Interview with Earle C. Clements

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History


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00:00:00 - Introduction / Clements background in public office

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Partial Transcript: Senator Clements, it is an honor to have you as our first interview--

Segment Synopsis: Earle C. Clements is introduced. He begins by discussing political offices that he held in Union County, Kentucky including sheriff and County Court clerk. He describes working as the county judge at the time of the Works Progress Administration program. He recalls being elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, and then becoming governor of Kentucky. Clements talks about becoming a senator, and after two years being made the Democratic floor leader.

Keywords: Bonnet Productions; County court clerks; Democratic Party; Democrats; Earle C. Clements; Floor leaders; Governors; House of Representatives; Kentucky; Lawmakers; Leadership; Legislators; Political offices; Politics; Senate; Senators; Sheriffs; Union County (Ky.); United States Congress; WPA; Works Progress Administration; Henderson County Public Schools (Ky.)

00:04:36 - Journey to public office / Changing voter demographics in contemporary politics

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Partial Transcript: Were there any significant factors that led to your wanting--

Segment Synopsis: Clements emphasizes that he never had plans to go into politics. He describes being asked to come to Kentucky from Texas to help his father with his duties as sheriff and that he never returned to Texas. Clements says it's no more difficult to climb the political ladder today than in the beginning of his career, but emphasizes the difficulty of politics, saying that he was not always successful in his endeavors. He discusses the role of changing voter demographics in modern politics.

Keywords: American south; Black Americans; Black people; County court clerks; Democratic Party; Demographic changes; Demographics; Floor leaders; Governors; Henderson County Public Schools (Ky.); House of Representatives; Kentucky; Lawmakers; Leadership; Legislation; Legislators; Political offices; Politics; Race; Senate; Senators; Sheriffs; Successes; Union County (Ky.); United States Congress; Voters; Voting; Women; Bonnet Productions

00:08:15 - Accomplishments as a politician / Integrity of Lyndon B. Johnson

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Partial Transcript: Everybody has things that they'd like to have gotten done--

Segment Synopsis: Clements emphasizes that he's quite satisfied with what he has been able to accomplish during his career as a politician. He discusses his successes during the time he held office, including the construction of highways in Kentucky. Clements discusses Lyndon B. Johnson and the criticism that he received after leaving office. He says that this criticism is undeserved, and highlights the honesty and integrity of the former president's wife, Lady Bird Johnson.

Keywords: County court clerks; Criticism; Democratic Party; Governors; House of Representatives; Lady Bird Johnson; Lawmakers; Leadership; Legislators; Lyndon B. Johnson; Political offices; Politics; Senate; Senators; Sheriffs; Union County (Ky.); United States Congress; United States presidents; WPA; Works Progress Administration; Kentucky

00:11:05 - Advising Lyndon B. Johnson over the 1960 presidential election

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Partial Transcript: Well, when, uh, when Kennedy--

Segment Synopsis: Clements describes John F. Kennedy's win of the 1960 presidential nomination over Lyndon B. Johnson. Clements recalls advising Johnson to be prepared to be asked to be Vice President, saying that Kennedy couldn't win the election without him due to his background. Clements says he helped to smooth over Johnson's situation with Senate leaders. He recalls becoming doubtful that Johnson would actually be chosen as Kennedy's running mate.

Keywords: 1960 United States presidential election; County court clerks; House of Representatives; John F. Kennedy; Lawmakers; Lyndon B. Johnson; Political offices; Politics; Politics; Running mates; Senate; Sheriffs; Union County (Ky.); United States Congress; Vice-presidents; WPA; Works Progress Administration; Kentucky

00:15:06 - Nuclear threat / Politics during the McCarthy era

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Partial Transcript: Nuclear warfares have gotten better or worse--

Segment Synopsis: Clements says that he's not sure if the threat of nuclear warfare has gotten better or worse over time, and says that we've gotten ourselves into this issue. He refuses to comment on a question about being a political figure in the McCarthy era, saying that Joseph McCarthy was responsible for many falsities. Clements expresses his thanks to the interviewers. The interview then ends, and is followed by a credits sequence.

Keywords: Anti-communist; Cold War; Communism; County court clerks; Democratic party; Democrats; Falsities; Lawmakers; Legislators; Lies; McCarthyism; Nuclear warfare; Nuclear weapons; Political offices; Politics; Politics; Red Scare; Second Red Scare; Senator Joseph McCarthy; Senators; Sheriffs; Union County (Ky.); United States Senate; Kentucky