Interview with Uri Jeremias, July 24, 2023

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History
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00:00:00 - Introduction / Defining Israeli food

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Partial Transcript: Um, if you want to start, then I'll give a little introduction--

Segment Synopsis: Uri Jeremias is introduced as the owner of a seafood restaurant called Uri Buri in the Israeli costal town of Acre. He says that Israeli food means different things to different people because of the blending of different cuisines. Jeremias affirms that Israeli food is a mixture of experiences and cultures. He says the great variety of raw goods like fruits, spices, and vegetables that are available create ample space for innovations and allow them to do as they please at the restaurant.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Herbs; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisine; Israeli foods; Seafood; Spices; Uri Buri; Vegetables; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:03:23 - Family history and immigration to Israel

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Partial Transcript: Tell me, uh, I want to back up a little bit--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias describes how his maternal grandfather's involvement with the World Zionist Organization led him meeting his grandmother in Germany. He describes his grandmother's death, and his mother's subsequent immigration to Israel. Jeremias recalls his father's background and education at the first Jewish horticulture school in Germany, saying he eventually also immigrated to Israel in the 1930s. He describes his parent's lives, work, and eventual settlement in Nahariyya, Israel where Jeremias was born.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Agriculture; Background; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; First World War; First Zionist Congress; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; History; Horticulture; Horticulture school; Hybrid cuisines; Immigration; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Jewish people; Kibbutz; Nahariyya (Israel); Nazi Germany; Seafood; Second World War; The Holocaust; WW1; WW2; WWI; WWII; World War One; World War Two; World Zionist Organization; Zionism; Zionists; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:11:47 - Family composition

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Uh, you mentioned something interesting in one of the articles I read--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says that his parents fostered children throughout his childhood because many were orphaned due to the Holocaust. He recalls children coming and going from his house, some having emotional and behavioral issues as a result of the war. Jeremias describes staying in contact with three of his foster siblings over the years. He goes on to discuss the composition of his family, saying that he has three adult daughters of his own.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Food traditions; Foster children; Foster parents; Foster siblings; Fusion cuisines; Holocaust; Hybrid cuisines; Innovations; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Seafood; Second World War; WW2; WWII; World War Two; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:14:37 - Experiences with formal education

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, um, I understand that school was challenging, and that you enjoyed fishing--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says he wasn't very involved with school as a child because he has ADHD. Jeremias describes coming to an agreement to not interrupt class in exchange for being allowed to fish during the school day. This, he says, eventually caused him to be kicked out of school. Jeremias recalls travelling after leaving school, saying that he learned on his own about many different disciplines. He describes coming to view his ADHD as a blessing rather than a curse.

Keywords: ADHD; Acre (Israel); Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; Catching fish; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Education; Expulsion; Fishing; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid Cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Mental health; School dismissal; Seafood; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:17:31 - Motivations to enter the food industry

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Partial Transcript: When did you --------(??) have a sense that you might be interested in things connected with food--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says that his connection with the sea is ultimately what got him into cooking. He describes how food shortages led people to explore eating a wider variety of seafood. Jeremias says he didn't understand the social power of food until he began to travel in his early twenties. He describes the role of food in society, saying it can bind people of different cultures together.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli culture; Israeli foods; Seafood; Social importance; Social power; Travels; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:23:16 - Work after returning to Israel

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Partial Transcript: So, you came back to Israel after all those travels--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias recalls returning to Israel from his travels in 1969 when he shortly after fell in love with his wife, Yael. He recalls returning to help his father run a gas distribution company. Jeremias discusses his military service, starting as a mechanic and eventually joining a bomb disposal unit. He details briefly working for the United Nations. Eventually, he says, his friends convinced him to open a fish restaurant.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Bomb disposal units; Bomb squads; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Fish; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Gas distribution companies; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Marriage; Mechanics; Military enlistment; Military service; Restaurants; Seafood; Travels; United Nations; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:27:38 - Changing perceptions of The Uri Buri Restaurant

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Partial Transcript: But, um, the public was not, uh, right--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias recalls a poor initial reception of his restaurant, saying most people at that time expected to eat fried fish and that perceptions were slow to change, but Uri Buri eventually developed a cult following. Jeremias says that his restaurant didn't make a profit until its fifth year. He describes the origins of his restaurant's name. Jeremias says it took years before he was able to innovate freely, but now most people now order the tasting menu giving him creative liberty.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cult followings; Food industry; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Operating profits; Public perceptions; Public receptions; Restaurant industry; Seafood; Tasting menus; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:32:13 - Methods of recipe development

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Partial Transcript: So, you know, I've read that you, you like your recipes simple--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says that by principle he doesn't have any rules, but he typically keeps the number of ingredients in his recipes low because humans have limited ability to discern between sensations. He describes the typical composition of his dishes. Jeremias says he doesn't have a set process for developing recipes; rather, they arise out of need, like when he's asked to cook for a special occasion or event.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Compositions; Cooking principles; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Ingredients; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Recipes; Seafood; Special occasions; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:35:42 - Moving The Uri Buri Restaurant / The benefit of large bites

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Partial Transcript: So, at a certain point you moved the restaurant--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says it wasn't his decision to move Uri Buri from Nahariyya to Acre. He briefly reviews how he develops recipes, going on to say he moved restaurant location because of a corrupt mayor in Nahariyya who was offended by his political dissent. Dr. Janice Fernheimer then tries some of the restaurant's food. While Dr. Fernhemier eats, Jeremias describes the benefits of taking large bites, saying it allows one to better appreciate textures.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Corruption; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Disagreements; Dr. Janice Fernheimer; Flavors; Food textures; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Ingredients; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Nahariyya (Israel); Political dissent; Politicians; Recipes; Seafood; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:44:15 - Determining the tasting menu

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Partial Transcript: So, how long did it take you to, like, you know, come to each one of the items on the tasting menu--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says that the tasting menu is never fixed; rather, it's something that changes based upon the characteristics of the party that's sharing it, like allergies, likes, and dislikes. He says that each dish is designed to be different from one another and combine to form a rich experience. Jeremias affirms that his dishes never fall neatly into one category or cultural tradition. He says that he doesn't label his food as Israeli because it cannot be found anywhere else.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Allergies; Categories; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultural traditions; Cultures; Dislikes; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Ingredients; Innovations; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Likes; Recipes; Seafood; Tastes; Tasting menus; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:46:57 - Defining Israeli food

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Partial Transcript: Uh, so, so, that's interesting, that, you know, you've--it's your taste, your kitchen--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says that his food doesn't belong to a particular category, but accepts that others consider it Israeli cuisine. He describes his personal definition of Israeli food, focusing on the usage of different vegetables to create a wide variety of combinations. Dr. Fernheimer pauses to try one of the restaurant's dishes, describing its texture and flavor.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid Cuisines; Israeli cuisine; Israeli foods; Recipe development; Recipies; Seafood; Vegetables; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:50:18 - Sources of culinary inspiration

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Partial Transcript: How do you--where do you draw your inspiration--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias describes the source of his inspiration in recipe development. He details his creative process which often involves sampling ingredients at local markets. Dr. Fernheimer then tries a few more dishes served at the Uri Buri Restaurant. He discusses the reasoning behind his dishes, saying the goal is always to complement the seafood. Jeremias says that portion sizes at his restaurant are calculated to provide customers with a variety of experiences.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Creative processes; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Food markets; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Portion sizes; Recipe development; Recipes; Seafood; Vendors; The Uri Buri Restaurant

00:54:31 - Destruction of The Uri Buri Restaurant / Cooking demonstration

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Partial Transcript: So, I understand that where we're sitting now didn't exist a few years ago because the restaurant was targeted--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias details the destruction of his restaurant and hotel in 2021 at the hands of rioters. He describes his team of employees as the best in the world, saying he feared they would leave as a result of the incident. He says that just two weeks later they were working again in a temporary location. Jeremias and Dr. Fernheimer then briefly stop the interview to go into the restaurant's kitchen for a cooking demonstration. This begins at 56:30 and ends at 1:06:30.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Arson; Civil unrest; Cooking; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Demonstrations; Destruction; Employees; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Innovations; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Presentations; Riots; Seafood; The Efendi Hotel; The Uri Buri Restaurant

01:06:36 - Importance of simplicity / Reopening the restaurant

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Partial Transcript: So, this is--

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Fernheimer tries a barramundi and cauliflower based dish. Jeremias describes the recipe and reasoning behind its simplicity, saying extra ingredients would detract from the character of the seafood. Jeremias details the process of reopening after his restaurant was destroyed. He discusses the role of his military training in navigating the situation without panicking. Dr. Fernheimer tries another dish from the restaurant.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Arson; Barramundi; Bomb defusal; Bomb squads; Cauliflower; Civil unrest; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Military training; Minimalism; Recipe development; Recipes; Riots; Seafood; Simplicity in food; The Uri Buri Restaurant

01:10:28 - Developing an innovative style in the kitchen

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Partial Transcript: So how did you perfect your style over the years?

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says that he developed his culinary style by applying lessons learned over time to his cooking. He emphasizes that his style is constantly changing and that ingredients can be paired in different ways to make novel dishes. Jeremias describes the different goals he has for his customers' experiences and recognizes that his restaurant promotes a very unique conception of Israeli culture, saying this has granted him liberty to be innovative in the kitchen.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Cooking; Cooking styles; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Customer experiences; Food innovations; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Ingredients; Israel cultures; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Lessons; Recipe development; Recipes; Seafood; The Uri Buri Restaurant

01:17:26 - Size of The Uri Buri Restaurant and its community impact

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Partial Transcript: Do you like this?--

Segment Synopsis: Dr. Fernheimer tries a mango salad, discussing the importance of texture and flavor. The two pause to eat from 1:18:45 to 1:23:30. Jeremias goes on to detail the number of employees he has and how many customers he serves throughout the year. He describes some of the factors that impact the number of customers on a given day.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Clientele; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Customers; Employees; Flavor; Food textures; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Political climates; Politics; Seafood; The Uri Buri Restaurant

01:24:56 - Values as a restaurateur

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Partial Transcript: Uh, so, I wonder if you could tell me--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias says that you can't compare restaurants based upon only quantity of customers served, emphasizing the importance of standards. He describes some of his values as a restaurateur, detailing the importance of taking responsibility for both successes and failures. He says one must develop their own expectations and stick to them.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Customers; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Responsibility; Restaurateurs; Seafood; Standards; The Uri Buri Restaurant

01:28:07 - Commitment to creating a peaceful future

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Partial Transcript: So, what do you think, you know, I understand--

Segment Synopsis: The Uri Buri Restaurant is described as a symbol of coexistence, which Jeremias thinks caused his businesses to be targeted during the 2021 riots. He details his commitment to creating a better future for the next generation by promoting peace. He describes some important tools in combatting radicalization. Jeremias emphasizes we all have the same interests, saying his restaurant with its social environment and dedicated employees proves this concept.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Arson; Civil unrest; Coexistence; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Harmony; Hybrid cuisines; Innovations; Israel 2021 riots; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Palestine; Peace; Posterity; Radicalization; Radicals; Riots; Seafood; The Uri Buri Restaurant

01:34:56 - Financial success / Current endeavors in the food industry

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, restaurant business is hard--it's hard work--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias describes the key to financial success in the food industry, saying one must develop a unique way of evaluating things. Jeremias details some current endeavors like working for Gavan, a company that is developing plant-based ingredients. He describes some of the company's products and their advantages. The two taste a low-calorie vegan cream developed by the company. Jeremias discusses the importance of innovation in cooking.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Food industry; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Gavan; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Low-calorie foods; Plant-based fats; Plant-based ingredients; Plant-based proteins; Seafood; Vegan cream; Vegan foods; The Uri Buri Restaurant

01:44:02 - Advice to students / Ice cream tasting

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Partial Transcript: I guess, are there any things that I haven't asked you--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias gives advice to Dr. Fernheimer's students, emphasizing the importance of being original and trusting yourself. From 1:45:00 to 1:55:00 the two sample the restaurant's ice cream, spending several minutes discussing the specialty flavors and their methods of production.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Flavors; Food culture; Food traditions; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Ice cream; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Seafood; Textures; The Uri Buri Restaurant

01:55:21 - The importance of balance and standards in the food industry

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Partial Transcript: Thank you for the honor of talking with you--

Segment Synopsis: Jeremias emphasizes that cooking doesn't need to be complicated; rather, everything must be balanced. He says that high standards are important in cooking. Jeremias tells a story about a man who hugged him after him after his meal not because he enjoyed the food, but because of the sense of community they shared through the restaurant environment. They discuss the unique nature of the Uri Buri Restaurant.

Keywords: Acre (Israel); Balance; Community; Complexity; Culinary fusions; Culinary traditions; Cultures; Environment; Fusion cuisines; Hybrid cuisines; Israeli cuisines; Israeli foods; Kindness; Minimalism; Seafood; Simplicity; Standards; food traditions; The Uri Buri Restaurant