Interview with Laura Ottaviani-Chacon, June 10, 2023

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History


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00:00:00 - Introduction / Background

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Partial Transcript: Ok, it is June 10th, 2023, uh, my name is Doug Boyd--

Segment Synopsis: Doug Boyd introduces Laura Ottaviani-Chacon. Ottaviani-Chacon describes growing up in Cincinnati and her life as a school teacher in Birmingham, Al. She discusses her relationship with Dan Becker who she will be donating a kidney to the week following the interview. Ottaviani-Chacon discusses her family, which she characterizes as "close-knit" and supportive.

Keywords: Birmingham, AL; Donor experiences; Family; Friendship; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Renal diseases; Surgery; Treatments; Cincinnati, OH

00:02:21 - Friendship with Dan Becker and teaching career

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Partial Transcript: Um, so, let's talk about Dan, and, you know, you sort of set the tone--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon discusses the origins of her friendship with Dan Becker in high school in the 1980s. She discusses some of her extracurricular activities in high school. Ottaviani-Chacon details her career as a teacher. Boyd and Ottaviani-Chacon discuss ongoing connections with their high school friend group.

Keywords: Birmingham Southern College; College; Donor experiences; Extracurricular activities; Friendships; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Mathematics; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Renal diseases; Social life; Surgery; Treatments; Turpin High School (Cincinnati, OH)

00:08:03 - Process of becoming an approved donor

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Partial Transcript: When did you become aware that Dan needed a Kidney?--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon describes learning of Dan Becker's need for a Kidney via social media. She describes contacting a transplant advocate to start the process of being tested for her donor compatibility. She recalls a lengthy process of meetings and tests. She says that while she was uncertain at first, being confirmed as a match reinforced her desire to go through with the procedure. Ottaviani-Chacon and Boyd associate her decision with her strong sense of conviction.

Keywords: Compatibility; Concerns; Conviction; Donor experiences; Doubts; Facebook; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Matching; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Social media; Surgery; Testing; Transplant advocates; Treatments; Uncertainty; Renal diseases

00:14:50 - Prior knowledge of the organ donation process

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Partial Transcript: So, what about the--before we go to the, the details, what was your knowledge of the process?--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon describes learning about the transplant procedure through information packets and her medical team. She says that as a result she has gained a deeper understanding of the function of the kidneys in the human body. Ottaviani-Chacon emphasizes that she has no hesitations going into this surgery and that her medical team has done their due diligence in preparing.

Keywords: Donor experience; Kidney diseases; Kidney transplants; Matching; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Renal diseases; Surgery; Testing; Treatments; Kidney donations

00:17:17 - Transplant matching, waiting, and testing

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Partial Transcript: So, so you are, you're moving forward. Um, now, walk me through the process--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon recalls agreeing to go through with the surgery after being confirmed as a match. She emphasizes that she was not the only person who came forward to be tested. Ottaviani-Chacon describes a lengthy process of testing and meetings to be approved to donate her kidney. She says she chose to have the surgery in Cincinnati, OH to simplify things logistically and be close to Becker.

Keywords: Blood tests; CAT scans; Cincinnati (Ohio); Computerized Axial Tomography; Donor advocates; Donor experiences; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Logistics; Match; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Renal diseases; Social workers; Surgery; Transplant advocates; Transplant process; Testing

00:21:49 - Transplant advocates and social workers

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Partial Transcript: So what's the--I get the, the advocate, because the advocate is there--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon describes the role of the professional transplant advocate in coordinating communications, testing, and medical appointments. She describes a personal connection with the advocate. Ottaviani-Chacon also discusses the role of social workers in determining her mental fitness in deciding to donate her kidney.

Keywords: Communication; Donor experiences; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Matching; Medical appointments; Medicine; Mental fitness; Mental wellness; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Social workers; Surgery; Testing; Transplant advocates; Treatments; Renal diseases

00:23:40 - Testing process and health insurance

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Partial Transcript: Um, cool, that's, that's amazing. So, okay, so, you're in this--let's go back to the initial, you know, you've gone through this initial--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon talks about receiving her initial test results and the need for a follow-up MRI in order to confirm her eligibility. At this time, she says she was diagnosed with a benign cyst, allowing her to proceed with surgery preparations. She discusses the need for comprehensive testing to determine a match and ensure viability of life with only one kidney. Ottaviani-Chacon describes how the insurance companies will handle the cost of the procedure.

Keywords: Donor experiences; Donors; Health insurance; Insurance companies; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Magnetic resonance imaging; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Renal diseases; Surgery; Test results; MRI

00:26:37 - Becoming a match for donating a kidney

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Partial Transcript: Are you in contact with Dan at this point?--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon reflects on deciding when to tell her friend Dan Becker that she had matched for donating her kidney to him. She discusses what it means to match for kidney donation, and her conversations with Dan Becker. She specifically remembers receiving the news from the transplant committee that she had successfully matched and sharing it with Becker.

Keywords: Dan Becker; Danny Becker; Donor experiences; Donor matches; Donor matching; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidneys; Matching; Medicine; Organ donations; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Renal diseases; Surgery; Testing; Treatments; Kidney transplants

00:30:54 - Receiving the news about being a match / Correcting vitamin deficiency

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Partial Transcript: So what--walk me through that day, like, tell me, like, the range of emotions you felt that day--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon describes her emotions the day she learned she is a donor match. She recalls the reactions of her coworkers to the news, saying it was a very emotional day. Ottaviani-Chacon says that through continued testing, it was discovered that some of her blood test numbers weren't right. She describes taking vitamin B12 injections which eventually improved her test results enough to continue with the operation.

Keywords: Blood tests; Cincinnati, OH; Donor experiences; Injections; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Matching; Medicine; Organ transplants; Surgery; Test results; Testing; Treatments; Vitamin B12; Vitamin deficiencies; Renal diseases

00:35:36 - Effects of vitamin B12 injections / Family reaction to the procedure

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Partial Transcript: I'm just curious, um, because I know people who do B12 shots, like, as part of--they have a deficiency--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon says that she is unable to determine the effects of the vitamin B12 injections. She describes her fears about the surgery, emphasizing that she doesn't have any doubts about going through with the procedure. Ottaviani-Chacon says she feels the stars aligned for this procedure to happen. She describes her family's mixed reactions to the procedure.

Keywords: Donor experiences; Injections; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Surgery; Treatments; Vitamin B12; Renal diseases

00:38:56 - Uncertainty about the surgery process

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Partial Transcript: Walk me through yesterday, because, you, you drove up here--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon describes packing her bags for six weeks and traveling for the procedure, not knowing if it would actually proceed due to her concerning test results. She describes later receiving a phone call from the hospital transplant advocate affirming the surgery would take place. Ottaviani-Chacon says that her primary care physician didn't really play a role in the transplant testing process.

Keywords: Blood tests; Cincinnati (Ohio); Donor experiences; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Primary care physicians; Surgery; Test results; Transplant advocates; Treatments; Renal diseases

00:42:03 - Logistics of the surgery / Recovery process

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Partial Transcript: I was just curious if like, you know, you do an old, like--hey fyi you're my primary care I'm, you know, I'm doing this--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon describes some of the logistical details of the surgery, including the removal of the sutures. She recalls the process of selecting which of her kidneys to donate and discusses the recovery process she will go through after the procedure. She describes some of the limitations she will have living with only one kidney, such as needing to regulate protein intake.

Keywords: Donor experiences; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Logistics; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Protein; Recovery process; Surgery; Sutures; Treatments; Renal diseases

00:48:44 - Differences between the recovery processes

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Partial Transcript: Um, so, how long are we talking about in terms of your recovery--

Segment Synopsis: Ottaviani-Chacon describes the length of her recovery. She details some of the limits on lifting and driving that she will face after the procedure and discusses some of the internal effects of the procedure and the differences between her recovery and Becker's. She details some of her concerns for Becker and his feelings. Ottaviani-Chacon describes joking with Becker about receiving one of her organs. She says she is going to get their families together before the procedure to help calm everyone's nerves.

Keywords: Donor experiences; Heavy lifting; Hospitalization; Immunosuppressants; Kidney diseases; Kidney donations; Kidney transplants; Medicine; Organ donors; Organ transplants; Recovery process; Rejection; Surgery; Treatments; Renal diseases