Interview with Carla Harris Carlton, November 2, 2023

Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History


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00:00:00 - Introduction / Effect of COVID-19 on the bourbon industry

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Partial Transcript: Did I hit the wrong button--

Segment Synopsis: Carla Harris Carlton shares her thoughts on how COVID-19 has effected distilleries and the relationship consumers had with alcohol during the pandemic. Carlton also delves into her writing career during COVID-19. She then talks about the virtual landscape in journalism and the bourbon industry after the pandemic.

Keywords: Accessibility; Alcohol accessibility; Career adaptability; Cocktails; Community; Consumer relationships; Magazine production; Mixology; Quarantine; Social traditions; Tourism; Virtual alcohol tastings; COVID-19 (disease)

00:13:14 - The current landscape of distilleries and Carlton's upcoming work

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Partial Transcript: You've written an excellent book--

Segment Synopsis: Carlton describes the process of writing a book and her current research interests that influence her writing. She outlines different elements of the distillery industry as well as the background of the industry's incoming workforce. She also discusses the cost of starting a distillery and the rise of contract distilling in the past few years.

Keywords: Bardstown Bourbon Company; Bourbon; Chemical engineering; Contract distilling; Custom distilling; Distillation courses; Distillery costs; Distillery workforce; Field research; Geographic prevalence of distilleries; Job markets; Journalism; Kentucky Bourbon Trail Craft Tour; Literature; KBTCT

00:22:51 - Culture shifts in bourbon

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Partial Transcript: I'm gonna switch gears a little bit--

Segment Synopsis: Carlton explains the culture shift in the bourbon industry that has lead to the inclusion of more women. She describes both the part women play as a consumer for the industry but also the women working for distilleries. She notes that the culture shift in the industry has lead to significant growth.

Keywords: Bourbon Plus magazine; Bourbon Women; Bourbon industry; Consumers; Cultural shifts; Distillery culture; Distillery industry; Gender inclusivity; Gender stereotypes; Gendered marketing; Kentucky Bourbon; Marketing; Tourism; Sexism

00:28:15 - Bourbon Plus

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Partial Transcript: --and then Bourbon Plus--

Segment Synopsis: Carlton talks about her career as a journalist with the national magazine Bourbon Plus. She describes the basic elements of the magazines production and its content.

Keywords: Bourbon Plus; Bourbon industry; Columnists; Journalism; Journalists; Magazine productions; Magazines; Online platforms; Print products; Readerships; Spirit coverage; Technological changes to journalism; Bourbon Plus Magazine

00:34:15 - Women in journalism and the distillery industry

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Partial Transcript: So along those lines--

Segment Synopsis: Carlton revisits her experiences in journalism and bourbon as a woman and how that has effected her experience. She discusses the large population of women in the distillery industry and their influence continues to grow. Carlton observes that as the representation of women increases that the bias against women in distilleries and journalism is decreasing.

Keywords: Bias; Bourbon industry; Distilleries; Gender bias; Gender diversity; Gender inclusivity; Gendered language; Journalism; Microaggressions; Representation; Representation for women; Sexism; The Bourbon Babe; Whiskey Fest; Women in the workforce; Networking

00:48:07 - Conclusion

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Partial Transcript: Well this has been fantastic and--

Segment Synopsis: Carlton concludes her interview by providing a warning about misinformation in the media and shares her thoughts about the direction media and literature is taking currently.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Attitudes of distillers; Journalism; Literature; Media industry; Misinformation; Podcasts; The effect of technology on journalism; Critical reading