Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Karen Kiely, December 6, 2013

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:00 - Home-buying process

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Okay, my name is Trudy-Ann Lawrence and today is December 6th.

Segment Synopsis: Karen Kiely is introduced and gives a bit of background information about herself. She describes in great detail the process of buying her home, from the bidding process to the renovations her son and his friends made to the home.

Keywords: Age; Basements; Bathtubs; Bedrooms; Bidding process; Bidding wars; Cabinets; Central air; Central heat; Children; Employment; Ethnicity; Floors; Foreclosures; Furniture; Home buying; Homeowners; Houses; Jacuzzis; Jobs; Kitchens; Labor; Mortgages; New Jersey; Renovations; Repairs; Single parents; Sons; TV; Union Beach (N.J.); Updates; Work

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
00:12:40 - Living in New Jersey

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, so--(coughs)--can you talk me what you like living in--what you like about living in New Jersey?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about why she likes living in New Jersey. She talks about her childhood there before she moved away after high school, and then talks about why she returned to Jersey. She talks about the reputation of her community, Union Beach.

Keywords: Accessibility; Affluent; Apartments; Boston (Mass.); Childhood; Children; Commute; Disabilities; Florida; Friends; Hazlet (N.J.); High schools; Hoboken (N.J.); Husbands; Massachusetts; Moving; New Jersey; New York City (N.Y.); Pennsylvania; Point Pleasant (N.J.); Reputation; Shore; Stigma; Summers; Travel; Union Beach (N.J.)

GPS: Hazlet (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.425627, -74.16869
00:18:28 - Damage from Hurricane Sandy

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So we're going to talk about the storm.

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about her family's experiences during Hurricane Irene, and talks about why they did not evacuate for Hurricane Sandy. She talks about why her home did not flood during the storm, and says that her main concern was damage from trees on the property which did end up destroying her deck and a window. She talks about the difficulty she faced when she called her insurance company to make a claim.

Keywords: Concerns; Debris; Deck; Deductible; Elevation; Evacuation; First thoughts; Flooding; Hills; Hotels; Hurricane Irene; Hurricane Sandy; Insurance; Insurance agents; Tree branches; Tree limbs; Trees; Union Beach (N.J.); Water damage; Wind damage; Windows; Worries

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
00:25:47 - Home repairs and assistance she received after Hurricane Sandy

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So my things didn't get fixed, properly.

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about the various groups that volunteered and assisted her family in making repairs to her home after the storm. She talks about the repairs needed in her bathroom and why it is taking such a long time.

Keywords: Assistance; Bathrooms; Bathtubs; Children; Costs; Credit cards; Gateway Church; Grandchildren; Labor; Landscaping; Leaks; Mold; Painting; Plants; Purchases; Repairs; Supplies; Time; Toilets; Volunteers; Water damage

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
00:31:10 - Preparations before the storm

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So did you make any preparations prior to the storm?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about the preparations she and her family made before the storm, including preparing food, water, and laundry. She talks about how they obtained a generator, and how long their cell phones and electricity were out. She talks about whether she believes they received adequate warnings about the storm.

Keywords: AT&T; Adequate warning; Baby; Blankets; Cell phone service; Children; Creeks; Destruction; Electricity; Evacuation centers; Expectations; Flood zones; Flooding; Food; Gas stoves; Generators; Grandchildren; Hurricanes; Laundry; Natural gas; News; Over-prepared; Preparations; Shore; Streets; Surprise; T-Mobile; Water; Windows

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
00:38:19 - Day of the storm

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So take me through the day of the storm.

Segment Synopsis: Kiely describes the day of the storm, and talks about the looting that occurred in a parking lot where many people left their cars in an attempt to keep them safe.

Keywords: Belongings; Cars; Electricity; Evacuation; First signs; Hurricane Irene; Looting; Police; Preparation; Rain; Water; Wind

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
00:40:59 - The morning after the storm

Play segment

Partial Transcript: You know, so, uh, yeah, we went to sleep that night and when we woke up the next morning...

Segment Synopsis: Kiely describes her experience driving through town the morning after the storm and witnessing the destruction. She talks about contacting friends and family. She talks about her son who lived in Highlands and lost everything he owned.

Keywords: Appliances; Beachfront; Boats; Brothers; Cell phone service; Concerns; Contact; Crying; Damage; Debris; Devastation; Driving; Floating; Flooding; Friends; Highlands (N.J.); Hoboken (N.J.); Hurricane Irene; Losses; Mothers; Next morning; Perspective; Reactions; Ron's Appliance Store; Shock; Shocking; Sisters; Sons; Streets; Thoughts

GPS: Highlands (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.40422, -73.990674
00:47:54 - Contacting FEMA and her insurance company

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So I know you said you contacted your in, insurance company.

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about the organizations that assisted her, including FEMA and the Robin Hood Foundation. She talks more about the difficulty she faced when she attempted to make a claim with her insurance company.

Keywords: Anger; Appliances; Assistance; Brothers; Contact; Deductibles; FEMA; Financial ability; Food; Helplessness; Insurance; Insurance claims; Insurance policies; Replacement; Response; Robin Hood Foundation; Small business loans

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
00:52:23 - Day to day activities without electricity

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So the days when you didn't have, um, the generator, what was it like to do day to day necessities?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about how she and her family completed day to day activities like bathing and cooking without power. She talks about the lack of assistance before storms.

Keywords: Bathing; Children; Electricity; Financial ability; Food; Generators; Grandchildren; Ice; Necessities; Preparation; Preventative; Refrigeration; Showers

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
00:54:27 - Community coping and assisting one another

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, how did you notice your community coping?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about how the community was coping immediately after the storm. She talks about people who were making donations, and assistance from organizations like the National Guard and Gateway Church. She talks about being denied assistance for her son in Union Beach because he lived in Highlands.

Keywords: Aid; Assistance; Blankets; Borrough Hall (N.J.); Cell phones; Cleaning supplies; Clothes; Clothing drives; Community; Coping; Disabilities; Donations; Emotional; Food; Gas lines; Gateway Church; Generators; Help; Highlands (N.J.); MREs; Mold; National Guard; Priorities; Residents; Shell-shocked; Soldiers; Sons; Toiletries; Union Beach (N.J.); Water

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
01:03:06 - Response of emergency personnel and outsiders

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So did you feel safe within your community?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about the response of the police, both from New Jersey and from other states. She talks about the media's focus on Union Beach.

Keywords: Aid; Compassionate; Concerns; Contributions; Donations; Emergency personnel; Focus; Help; Houses; News; Out of state; Patrol; Personal; Police officers; Police stations; Response; Safety; Sons; Union Beach (N.J.); Virginia; Volunteers

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
01:08:57 - New Jersey's level of preparedness

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, do you believe that New Jersey prepared adequately in terms of having enough dunes and, uh, raising the house--mandating the houses being raised?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely talks about whether New Jersey was prepared for Hurricane Sandy. She gives her opinion on the governor's wife, Mary Pat Foster's handling of the Hurricane Sandy recovery funds.

Keywords: Destruction; Differently; Dunes; Employment; FEMA; Funds; Government; Governor's wife; Hiring; Jakeabob's; Jobs; Long term; Mary Pat Foster; Needs; New Jersey; Preparation; Raising houses; Response; Robin Hood Foundation; Sons; Specifications; State programs; Supplies

01:15:49 - Accuracy of media coverage

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, do you think anyone is to blame for the storm or it was just--

Segment Synopsis: Kiely discusses whether the media's coverage of the destruction was accurate or sensationalized.

Keywords: Accuracy; Blame; Disasters; Focus; Hurricane Sandy; Media coverage; Reactions; Sensationalized; Severity; Union Beach (N.J.)

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
01:17:43 - Governor and president's appearances in New Jersey

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What do you think about the governor and the president making their appearance in the area?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely discusses the effect of the governor and the president's visits to New Jersey after the storm. She discusses whether her opinion on Chris Christie changed.

Keywords: Appearances; Barack Obama; Beachfront; Chris Christie; Climate change; Democrats; Destruction; Devastation; Education; Encouraging; Future; Governor Christie; Middle class; Morale boost; Necessary; Opinions; Politicians; Population; President Obama; Republicans

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
01:21:16 - Environmental views

Play segment

Partial Transcript: How has the storm shaped your environmental views?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely discusses her environmental views and whether they were affected by the storm.

Keywords: Bird-watching; Contact; Creeks; Environmental views; Environmentalists; Grandchildren; Ospreys; Sandy Hook (N.J.); Tides

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
01:24:20 - Views on Union Beach after the storm

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So has the storm changed your view about Union Beach or any other views making you probably want to move or do anything differently?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely discusses whether she wants to move from Union Beach because of the storm.

Keywords: Affluent; Affordability; Beaches; Community; Cost; Leaving; Monmouth County (N.J.); Moving; New Jersey; Union Beach (N.J.); Views; Water damage

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
01:27:24 - Not returned to normal / outlook of the community

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So have things returned to normal for you and your family for the most part?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely discusses why her life has not yet returned to normal. She talks about how the community's outlook has changed.

Keywords: Back to normal; Bathrooms; Changes; Community; Employment; H.A.R.P.; Insurance; Jobs; Mortgages; Optimistic; Outlook; Payments; Problems; Refinance; Struggles; Taxes

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926
01:29:52 - Hurricane Sandy's effect on elections

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Do you think that the storm and the governor and the presidential appearances had an impact on the presidential election and the gover--gover--gubernatorial election?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely discusses whether Hurricane Sandy had an impact on the presidential or gubernatorial elections.

Keywords: Barack Obama; Chris Christie; Elections; Governor Christie; Gubernatorial elections; Impact; New Jersey; Politicians; President Obama; Presidential elections; Votes

01:31:14 - Legacy of the storm / advice for others in similar situations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, if you wanted to give a central message or the overall legacy of the storm, what would you say that is?

Segment Synopsis: Kiely gives her opinion on what the legacy of the storm will be. She offers advice to others who have faced similar natural disasters. She again mentions her frustrations with her insurance company.

Keywords: Advice; Affluent; Blessings; Devastation; Disappointed; Employment; Grateful; Insurance company; Insurance coverage; Insurance policies; Jobs; Legacy; Lower class; Message; Middle class; Moore, Oklahoma; Overwhelming; Response; Rich; Shore; Tornadoes; Union Beach (N.J.)

GPS: Union Beach (N.J.)
Map Coordinates: 40.44585, -74.170926