Interview with Alex Smith, July 14, 2023

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History
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00:00:01 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: Thanks Jesse. Uh, I'm here with Alex Smith, this is Lauren Cagle and were doing an interview for the Kentucky Climate Consortium

Segment Synopsis: Alex Smith is introduced as part of a oral history project for the Kentucky Climate Consortium. Smith introduces himself as a Lexington resident who has a passion for climate change, and talks about how this initial interest in solar energy has evolved into his full-time career. Smith also briefly references his time and training doing greenhouse gas inventories.

Keywords: Climate change; Climate research; Greenhouse gas inventories; Lexington (Ky.); Oral histories; Policy-making in Kentucky; Solar energy; Kentucky Climate Consortium

00:05:02 - Kentucky roots

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, I grew up in South Central Kentucky in Glasglow, Kentucky, Barren County. Um, I moved in 8th grade to Louisville, Kentucky, um, which some might argue isn't Kentucky.

Segment Synopsis: Smith talks about his upbringing in Kentucky and how his roots have shaped him as a person. He expresses how he is specifically drawn to doing environmental work in Kentucky and that this notion drives his passion in a special way. He mentions his upbringing and how it has impacted him professionally; specifically he shares a story where his Dad taught him an influential lesson on littering as well as how his Dad was always very product conscious.

Keywords: Barren County (Ky.); Environment; Environmental work; Glasgow (Ky.); Kentucky; Louisville (Ky.); Littering

00:13:08 - College and beginning of first career

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Partial Transcript: So then when you went to college, Vanderbilt, for were you engineering all the way through? Or you knew that's what you wanted to do?

Segment Synopsis: Smith talks about his time at Vanderbilt University and his studies in Mechanical engineering. He discusses his back and forth internal debate on what he "wanted to do when he grew up" and whether that was going to be connected to engineering or not. He says his first job was at a software consulting company in Atlanta, Georgia that specialized in health care, which wasn't his ideal job but since he wanted to do something that made a difference in the world it was a good fit.

Keywords: Atlanta (Ga.); Healthcare; Healthcare industry; Mechanical engineering; Software consulting; Vanderbilt University

00:18:09 - The jump into climate research and solar training

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Partial Transcript: Because of this person I'd been talking to, I decided to research climate change a lot more and was really learning about the impacts and sea level rise.

Segment Synopsis: Smith says his interest in climate change was sparked by a client as the software company he was working for. He started his research with sea level rise after a vacation where he was faced with the reality that a location on the coast that he cherishes may not be there in the future. Smith says this lead to his drive to get solar training and research solar energy to get involved with the renewable energy field. He carried out his training in Colorado all while working a a local bed & breakfast.

Keywords: Climate change; Colorado; Renewable energy; Sea level rise; Solar Energy International; Solar energy; Solar panels; Solar training; Sustainability; Climate Change

00:27:35 - Entering the solar work force

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Partial Transcript: I want to like really learn and soak up from somebody who is just an expert in this stuff. Um, thats really all I had in mind.

Segment Synopsis: Smith talks about finishing his solar training and then venturing on to his job hunt within the solar industry, hoping to be an apprentice. He discusses cold calling companies and to his surprise getting a call back from Steve Whitman at Solar Energy Solutions in Lexington, Kentucky, from whom he accepted a solar design job as a design engineer.

Keywords: Cold calling; Design engineers; Lexington (Ky.); Solar Energy Solutions; Solar energy; Steve Whitman; Solar design

00:32:33 - Net metering and lobbying in Kentucky

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Partial Transcript: It was really complicated because of net metering here in Kentucky and, um, fundamentally being a regulated utility market with, uh, primarily large, for-profit utility companies who really had a lot of influence.

Segment Synopsis: Smith talks about what net metering is and how it impacts the solar and energy industries. He discusses the net metering process and how radical he thinks it is for the industry and especially for the individual consumer or business. Smith also talks about the influence and debate around the utility bill in Kentucky from 2015. He references the committees he attended and how little understanding many of the individuals involved in them had, which, in turn, further drove his urge to fight against this bill and to speak up about this matter.

Keywords: Energy industry; Kentucky Utility Bill; Solar energy; Solar industry; Utility market; Net metering

00:42:52 - Solar energy in Kentucky

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Partial Transcript: There aren't a lot of installers here. There's three that I can think of that have been around for any significant amount of time.

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses local solar companies within Kentucky as well as the individuals Smith deems to be the "godfather's of solar in Kentucky" who are Matt Partymiller and Steve Ricketts. Smith talks about the influence of the Kentucky Solar Industries Association with the utility bill issues, and mentions that he designed the associations logo so he felt even closer to the industry and the associations cause. He also talks about how net metering and the bill continued to influence his job as well as the conversations within his solar job and the frustrations this caused.

Keywords: Matt Partymiller; Net metering; Solar Energy Solutions; Solar energy; Steve Ricketts; Sustainability; Synergy; Wilderness Trace; Kentucky Solar Industries Association

00:53:40 - Utility bill stance in Kentucky

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Partial Transcript: So what has ended up, what's the current situation in Kentucky?

Segment Synopsis: Smith talks about the current situation of the utility bill when he left Solar Energy Solutions. This has to do with utility rate cases and the logistics behind it. He goes into detail on more specifics surrounding it as well as other utility lobbying tactics.

Keywords: Lobbying; Logistics; Rate cases; Utilities; Utility bills; Kentucky

00:56:55 - Starting at Schneider Electric

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Partial Transcript: Okay so you leave Solar EnergySolutions in 2020, 2020, February the 28th I started at Schneider March 2nd 2020.

Segment Synopsis: Smith talks about his experience starting at Schneider Electric during the start of the COVID pandemic. He became a solutions architect at the company through a neighbor's connection as he wanted to become more involved in broader sustainability notions and services. He also talks a bit about his role, and what it looked like day to day in terms of consulting and looking at sustainability programs. More specifically ideals surrounding public disclosure of emissions, ESG, net-zero targets, and scope emissions was something he says he had a large focus on when consulting with various clients.

Keywords: COVID-19 (disease); Consulting; ESG; Emissions disclosure; Net-zero targets; Solutions architects; Sustainability Services; Schneider Electric

01:06:25 - Reflecting on career and sustainability targets

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Partial Transcript: How good that was for me, um, yeah , learning the depths of--

Segment Synopsis: Smith reflects on his targets and role as a Solutions Architect and his overall realization that on both an industry and society level, we have an absurdly long way to go in terms of sustainability. He expresses how many of his clients wanted an easy solution in conversations on climate change, but that this is really not possible especially through solar energy. He says that climate change is not a problem that can just be solved, and discusses how this is a notion he wrestled with throughout his time at Schneider and still today as no one really is ready to have this grim conversation.

Keywords: Climate Grief; Climate change; Renewable Energy Solutions; Solutions Architect; Sustainability; Solar Energy

01:14:34 - Battling climate grief

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Partial Transcript: You, why you decided to leave and do something else? Oh I quit because my mental health was in such a bad place, I couldn't keep doing what I was doing.

Segment Synopsis: Alex expresses how he had to remove himself from his job at Schneider Electric in order to better his mental health and links this to topics of climate grief and dissonance he was facing. He discusses being involved with the Good Grief Network program that has a purpose in confronting climate grief, which he goes in detail about his experience. Topics of climate change, emissions, pollution, etc are brought up as well.

Keywords: Biodiversity loss; Carbon emissions; Good Grief Network; Mental health; Pollution; Schneider Electric; Sustainability; Climate grief

01:18:32 - Starting as an outreach specialist

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Partial Transcript: I continue to go back in forth on, is working in this stuff full-time the right thing for me?

Segment Synopsis: Smith talks about his internal conflict when thinking about his career as a whole and if any job he takes up is really doing good for the planet at all. He also talks briefly about starting as an Outreach Specialist with Bluegrass Greensource. He also discusses his relationship with his partner, Rachael, who is also involved in environmental work.

Keywords: Bluegrass Greensource; Civil disobedience; Environmental work; Environmentalism; Sustainability; Outreach specialists

01:25:42 - Climate Conversations

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Partial Transcript: Yeah, so actually speaking of, now, um, is maybe the time to talk about Climate Conversations.

Segment Synopsis: Smith discusses what Climate Conversations are and how he got involved directly. He defines them as a group of concerned citizens who hold space for conversation about climate change and the feelings surrounding it without any rush to solve climate change. He says that the group has a card game involved as well as monthly meetings and talks about his experiences throughout his involvement in climate conversations so far and how they have made him feel.

Keywords: Civil disobedience; Climate change; Sustainability; Sustainability summits; Climate Conversations