Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Carolyn Lee Vehslage, July 23, 2003

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries
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00:00:00 - Computer Series quilts

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Partial Transcript: --July 23rd at 11:30AM.

Segment Synopsis: Carolyn Lee Vehslage is introduced. She talks about how her career as a computer network engineer, as well as her friendship with fabric designer Lonni Rossi, led to her Computer Series of quilts, which include her "Fried Circuits" and "System Overload" series.

Keywords: "Fried Circuits Version 1.3"; "System Overload Version 1.1"; "Typographical Elements"; Abstract art; Careers; Computer network engineers; Computer parts; Current work; Fabric designers; Fiber art; Hand quality; Houses; Husbands; Landscapes; Lonni Rossi; Seascapes; Studios; Versions

Subjects: Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles

00:06:35 - Inspiration and influences for her Computer Series quilts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So the whole thing was kind of s--inspired by--

Segment Synopsis: Vehslage talks about some of her quilting inspirations and influences, including her friend Lonni Rossi's fabrics, and her fellow artists at Art Quilts at the Sedgwick, among others.

Keywords: Art Quilts at the Sedgwick; Art guilds; Cindy Friedman; Committees; Debbie Schwartzman; Deborah Schwartzman; Definitions; Design process; Emily Richardson; Fabrics; Fiber artists; Influences; Inspiration; Kay Haerland; Leslie Pontz; Lonni Rossi; Marketing; Professional artists; Professional quiltmakers; Publicity; Quiltmaking process; Rita Burnstein; Sedgwick Cultural Center; Shawn Towey; Suzan Hirsch; Threads

Subjects: Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles

00:11:36 - Special meaning of her Computer Series quilts

Play segment

Partial Transcript: What special meaning does it have for you?

Segment Synopsis: Vehslage talks about the special meaning of the quilts in her Computer Series, in which she is attempting express her feelings about how technology complicates our lives. She talks about how the series is also an expression of her experiences with bipolar disorder. She talks about others' reactions to her work.

Keywords: "Fried Circuits Version 1.3"; "System Overload Version 1.1"; Bipolar disorder; Complications; Computer Series; Computer technology; Design process; Empathy; Infiltrating; Magazines; Manic depression; Mental disorders; Overwhelming; Quilt magazines; Quiltmaking process; Simplify; Special meaning; Stressful; Techniques; Work

Subjects: Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Mental health; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles

00:17:13 - Her beginning in quilting

Play segment

Partial Transcript: So you would say that you have used quilting to get through a difficult time?

Segment Synopsis: Vehslage talks about how she began quilting as a way to occupy her time after going on long-term disability and dealing with the loss of her career. She describes her first quilt, which was inspired by the book "Impressionist Quilts" and was based on her mother-in-law's garden. She talks about the special mementos she included in the quilt.

Keywords: Careers; Commissions; Difficult times; Fabrics; Family; First quilt; Gardens; Gifts; Impressionist Quilts (Book); Jobs; Learning quiltmaking; Long-term disability; Loss; Mementos; Mother-in-law; Quilts Are Forever (Book); Quilts as gifts

Subjects: Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Families.; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles

00:21:47 - What makes a great quilt

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, what do you think makes a great quilt?

Segment Synopsis: Vehslage talks about what she believes makes a great, artistically powerful quilt, which she says is composition. She talks about what makes a quilt museum-quality. She talks about some of her quilts that have been exhibited in galleries.

Keywords: "Fried Circuits"; "Keyboard Lockup Version 1.1"; "Motherboard Meltdown"; Art quilts; Artistically powerful; Artwork; Balance; Composition; Contemporary; Criteria; Design process; Fiber; Great quilts; Mixed media; Museums; Patterned; Patterns; Rhythm; San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles; Silicon Valley; Special collections; Thinking; Traditional quilts; Viewers; Visual impact

Subjects: Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts--United States--Exhibitions.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles

00:25:52 - Machine quilting versus hand quilting

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Partial Transcript: How do you feel about machine quilting versus hand quilting?

Segment Synopsis: Vehslage talks about why she mainly hand quilts her pieces. She describes in detail the process of creating some of the pieces in her Computer Series, including one made specially for an XML conference and one made for a CD media company. She talks about her use of computer pieces in her work.

Keywords: "System Overload Version 1.2"; "System Overload Version 1.3"; Applique; Appliqué; CD Media; Childhood; Commercial fabric; Computer Series; Computer components; Computer wires; Hand quilting; Keyboard keys; Logos; Lonni Rossi; Machine quilting; Markup languages; Photography/Photo transfer; Sewing; Sewing machines; XML Conference; Zig-zag stitching

Subjects: Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles

00:30:13 - Commissions / Business advice for artists

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Partial Transcript: So this was a commission?

Segment Synopsis: Vehslage talks about how people become aware of her work in order to request commissions. She talks about her quilting schedule. She talks about her work helping other quilt artists sell their work and learn about running a business.

Keywords: Advice; Articles; Awareness; Bartering; Boats; Books; Business; Commissions; Exchanges; Galleries; Gallery; Goals; Hours; Interest; Internet; Pricing; Quilt business; Sales; Schedules; Selling; Selling quilts; Small businesses; Techniques; Trades; Trading; Women's history; Women's work; Writing

Subjects: Art--Commissioning.; Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles

00:34:48 - Painting a 9/11 tribute quilt that toured around Costa Rica

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Partial Transcript: Do you still do any other mediums?

Segment Synopsis: Vehslage talks about continuing to paint, describing a piece she painted as part of a tribute to the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. She talks about how the collection toured many places, including Costa Rica thanks to the efforts of Carolyn Underwood. She talks about how the women of Costa Rica were taught quilting skills in order to foster economic independence.

Keywords: "America from the heart: quilters remember September 11, 2001"; 9/11; 9/11/2001; America from the heart: quilters remember September 11, 2001 (Book); Auctions; Boats; Carolyn Underwood; Central America; Costa Rica; Cruises; Economic independence; Exhibits; Flags; Half mast; Host countries; Houston (Tex.); Houston, Texas; Husbands; Karey Bresenhan; New York; Painting; Pueblos; Quilt purpose - Exhibition; Quilt purpose - Fundraising; Quilt shows/exhibitions; Quilting demonstrations; September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks; Skills; Teaching quiltmaking; Terrorism; Touring; Tragedies; Tragedy; Travel; Tributes; Women; Workshops

Subjects: Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts--United States--Exhibitions.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles

00:42:18 - Conclusion

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Um, is there anything else you wanted to add?

Segment Synopsis: Vehslage talks about her connections with her fellow artists at Art Quilts at the Sedgwick. The interview is concluded.

Keywords: Art Quilts at the Sedgwick; Groups; Sedgwick Cultural Center; Supportive; Women

Subjects: Artists; Arts and crafts.; Decorative arts; Quilting.; Quilts--Design.; Quilts.; Textile artists; Textiles