Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History

Interview with Andrea Denise Meriwether, April 22, 2021

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, University of Kentucky Libraries


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00:00:00 - Growing up in Louisville, Kentucky

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Partial Transcript: --spring of 2021. I am conducting this interview as part of my work for that class and the Women in Bourbon Oral History Project.

Segment Synopsis: Andrea Denise Meriwether explains her upbringing in Louisville, Kentucky and describes her family. She explains her early aspirations and primary schooling, while touching on the importance of community.

Keywords: Authenticity; Bond; Community; Family; Ideals; Reflection; Trust

Subjects: African American families; Childhood; Education; Families.; Louisville (Ky.)

00:02:08 - Family background

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Partial Transcript: Tell me a little bit about your family background, with your, your parents and grandparents.

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether provides insight into her family's influence, with their association with farming and the entertainment industry.

Keywords: Background; Burlesque; Dancing; Entertainment; Exposure; Farming; Grandparents; Hospitality; Middle class

Subjects: African American families; Agriculture; Families.

00:03:17 - 21st birthday

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Partial Transcript: Well you share a special memory with your grandfather giving you pearls. Can you share that memory with us?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether talks about receiving a set of pearls to celebrate her 21st birthday instead of being able to immediately participate in the tradition of taking a shot of whiskey practiced by her great-grandfather. Meriwether explains how this moment upset her due to being treated differently because of her gender.

Keywords: Birthdays; Gender; Gender roles; Pearls; Shots; Whiskey

Subjects: African American families; Alcoholic beverages.; Bourbon whiskey; Families.; Sex role.; Sexism.; Whiskey.

00:04:40 - First bourbon experience / Family activities

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Partial Transcript: So was that your first encounter with bourbon, or?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether explains her first impressions with bourbon, done in the form of a hot toddy as a cold remedy. She also references various memories associated with her grandmother's hosting of social gatherings.

Keywords: Beer; Gatherings; Gin; Healing; Herbs; Hot toddy; Medicine; Old Forester bourbon whiskey; Remedy; Social; Whiskey

Subjects: African American families; Alcoholic beverages.; Bourbon whiskey; Families.; Whiskey.

00:07:15 - College experience / First job after college

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Partial Transcript: We talked a little bit about growing up in Louisville. Let's talk about your adult life.

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether explains her motivations for attending the University of Kentucky and majoring in public relations. During the segment, she also explains the skills and insight developed while taking on her first post-graduate job at The Pendennis Club in Louisville, Kentucky.

Keywords: Brand; Business; Communication; Education; History; Legacy; Public relations; Representation; Socioeconomic; Status; The Pendennis Club; Wealth

Subjects: Careers.; College majors; College students--Social conditions; Education, Higher--Kentucky; Louisville (Ky.); Occupations.; Professions.; Universities and colleges.; University of Kentucky; Vocation.; Work.

00:11:06 - Working for Louisville Tourism

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Partial Transcript: Well, in 2009 you started working for Louisville Tourism. What prompted you to change jobs?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether describes the importance of business relations and her reasoning for transitioning to working with Louisville Tourism. She talks about the opportunity to gain knowledge about the bourbon industry through a tour with iconic master distillers.

Keywords: Brands; Distillers; Tourism; Tours

Subjects: Bourbon whiskey; Careers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Louisville (Ky.); Occupations.; Professions.; Vocation.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Work.

00:15:23 - Southern hospitality / Exploring the city of Louisville

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Partial Transcript: Well, how would you define good, Southern hospitality?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether defines her version of "Southern hospitality." Additionally, she provides recommendations for exploring Louisville while also honing in on the importance of understanding history in order to better connect with the city.

Keywords: Culture; Development; Farms; Frazier; Heritage; History; Personable

Subjects: Louisville (Ky.); Tourism.

00:17:20 - Starting her consulting company, BarFare Concepts

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Partial Transcript: Alright well, you are the entrepreneur of BarFare Concepts, which you founded in, in, uh, 2018. Tell me about your company. What does your company do?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether explains the origins of her company, BarFare Concepts, and the intentions of her company's services.

Keywords: Beverage; Consulting companies; Food

Subjects: African American business enterprises; African Americans in the whiskey industry; African Americans--Employment.; Alcohol industry.; Alcoholic beverages.; Bourbon whiskey; Businesspeople; Careers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Louisville (Ky.); Occupations.; Professions.; Vocation.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Work.

00:27:16 - Advice for first time drinkers

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Partial Transcript: Well, why do you think it's so important for people to know the history behind the beverage they're drinking?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether touches on the deeper importance of bourbon consumption and advice for exploring various brands.

Keywords: Consume; Experience; History; Humanize; Legacy; Spirits; Taste

Subjects: Alcoholic beverages.; Bourbon whiskey; Cocktails.

00:29:58 - Locust Grove's Farm Distillery Project

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Partial Transcript: Okay, you are the founder and director of Farm Distilled Residency at the historic Locust Grove and so I know it mixes farming with business. Can you tell us something about that?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether explains the connections made during her early research and how learning about historic aspects inspired the creation of Locust Grove's program, The Farm Distillery Project. Also within the segment, she touches on African American contributions within the Locust Grove site and early Kentucky history related to agriculture and distillation.

Keywords: Agriculture; Creation; Education; Farm Distillery Project; History; Locust Grove; Preservation; Programs; Research; Skills; Slavery; Trade; Tradition

Subjects: Alcohol industry.; Alcoholic beverages.; Bourbon whiskey; Careers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Louisville (Ky.); Occupations.; Professions.; Tourism.; Vocation.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Work.

00:44:20 - Inclusion of women in the bourbon industry

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Partial Transcript: What helped to broaden the audience for bourbon to include women from like a marketing pros--uh, perspective?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether details the importance of significant bourbon brands featuring impactful women within the bourbon industry, while acknowledging specific trends and key individuals presenting the female perspective.

Keywords: Distillers; Experience; Humanize; Inclusion; Master Distillers; Presence; Sales; Storytelling; Trend; Voice; Women

Subjects: Alcohol industry.; Bourbon whiskey; Careers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Occupations.; Professions.; Vocation.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Women in the whiskey industry; Work.

00:47:01 - Progress of diversity, equity, and inclusion

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Partial Transcript: Well tell me more about the progress of, um, DEI, the diversity equity and inclusion in bourbon.

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether shares her opinion about the progress of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Additionally, she offers guidance and shares tips for brands to promote their own forms of inclusion.

Keywords: Branding; Business; Community; Data; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); Engagement; Growth; Inclusion; Opportunity; Philnathropy; Space

Subjects: African Americans in the whiskey industry; African Americans--Employment.; Alcohol industry.; Bourbon whiskey; Careers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Occupations.; Professions.; Vocation.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Women in the whiskey industry; Work.

00:54:52 - Black-owned businesses

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Partial Transcript: Well that leads into my next question because Brough Brothers Distillery just became the first and only African American-owned, licensed, and operating distillery in the state of Kentucky that is also, like you said, a part KDA's Bourbon Trail. So, what are your thoughts on that?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether discusses the importance of leading by example and representation of Black-owned businesses within the bourbon industry, while also touching on the history of African Americans in distillation.

Keywords: African American-owned businesses; Artisans; Black Travel Advisory Board; Brough Brothers Distillery; Culture; Diversity; Education; Growth; Heritage; History; Minority; Ownership; Progression; Tourism

Subjects: African American business enterprises; African American families; African Americans in the whiskey industry; African Americans--Employment.; Alcohol industry.; Bourbon whiskey; Businesspeople; Careers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Family-owned business enterprises.; Occupations.; Professions.; Vocation.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Work.

01:02:27 - Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic

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Partial Transcript: Alright, this has been--uh, we've had a year in the pandemic--it's, uh, been a year in and how has the global COVID-19 pandemic impacted the bourbon industry?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether details the effects and innovation due to COVID-19, particularly amongst minorities and within the bourbon industry. She also describes a newfound presence of her own.

Keywords: Adaptations; Beta; Cocktails-to-go; Consulting; Contactless; Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19); E-commerce; Experience; Information; Integration; Pandemics; Presence; Service; Software; Technology; Virtual

Subjects: African Americans in the whiskey industry; African Americans--Employment.; Alcohol industry.; Bourbon whiskey; COVID-19 (Disease); Careers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Occupations.; Professions.; Vocation.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Women in the whiskey industry; Work.

01:06:46 - Mentorship / Future of the bourbon industry

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Partial Transcript: How do you see your role as an educator?

Segment Synopsis: Meriwether explains her aspirations of business, mentoring, and inspiring. She also explains her personal efforts towards continual learning. Additionally, she credits her own mentors and the skills she developed from their guidance.

Keywords: Beverages; Concepts; Creation; Development; Education; Food; Hospitality; Inspiration; Learning; Mentees; Mentors; Mentorship; Negotiation; Success; Techniques

Subjects: African American business enterprises; African American families; African Americans in the whiskey industry; African Americans--Employment.; Alcohol industry.; Bourbon whiskey; Businesspeople; Careers.; Distilleries--Kentucky; Family-owned business enterprises.; Occupations.; Professions.; Vocation.; Whiskey industry--Kentucky; Women in the whiskey industry; Work.