

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I've got one more other question here if you don't mind. Your legacy. What do you consider your legacy?

Segment Synopsis: Beam talks about his accomplishments, and what his legacy as Master Distiller will be. He talks about what his life would be like if he had not become involved with the bourbon industry. The interview is concluded.

Keywords: Accomplishments; Bourbon whiskey; Destined; Legacies; Master Distillers

Subjects: Distillers.; Quality of products.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Whiskey.