Interview with Shericka Smith, May 15, 2023

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History


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00:00:00 - Introduction / Motivators for decision to pursue counseling

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Partial Transcript: All right. Today is Monday, May 15, 2023.

Segment Synopsis: Shericka Smith says is from Lexington, KY and a graduate of three universities in Kentucky. She also speaks briefly about an early experience that inspired her to become a counselor.

Keywords: Lexington (Ky.); Transylvania University; University of Kentucky; University of Louisville; social work; social workers

00:04:30 - Practicing social work over Zoom

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Partial Transcript: So, taking off from your background with healthcare

Segment Synopsis: Smith says had to be creative to think of ways to take care of others during the pandemic. She says she had her first Zoom client in 2020.

Keywords: COVID-19 (disease); Zoom (video conferencing platform); pandemics; social work; social workers

00:07:46 - Challenges and opportunities in connecting with people virtually

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Partial Transcript: What would you say were some of the challenges and opportunities in connecting with people virtually

Segment Synopsis: Smith says that relationships were affected in different ways due to the pandemic. Smith also briefly speaks about dating over Zoom.

Keywords: COVID-19; COVID-19 (disease); Zoom (video conferencing platform); dating; lockdowns; pandemics; relationships; social distancing

00:10:36 - Taking care of mental health

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Partial Transcript: I have a few follow-up questions.

Segment Synopsis: Smith says that taking care of her physical health in the pandemic also helped her mental health. She also speaks briefly about other hobbies she took on that supported her mental health.

Keywords: COVID-19 (disease); DIY; counseling; isolation; lockdowns; mental health; social distancing

00:16:39 - First time hearing about coronavirus

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Partial Transcript: When you first heard of coronavirus, where were you and what went through your mind?

Segment Synopsis: Smith says she first learned about coronavirus after an outbreak in New Orleans, where she had just visited. She also speaks briefly about the initial school lockdowns.

Keywords: COVID-19; COVID-19 (disease); New Orleans (La.); coronavirus; lockdowns; online learning; school systems

00:19:01 - Preparing schoolchildren for pandemic lockdowns

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Partial Transcript: And then at the time of the lockdown, because you worked with a school system

Segment Synopsis: Smith talks about the challenges of explaining the pandemic and lockdowns to children and preparing them for online learning.

Keywords: COVID-19; COVID-19 (disease); coronavirus; lockdowns; mental health; online learning; pandemics; school lockdowns

00:22:24 - Adapting to Zoom to remain connected to others

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Partial Transcript: And there was no blueprint because the last pandemic was about 100 years before

Segment Synopsis: Smith says she was not familiar with Zoom before the pandemic but ended up relying on it to connect with others.

Keywords: COVID-19; Facetime; Skype; Zoom (video conferencing platform); lockdowns; pandemics

00:24:29 - Moderating social media to protect mental health / Self-care routines in pandemic

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Partial Transcript: Okay. Going back to something you said earlier, which really struck me

Segment Synopsis: Smith explains how she advises clients with heavy social media use to take care of mental health. She also says that music is a big part of her self-care routine.

Keywords: COIVD-19; COVID-19 (disease); VERZUZ; counseling; cyberbullying; gospel music; lockdowns; mental health; self-care; social medias

00:31:12 - Deciding whether to take the COVID-19 vaccine

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Partial Transcript: So I’m going to switch gears a little bit and ask some questions about the public health response

Segment Synopsis: Smith describes the factors that contributed to her decision about whether to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Keywords: COVID-19; COVID-19 (disease); Guillain-Barré syndrome; immunizations; vaccine hesitancy; vaccines

00:36:33 - Restrictions lift / Maintaining relationships in a pandemic

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Partial Transcript: In June of 2021, there was a short period where the mandates lifted

Segment Synopsis: Smith describes how family, friends, and romantic relationships changed during the pandemic. Also, she says that she continued to follow pandemic precautions even though restrictions temporarily lifted.

Keywords: COVID-19 (disease); Zoom (video conferencing platform); lockdowns; masks; pandemics; social distancing

00:43:18 - Being mindful of sister's health

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Partial Transcript: So now I’ll go into--since we’re speaking about relationships and connections

Segment Synopsis: Smith says that taking care of sister, who has lupus, was her highest priority in the pandemic. She also says that taking care of herself was another main focus of hers.

Keywords: COVID-19 (disease); lupus; masks; pandemics; social distancing

00:45:55 - Pursuing a doctorate degree in a pandemic

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Partial Transcript: So Shericka, I’ll tell you that I do want to pause here and talk

Segment Synopsis: Smith describes her decision to pursue a doctorate in the pandemic. She also says she was part of the first graduating class of the Doctorate in Social Work program offered at University of Kentucky.

Keywords: COVID-19; University of Kentucky; graduations; online learning; pandemics

00:48:53 - Black men's childhood traumas inspired doctoral study

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Partial Transcript: During the pandemic there were multiple--what was referred to as pandemics within a pandemic

Segment Synopsis: Smith says that the topic of her doctoral capstone was to improve a method to assess adverse childhood experiences and traumas experienced by Black men.

Keywords: ACE; African Americans; Black men; adverse childhood experiences; childhood traumas; medical mistrusts; mental health; microagressions; traumas

00:55:04 - Racial justice, protests and altered friendships

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Partial Transcript: Well, there wasn’t so much a part two as I combined, you know, mental health and African American community into one question

Segment Synopsis: Smith describes the emotions she felt witnessing nationwide racial unrest and about her participation in one protest in Lexington, KY. She also briefly talks about her decision to cease contact with some people on Facebook.

Keywords: BLM; Black Lives Matter; Breonna Taylor; Facebook; George Floyd; Lexington (Ky.); Louisville (Ky.); Minneapolis (Mn.); activism; activists; mental health; protests; race relations; racial justice; racial tensions

01:01:40 - How pandemic experience influences approach to clients / Effect of the pandemic on the field of mental health

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Partial Transcript: And given that you made so many decisions, let’s say, to protect your own peace

Segment Synopsis: Smith explains how the pandemic influenced her approach to counseling clients. She also says that while the pandemic had negative consequences, it also had positive effects on mental health awareness.

Keywords: George Floyd; Minneapolis (Mn.); anxiety; counseling; depressions; mental health; police brutality; racial tensions; racisms; stresses; traumas

01:07:07 - Describing the COVID-19 experience in one word

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Partial Transcript: Okay. And if you could--we’ve talked about a lot of different things today.

Segment Synopsis: Smith describes how the many changes that occurred to her social, professional, and family lives in the pandemic lead her to describe it as "real".

Keywords: COVID-19; COVID-19 (disease); New Orleans (La.); pandemics

01:10:27 - Doctoral regalia commemorating accomplishment during COVID-19

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Partial Transcript: I’m going to ask you one more question about the pandemic, and that will be to tell me about an artifact.

Segment Synopsis: Smith says that her doctoral regalia is her COVID-19 artifact.

Keywords: African Americans; Black women; COVID-19; COVID-19 (disease); Counseling; Therapy; University of Kentucky; graduation; mental health; pandemics

01:14:48 - Reminiscing on COVID-19

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Partial Transcript: Well, Shericka, it’s been so great speaking to you.

Segment Synopsis: Smith says the interview helped her reflect on some things during the pandemic that she had forgotten.

Keywords: COVID-19; COVID-19 (disease); counseling; mental health; pandemics; traumas