Interview with Tammy Blackwell, May 18, 2023

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History


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00:00:17 - Family and career introduction

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Partial Transcript: We're gonna talk a lot about COVID here today, but before we do that so that the listeners can get to know you a little better...

Segment Synopsis: Tammy Blackwell introduces herself and talks about how her career as a librarian. She says she is now the director of the Marshall County Public library. She also says she lives with her sister, mother, and two daughters.

Keywords: Adoptions; Kentucky Public Libraries; Librarians; Marshall County (Ky.); Marshall County Public Library; Teen librarians

00:02:37 - New job as library director and the start of the pandemic

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Partial Transcript: Alright, so, if you could describe your experience or your life during COVID in one word, what would it be?

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell describes taking over the library leadership at the very same time as the COVID-19 pandemic was starting. She talks about briefly making changes in services before making the decision to shut the library down completely. She mentions that libraries were never well described in official guidance about closures.

Keywords: Closures; Curbside services; Fears; Guidance (COVID-19); Hand sanitizers; Local health departments; Public library directors; Shutdowns; Social distancing; Social media

00:06:08 - Maintaining community connections during the initial closures

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Partial Transcript: During that time, when you were shut down, were you still working?

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell says the work continued even after the building shut down. She talks about programming and making individual community connections during the shutdown. Blackwell describes the strangeness of seeing the library empty during that time and how that affected her.

Keywords: Children's librarians; Community connections; Community spaces; Do not sit; Libby (library app); Loneliness; Maker spaces; Online book club; Programming; Shutdowns; Sneeze guards; Social media; Virtual book club; Virtual escape room

00:10:39 - Library programming and activity recovery after the shutdowns

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Partial Transcript: That's--I know that libraries can be a hub for, like, for teens, for people who need the internet, for seniors, and groups...

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about how things have changed at the library since the COVID-19 pandemic. She says programming remained active throughout, but it took a long time to get back to being an active meeting location again.

Keywords: DVD checkouts; Hotspots; In-person groups; Internet use; Library programs; Meeting rooms; Meeting spaces; Preschooler programming; Programming; Public computers; Teenagers; Teens; Toddler programming; Wi-fi

00:14:48 - Losing teens from the library / Fear that the books could harbor COVID-19

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Partial Transcript: Do you ever see, so, that, basically those two years, that sort of gap in the ability to provide service...

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell says they lost some teenaged patrons who never came back to the library after the pandemic.

Keywords: Fear; IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services); PPE (Personal Protective Equipment); Precautions (COVID-19); Teen librarians; Teenagers; What if

00:17:36 - Reopening the library

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Partial Transcript: And when did you open back up?

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell describes the slow opening of the library. She says it was difficult to know what to do since libraries were not specifically described in most of the COVID-19 guidance. Blackwell talks about how they were more afraid of public response to the mandates than of the virus itself.

Keywords: Aggressions; Aggressiveness; Closures; Curbside services; Governor Andy Beshear; Limited hours; Pushback; Reopenings; Shutdowns; Slow opening

00:19:59 - Becoming hikers / The kids switching to virtual learning

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Partial Transcript: So, COVID has obviously turned your work life all the way upside down, and maybe around again...

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell says her family became reluctant hikers during the pandemic because they didn't want to just stay at home. She also talks about how her children switched to NTI and one of them thrived and the other did not. Blackwell talks about the difficulties the children had in switching back to in-person learning the next year.

Keywords: Anxieties; Grocery pickups; High-risk individuals; Hikers; Hiking; Hiking trails; Kentucky State Parks; NTI (non-traditional instruction); Online learning; Senior adults; Social distancing; Social isolation; Stay at home; Virtual learning

00:25:03 - Depression and social isolation

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Partial Transcript: Were there any other changes to your daily routine, um, either at work, well...

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about going through a depression and that she wasn't reading as much as she usually does. She discusses the steps she took to feel like herself again. Blackwell talks about not realizing how much she missed socializing until she was able to talk to friends again.

Keywords: Comforts; Counseling; Depressions; FaceTime (video conferencing platform); Genetic testing; Mental health; Mental health care; Rereading books; Social isolation; Socialization; Virtual games; Zoom (video conferencing platform)

00:29:46 - Staying safe, reopening, and rejoining normal activities

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Partial Transcript: Were there other methods you used to keep you and your family safe?

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about keeping her family safe and how she determined what was necessary to keep the library patrons safe when the library reopened. She says her mother, a retired high level healthcare worker, was able to provide guidance when she had questions. She says they always knew they would get vaccinated as early as possible and that being vaccinated allowed them to resume some normal activities.

Keywords: Calvert City (Ky.); Chief Clinical Officer; Libraries; Masking; Masks; NTI (non-traditional instruction); Reopenings; Social distancing; Staying home; Vaccination; Vaccines

00:33:16 - First learning about COVID-19 / Early mandates

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Partial Transcript: Do you, do you remember where you were when you first heard about the coronavirus?

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about first becoming aware of COVID-19 and realizing that it may be more serious than previous health scares. She says she was satisfied with and readily compliant with guidance, though it was frustrating at times when libraries were not specifically mentioned.

Keywords: Decision making (COVID-19); Disinfectant wipes; Disneyland; Frankfort (Ky.); Frustrations; Governor Andy Beshear; Guidance (COVID-19); Hand sanitizer; Health coalitions; Leadership positions; Mandates; Marshall County (Ky.); Masks; Precautions (COVID-19); Quarantines

00:37:43 - News briefings and information gathering

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Partial Transcript: Did they make you feel safe?

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about how we were all "in this together" and the different ways she was informing herself about the COVID-19 pandemic. She says the library created resources to teach the staff about research methods to keep themselves well informed. Blackwell says at times it seemed as if information was coming from the state level too quickly.

Keywords: CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention); CRAAP Method (Currency, Relevancy, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose); Connections; Coping mechanisms; Depression; Feeling safe; Governor Andy Beshear; Information dissemination; Information sources; Librarians; Libraries; Mental health; News briefings; Reference checking; Research; WHO (World Health Organization)

00:44:01 - The impact on children and childhood development

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Partial Transcript: Speaking of being in a bubble, I just wanted to ask about your kids...

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about both the missed experiences for her children and what they learned during the pandemic. She says it will take a long time to determine how much the COVID-19 experienced impacted their development. She talks about how libraries provide a safe space for kids that don't fit well elsewhere.

Keywords: Childhood development; FaceTime (video conferencing platform); Generation Alpha; Generation Z; Librarians; Libraries; Missed experiences; Online games; Parenting; Schools; Social skills; Socialization; Teachers; Virtual games; Zoom (video conferencing platform)

00:47:49 - Social unrest and Marshall County's response

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Partial Transcript: Do you think that that has returned to a baseline where the library can provide those things for the, the young people again?

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about how libraries are for everyone, no matter who they are or what their situation is. She talks about how upsetting the news of social unrest was at that time, but how hopeful it was that a BLM rally in Marshall County went well. Blackwell says the county is largely white, with an old racist reputation, but that she sees positive changes.

Keywords: BLM (Black Lives Matter); Communities; Libraries; Live feeds; Marshall County (Ky.); Political unrest; Protests; Racism; Racists; Rallies; Social unrest; Sundown towns

00:52:54 - The confluence of multiple political, social, and health issues and keeping her kids informed

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Partial Transcript: That comb--that combination of, sort of, the bad news about the killings that were happening and then COVID...

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about how difficult the summer of 2020 was and how she needed to disconnect from the news and social media. She says political and social tensions did impact a few relationships. Blackwell says she kept her kids informed about the current events and issues.

Keywords: BLM (Black Lives Matter); Breaking points; Disconnection; Election cycles; Information sharing; Misinformation; Parenting; Political polarization; Politics; Snapping points; Social media; Twitter

00:58:28 - School shootings and natural disasters in Marshall County

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Partial Transcript: Was Marshall County impacted by any of the natural disasters that happened?

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell talks about how Marshall County has been through a lot in the last few years, including COVID-19, school shootings, and natural disasters. She says she is proud of how the community keeps showing up.

Keywords: Disaster preparedness; Marshall County High School Shooting (2018); Mayfield (Ky.); Natural disasters; School shootings; Tornadoes; Trauma events; Traumas

01:01:06 - Asking for help and final thoughts

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Partial Transcript: Is there anything that you personally would do differently if, maybe not if we had to do it again, but...

Segment Synopsis: Blackwell says she felt she made the right choices along the way. Blackwell says it was nice to see the moments where the community shone through difficult times.

Keywords: Asking for help; Communities; Fear; Feeling safe; Opportunities; Silver linings