Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Dr. Nathan Hodges, November 21, 2014

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries


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00:00:00 - Educational background and early career

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Partial Transcript: This is James Savage, today is November 21, 2014. We are at the KCTCS office in Versailles, we're talking to Dr. Nathan Hodges.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Nathan Hodges talks about his educational background and early professional career as an educational administrator for an elementary school in Alabama. He talks about continuing his education as by completing a masters degree and a doctorate as his career in education administration transitioned from primary to secondary and later post-secondary education. He talks about running for election as superintendent and later becoming a community college president.

Keywords: Assistant superintendent of education; Auburn University; Bowling Green Community and Technical College; Bowling Green Technical College; Dothan (Ala.); Dr. Michael B. McCall; Elementary school principal; High school principal; Honeyville (Fla.); Midland City (Ala.); Ozark (Ala.); Southcentral Community & Technical College; St. Joe Paper Company; Troy University; Tupelo honey; Wewahitchka (Fla.)

Subjects: Educational administration and organization

GPS: Wewahitchka, Florida
Map Coordinates: 30.114, -85.198
00:06:37 - Election as public school superintendent

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Partial Transcript: I want to ask--interrupt you just a little bit, um, because that, that really intrigues me the idea of an elected public school superintendent, which you don't see very often.

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Hodges talks about election and appointment of public school superintendents. He speaks favorably of the system of electing superintendents.

Keywords: Community colleges; Public school systems; Superintendents

Subjects: Educational administration and organization; Public schools.

00:08:43 - Experiences as a community college and university student

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Partial Transcript: The line in your, uh, in your resume, uh, the bio that you sent me sort of intrigues me is that you, your first, I think I wrote it down, um, you know, your first experience in higher education was through a community college.

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about his experiences as a student at the newly opened Gulf Coast Community College. He describes the experience as a "wonderful opportunity." He talks about his attempt to take a beginning Spanish class in community college. He describes his high school class as very small and his experience as a community college student as a major change.

Keywords: Beginning Spanish; Gulf Coast Community College; Panama City (Fla.); Troy University; Wewahitchka (Fla.)

Subjects: Community college students.; Community colleges.

00:14:49 - Community college president / public school accreditation

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Partial Transcript: Let's jump back then, uh, to, you become a, a superintendent and then you have the opportunity to become a, a community college president.

Segment Synopsis: Hodges tells how he was recruited as a community college president by the State Superintendent of Education of Alabama. He recalls his accomplishments gaining accreditation for the public schools for which he was superintendent, and how that influenced his career as a community college president. He talks about the process of securing accreditation for the public school system he administered. He distinguishes between state accreditation and SACS accreditation.

Keywords: Accreditation; Community college presidents; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS); State Superintendent of Education; Superintendents

Subjects: Accreditation; Community college administrators

00:20:17 - Outstanding Young Man Award / leadership roles

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Partial Transcript: I think probably from the personal and professional level something that shocked me during that time, I was selected as Outstanding Young Man in our county.

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about his selection as Outstanding Young Man of his county by a local civic organization, and one of four selected for statewide recognition. He recalls how this recognition was mentioned during his introduction at a commencement speech years later. He talks about the accomplishments of his school system and community under his leadership. He recalls that as community college president, he did not deal with bus routes anymore. He describes an incident when an angry parent insisted the bus would stop in front of his house, and waited for the bus armed with a weapon. He says that person also came to his office and was later dealt with by law enforcement.

Keywords: Bus routes; Grandfather Mountain (N.C.)

Subjects: Community college administrators

GPS: Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina
Map Coordinates: 36.111, -81.811
00:27:07 - Community college presidency career

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Partial Transcript: Okay, so what else? I mean, what else would a, would a--how, how did this job differ, uh, you know, this transition for you professionally?

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about the relationship between public schools, community and technical colleges, and their respective communities. He talks about his first community college presidency at George C. Wallace Community College in Alabama. He recalls a conversation he had with Governor George Wallace about he origins of this community college and how it was named after the governor's father. He talks about his intention to take early retirement but how he was persuaded to become president of a community college in North Carolina that was in danger of closing.

Keywords: Assassination attempts; Community College Leadership Program; Community college; Dennis Wicker; George C. Wallace State Community College; Governor George Wallace; Governor Robert Scott; James E. Folsom; Junior colleges; Kellogg Fellows; Lurleen Wallace; Michael McCall; Nursing; Ph.D. candidates; Technical education; University of Texas

Subjects: Community college administrators; Community colleges.

00:36:27 - Resolving community college disputes

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Partial Transcript: Let me, let me follow up on the uh, the, the squabble between the three counties. How do you, how do you iron that out? How is it?

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about how he helped to resolve controversies surrounding his community college and the community it served by avoiding partisan politics. He talks about working with community leaders to build personal relationships and settle issues involving the college. He talks about communication skills during his career. He refers to the improvement of conditions at Mayland Community College in North Carolina as the "miracle in the mountains." He talks about the past adversity at Mayland before his presidency and their accomplishments in addressing those challenges.

Keywords: Auditor; College presidency; County government; County managers; Dr. Michael B. McCall; Forrest Gump; Mayland Community College; North Carolina; Political parties; Southern accent

Subjects: Community college administrators; Community colleges.

GPS: Mayland Community College
Map Coordinates: 35.943,-82.032
00:45:34 - Career challenges and changes

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Partial Transcript: The, uh, you know I, I'm hearing you describe all these things and, and you, you use the same words, uh, to describe everybody, and the trustees and everything else--

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about the challenges he has faced during his career and the ways he met those challenges. He emphasizes the role of teamwork involving faculty, staff, and community as a key to success. He discusses his tenure at Mayland and Haywood Community Colleges. He talks about his retirement home which is called "Route 2" in Alabama. He talks about delaying his retirement again to take the presidency at Bowling Green Community College in Kentucky. He talks about receiving a Corvette lapel pin as a gift upon accepting that presidency. He speaks of his relationship with Dr. Michael B. McCall.

Keywords: Bowling Green (Ky.); Bowling Green Community and Technical College; Corvette; Grandfather Mountain; Haywood Community College; Hugh Morton; Mayland Community College; Michael B. McCall; North Carolina; Wilmington (N.C.)

Subjects: Community college administrators; Community colleges.

GPS: Haywood Community College (Clyde, North Carolina)
Map Coordinates: 35.527, -82.930
00:53:53 - Growth of the national community college system

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Partial Transcript: Let me, let me take a step back before we get too deep into, into your Kentucky years. Um, in 1997 you were moving on to, to Hay, Haywood, is that right?

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about his work on governance systems in community colleges. He says that in the United States during the 1960s community colleges were being created one per week. He talks about his introduction to Dr. Michael B. McCall. He talks about the resources and leadership needed to grow the community college system. He talks about the founding of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and Dr. Michael B. McCall as the founding president.

Keywords: James Ramsey; Jeff Hockaday; Michael B. McCall; South Carolina; University of Texas; Wilmington (N.C.)

Subjects: Community college administrators; Community colleges.

00:58:49 - Community college governance

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Partial Transcript: You were a college president in Alabama and twice in North Carolina. Uh, watching this sort of--and, and knowing quite a bit about governance issues...

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about the organization and governance of community college systems.

Keywords: College governance; University governance

Subjects: Community college administrators

01:03:43 - Putting off retirement

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Partial Transcript: Uh, you're getting ready to retire--(Hodges coughs)--in 2005, or you, you want to go back to Route 2, and how do you end up then, here?

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about delaying retirement and undergoing a rigorous interview process to become president of Bowling Green Community Technical College. He talks about his formal introduction to Michael B. McCall and multiple rounds of interviews with faculty, staff, senior staff, and students. He says he asked various stakeholder groups to write notes about their ambitions for five year goals which he collected and reviewed. He talks about an annual meeting three years later during which he reviewed those goals and announced most had been met. He says most stakeholders wanted SACS accreditation as a top priority, which they achieved.

Keywords: Board of directors; Bowling Green (Ky.); Bowling Green Community and Technical College; Faculty; Foundation board; Glasgow (Ky.); Hiring process; Lewis Prewitt; Michael B. McCall; Midway (Ky.); Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SACS); Student leadership

Subjects: Community colleges.

GPS: Bowling Green, Kentucky
Map Coordinates: 36.981, -86.444
01:13:56 - Priorities for technical college growth

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Partial Transcript: Other than accreditation, uh, what were some of the other areas where they said we need to, we need to highlight?

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about the other issues that he faced when he became president of Bowling Green Community and Technical College. He says maintaining technical education was a main priority.

Keywords: Academic education; Bowling Green Community and Technical College; Technical education

Subjects: Community colleges.; Technical education.

01:17:05 - Accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

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Partial Transcript: Two processes I want you to sort of detail that you, you led at, at Bowling Green, uh, the first one being the accreditation issue. How do you, how do you tackle that?

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about the process of gaining SACS accreditation at Bowling Green. He says there was a widely held view at the college and in the community that this goal could not be attained. He talks about a false start made by the previous president, and how he restarted the process by paying a second fee of $10,000. He speaks of his leadership role in the process and the college's ultimate success in spite of discouragement of the faculty and staff by setbacks. He describes this accreditation process, completed without further recommendations by the visiting team, as his "proudest moment."

Keywords: Ann Chard; Bowling Green Community and Technical College; Bowling Green Technical College; Deans; Dr. Michael B. McCall; Keith Byrd; Professional Learning Team (PLT); Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS); State board of Regents; Vice presidents; Visiting team

Subjects: Accreditation; Community colleges.

01:27:53 - Community college education reform at Bowling Green

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Partial Transcript: The second major thing, that, uh, as I mentioned earlier, was the inclusion of the, the two year community college, let's call it that, transfer education at Bowling Green.

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about reforms he led while he was president at Bowling Green. He emphasizes the themes of teamwork and academic excellence. He talks about preserving the technical education opportunities at Bowling Green while improving academic opportunities.

Keywords: Academic credentials; Bowling Green Community and Technical College; Electronics; Forrest Gump; Gary Ransdell; Signing ceremony; Technical education; Western Kentucky University

Subjects: Community colleges.

01:30:31 - Dr. Michael B. McCall

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Partial Transcript: I suppose we could, uh, we could start talking a little bit about Mike McCall, a little bit more than we have.

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about the relationship with his mentor Dr. Jeff Hockaday and the decision process behind his move to Bowling Green. He talks about his excitement over the prospect of working with Dr. Michael McCall in the formation of KCTCS. He discusses his working relationship with Dr. McCall, as well as his leadership character and methodology of management.

Keywords: Bowling Green (Ky.); Bowling Green Community and Technical College; Jeff Hockaday; Owensboro (Ky.); Paducah (Ky.); Pikeville (Ky.); Professional Learning Team (PLT); Route 2; University of Texas

Subjects: Community college administrators

01:39:39 - Methodical nature

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Partial Transcript: You seem to share--and maybe you wouldn't describe yourself this way, uh, my or--in our limited conversations today, uh, you share a trait with him...

Segment Synopsis: Hodges compares his own methodical nature to that of Dr. Michael McCall. He talks about Dr. McCall's ability to provide clear direction and strong leadership.

Keywords: Michael B. McCall

Subjects: Community college administrators

01:42:21 - Self-evaluation

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Partial Transcript: Talk a little bit about--let's just--and I think you've touched on it before, but I'm going to get you to go ahead and just re-reiterate it.

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about the accomplishments made during his tenure as president at Bowling Green, and emphasizes the team and community aspects of those accomplishments. He says the presidency is about leadership, and leadership is about people. He talks about the importance of communication and shared decision-making.

Keywords: Bowling Green Community and Technical College; College campuses; Glasgow (Ky.); Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS)

Subjects: Community college administrators; Community colleges.

01:48:26 - Ambitions for Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College / renaming and rebranding

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Partial Transcript: If you had five more years at Bowling Green, if you'd decided not to retire, five more years, where would you have wanted to go? Take the college at that point?

Segment Synopsis: Hodges speaks in hypothetical terms of his five year ambitions for Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College which he calls "Sky College." He says he would continue to attract talented and ambitious faculty and staff. He talks about the reason for changing the name of the institution to expand beyond technical college to community college and to include the service area communities beyond Bowling Green.

Keywords: Bowling Green (Ky.); Bowling Green Community and Technical College; Sky College; Southcentral Community & Technical College; Southcentral Kentucky Community and Technical College (SKYCTC)

Subjects: Community colleges.

01:54:50 - Mike McCall's Legacy

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Partial Transcript: From your point of view, what is Mike McCall's legacy?

Segment Synopsis: Hodges talks about Mike McCall and his strong leadership character. He speaks in generous terms about Dr. McCall.

Keywords: Michael B. McCall

Subjects: Community college administrators